Centre for Genomic & Experimental Medicine
Centre for Genomic & Experimental Medicine

Generation Scotland - Leading the way in biobank data access for research

Generation Scotland is leading the way in biobank data access for research. December 2018

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Generation Scotland is the first cohort to provide data to a new platform hosted by the UKCRC Tissue Directory and Coordination Centre, Nottingham (UKCRC TDCC), provisioned by BC Platforms and supported by Health Data Research UK.

The plan is that other UK biobanks will follow Generation Scotland’s lead, with the objective to enhance access and optimise study design within and between cohorts.

Generation Scotland is a population and family based cohort with deep phenotyping, genetic annotation and extensive linkage to the longstanding and comprehensive NHS Scotland electronic health records. Adding the Generation Scotland data to this new platform meets the core HDR UK mission - to develop and apply cutting edge data science approaches that address pressing health research challenges.

For further details, visit the BC Platforms Press Release.


If you would like to know more about the partners involved, you can visit their websites below:

UKCRC Tissue Directory

BC Platforms

Health Data Research UK

NHS Scotland Electronic Health Records