Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine

- Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences
- UK Dementia Research Institute
- Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
Contact details
- Email: zoeb.jiwaji@ed.ac.uk
2005 - BA(Hons) University of Cambridge (First Class).
2008 - MBBCh Clinical Medicine and Surgery - University of Oxford (Distinction).
2008 - 2015 Foundation and Specialty Training in Anaesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine - Edinburgh.
2012 - Membership of the Royal College of Physicians.
2014 - Fellowship of the Royal College of Anaesthetists (Magill Prize winner).
2015 - Wellcome/ ECAT PhD training fellowship (supervised by Giles Hardingham and Siddharthan Chandran).
2018 - Clinical Lecturer- UK Dementia Research Institute and Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences, University of Edinburgh.
2021 - Fellowship of the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (FFICM Prize Winner)
2022 - Senior Clinical Research Fellow and Honorary Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, NHS Lothian
Research summary
My research focuses on the molecular mechanisms that underlie homeostasis and resilience in the brain, and how these might be disrupted during critical illness.
Z. Jiwaji, G. E. Hardingham, Good, bad, and neglectful: Astrocyte changes in neurodegenerative disease. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 182, 93–99 (2022).
Z. Jiwaji, S. S. Tiwari, R. X. Avilés-Reyes, M. Hooley, D. Hampton, M. Torvell, D. A. Johnson, J. McQueen, P. Baxter, K. Sabari-Sankar, J. Qiu, X. He, J. Fowler, J. Febery, J. Gregory, J. Rose, J. Tulloch, J. Loan, D. Story, K. McDade, A. M. Smith, P. Greer, M. Ball, P. C. Kind, P. M. Matthews, C. Smith, O. Dando, T. L. Spires-Jones, J. A. Johnson, S. Chandran, G. E. Hardingham, Reactive astrocytes acquire neuroprotective as well as deleterious signatures in response to Tau and Aß pathology. Nature Commun. 13, 135 (2022).
P. Hasel, O. Dando*, Z. Jiwaji*, P. Baxter, A. C. Todd, S. Heron, N. M. Márkus, J. McQueen, D. W. Hampton, M. Torvell, S. S. Tiwari, S. McKay, A. Eraso-Pichot, A. Zorzano, R. Masgrau, E. Galea, S. Chandran, D. J. A. Wyllie, T. I. Simpson, G. E. Hardingham, Neurons and neuronal activity control gene expression in astrocytes to regulate their development and metabolism. Nature Commun. 8, 15132 (2017). (*Equal contribution)
Z. Jiwaji, K. P. Nunn, A. Conway-Morris, A. J. Simpson, D. Wyncoll, A. G. Rossi, T. S. Walsh, Leukoreduced blood transfusion does not increase circulating soluble markers of inflammation: a randomized controlled trial. Transfusion 54, 2404-2411 (2014).
Z. Jiwaji, S. Brady, L. a. McIntyre, A. Gray, T. S. Walsh, Emergency department management of early sepsis: a national survey of emergency medicine and intensive care consultants. Emerg. Med. J., 1–6 (2013).
T. C. Hughes, Z. Jiwaji, K. Lally, A. Lloyd-Lavery, A. Lota, A. Dale, R. Janas, C. J. Bulstrode, Advanced Cardiac Resuscitation Evaluation (ACRE): a randomised single-blind controlled trial of peer-led vs. expert-led advanced resuscitation training. Scand. J. Trauma Resusc. Emerg. Med. 18, 3 (2010).
Z. Jiwaji, E. R. A. Parker, J. T. H. Thevanayagam, A. Naburi, H. Grossmann, Hearing impairment in Tanzanians with albinism. Int. Health. 1, 178–181 (2009).