Academic Services

Senatus Academicus

The Senatus Academicus (Senate) is the University's supreme academic body.

The core function of the Senate is to regulate and superintend the teaching and discipline of the University and to promote research. The Senate is chaired by the Principal & Vice-Chancellor.

Senate meets three times per year. At each meeting, Senate hosts a presentation and discussion session which is open to all members of staff.

The Senate Exception Committee can be convened to make urgent formal business decisions between meetings of Senate. For further information, please see 'Conduct of Senate Business' below. 

Senate Elections – Academic staff members

Information on Senate elections

Senate Professional Services staff positions

The role of a Senate member and the names of the Professional Services staff representatives.

Senate Standing Committee elections

Information for Senate members interested in standing for election to a Senate Standing Committee

Role of the Senate and its Committees

Information on the role and powers of Senate and resources for Senate members

Conduct of Senate Business

The operation of Senate and format of meetings.

Agendas, papers and minutes

Agendas, papers and minutes for Senate and E-Senate.

Senate Support Team

  • Academic Services

Contact details



Old College
South Bridge

Olivia Hayes

Academic Policy Officer

Contact details

Arlene Duffin

Administrative Assistant

Contact details