Season one
Find transcripts for all episodes of Sharing things season one.
Transcript for 1.1 Prince and Kezia

Transcript for Sharing things 1.1 Prince and Kezia.
Transcript for 1.2 Lori and Russell

Transcript for Sharing things 1.2 Lori and Russell.
Transcript for 1.3 Rosie and Melanie

Transcript for Sharing things 1.3 Rosie and Melanie.
Transcript for 1.4 Beth and Udita

Transcript for Sharing things episode 1.4 Beth and Udita
Transcript for 1.5 Srishti and Abrisham

Transcript for Sharing things episode 1.5 Srishti and Abrisham.
Transcript for 1.6 Anne and Hadrien

Transcript for Sharing things 1.6 Anne and Hadrien.
Transcript for 1.7 Geoff and David

Transcript for Sharing things episode 1.7 Geoff and David.
Transcript for 1.8 Martha and Julia

Transcript for Sharing things 1.8 Martha and Julia
Transcript for 1.9 Beth and Catherine

In this episode, Beth Fellows and Catherine Wilson talk about winning, empowerment, challenges and more.
Transcript for 1.10 Ross and Catherine (Christmas special)

Transcript for Sharing things 1.10 Ross and Catherine (Christmas special)
Transcript for the season one assortment

Transcript for Sharing things: season one assortment