Alumni Services

James Telfer Inglis

Well travelled linguist, James Telfer Inglis talks about identifying your limits and the value of learning to network.

Name James Telfer Inglis
Degree Course MA (Hons) French with Russian and Economics
Year of Graduation 1962
James Telfer Inglis

Your time at the University

I chose Edinburgh as it was my home town and because my mother had graduated from there in the late twenties.

During my time at the University I was president of the French Society and particularly enjoyed organising a wine tasting event at the Institut Francais. It was a great occasion, but also very useful, as it helped me identify my drinking limits!

I had a super year abroad in Nice, and also took a party of French people round Scotland for a week, and a party of Russians round Edinburgh for a day.

Tell us about your Experiences since leaving the University

I have been retired for several years now, and currently live in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern in the former DDR.

My working life was extremely varied as I spent over 20 years in industry in a number of different European countries, including France, Germany, Belgium and Switzerland. I also worked for periods in Thailand and the USA.

Alumni wisdom

Make the most of your stay at University. Take the time to learn, but also learn how to network.