Academic Services

Academic Policy and Regulations Committee

The Academic Policy and Regulations Committee (APRC) is responsible for the University's framework of academic policy and regulation. Previously this Committee was known as the Curriculum and Student Progression Committee (CSPC) until the end of 2018/19.

Terms of reference

The Academic Policy and Regulations Committee is responsible, on behalf of the Senatus, for the University's framework of academic policy and regulation, apart from those aspects which are primarily parts of the Quality Assurance Framework.

Committee members

Committee membership of APRC.

Agendas, papers and minutes

Committee agendas, papers and minutes for APRC (from 2019/20) and for CSPC (to 2018/19).

Dates of meetings

Meeting dates for academic year 2024/25

Task groups

Task groups consider particular issues and report to APRC (previously CSPC).


Cristina Matthews

Academic Policy Officer

Contact details