Yuqing Liu
Lecturer in Chinese Studies

- Asian Studies
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact details
- Email: yuqing.liu@ed.ac.uk
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Room 4.18,
50 George Square - City
- Edinburgh
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- EH8 9LH
Office Hours: Tuesdays 14:00-15:00
Yuqing Liu joined the Department of Asian Studies at the University of Edinburgh in spring 2024. Prior to this, she was a lecturer in Asian Studies at the University of British Columbia, where she also completed her PhD. She received her MA from National Taiwan University and her BA from Fudan University.
Yuqing specialises in late imperial Chinese literature, multilingual poetry, and language politics. Her current book project, "Pidgin Poetics," examines the appropriation and adaptation of pidgin in Chinese and English literatures from the eighteenth to the early twentieth century. This study uncovers the history and aesthetics of pidgin in China and explores its diverse roles in shaping Chinese language and literature.
Responsibilities & affiliations
Departmental Deputy Director of Research
Undergraduate teaching
- Society and Culture in Pre-modern East Asia
- Modern East Asian History
- Chinese Literature (Pre-modern)
Research summary
My research spans a wide range of topics in late imperial Chinese literature, including its impact on and adaptations in modern literature and film. My current research interests include 1) the transnational, translocal and transmedia circulation of Chinese Pidgin English, 2) Sinitic poetry in multilingual settings and periods of transformation, 3) the interplay between dictionaries and literary writings, and 4) maritime history and literature.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
“Polyphonic Poetics: Reading Yang Shaoping’s Pidgin Bamboo Branch Lyrics.” Modern Chinese Literature and Culture 35, no.1 (2023): 1-27.
“Sinicizing European Languages: Lexicographical and Literary Practices of Pidgin English in Nineteenth-Century China.” Sungkyun Journal of East Asian Studies 22, no. 2 (2022): 135-158.
Book Chapters
“Ghosts from the Future: Countdown Temporalities in the Film Rouge.” In Issues of Far Eastern Literature, 322-337. St. Petersburg: St. Petersburg State University Press, 2022.
“The Images of Time in the Poetry of Qi and Liang Dynasties.” Chinese Literature and Culture, 12-29. Macao: Macao University Press, 2015.
Book Reviews
Review of Dialect and Nationalism in China, 1860–1960, by Gina Anne Tam. Chinese Literature Today 9, no. 2 (November 2020): 91-92.
Conference details
As Presenter
"Redefining Boundaries: Pidgin English in Times of Chinese Language Reforms and War" Annual Conference of ACLA, Montreal. March 14-16, 2024.
“One Mouth Many Languages: Reading Pan Youdu’s ‘Odes to Western Ocean’,” Oceans and Empires: Sinophone Crossroads in Global Space and Time, The Pennsylvania State University. May 12-13, 2023.
“Chinese Whispers: Mediating Foreign Sounds in Pan Youdu’s ‘Odes to Western Ocean’” Annual Conference of AAS, Boston. March 16-19, 2023.
“Polyphonic Poetics: Pidgin English in Nineteenth Century Chinese Poetry,” Biennial Conference of EACS, Palacký University Olomouc. August 24-27, 2022.
“Translating Everyday Life in Shanghai: Yang Shaoping’s ‘Bamboo Branch Lyrics,’” Biennial Conference of ACCL, National Taiwan University. June 20-22, 2022.
“Sinicizing European Languages: Lexicographical and Literary Practices of Pidgin English in Nineteenth-Century China,” Berkeley-Stanford Graduate Conference, UC Berkeley. April 22-24, 2022.
“Pidgin Poetics: Pidgin English in Nineteenth Century Chinese Poetry in Canton and Shanghai,” Annual Conference of AAS, Honolulu. March 25-27, 2022.
“From Canton to Shanghai: Circulation of Pidgin English Dictionaries in Nineteenth Century China,” 2021 International Conference on Ming-Qing Studies, Academia Sinica. September 15-17, 2021.
“Fantasizing Women in the Bathhouse: The Gender Space in the Film Shower,” Biennial Conference of EACS, Leipzig, Germany. August 24-27, 2021.
“Translingual Practices on the Street,” Duke Critical Asian Humanities Workshop, Duke University. April 16, 2021
“Body of Ghosts: Empowering the Female Ghosts in Hong Kong Cinema,” the 9th International Conference “Issues of Far Eastern Literatures”, St. Petersburg University. January 28-30, 2021.
“Exile or Return: (De)Constructing a Sense of Place in Chinese Minyao Music,” Biennale Conference of ACCL, Changsha, China. July 17-19, 2019.
“Body, Medicine, and Ghost: The Narrative Function of Diseases in Jin Ping Mei Cihua,” Late Imperial Chinese Literature Workshop, UCLA. February 01, 2018.
“Antidote or Poison: Aphrodisiac in Jin Ping Mei Cihua,” the 72nd Annual Convention of Rocky Mountain Modern Language Association (RMMLA). October 03-06, 2018.
As Panel Organiser
“Voicing Identity: Poetry, Songs, and Theater in Transcultural Interactions,” Biennale Conference of Association of Chinese Comparative Literature (ACCL), National Taiwan University. June 20-22, 2022.
“Imagining a Watery World: Aquatic Animals, Water Calamities, and Bathing Rituals in Chinese Literature and Cinema,” Biennial Conference of European Association for Chinese Studies (EACS), Leipzig, Germany. August 24-28, 2021.
“Body as Strategies in Contemporary China: The Multiplicity of the Body in Literature, Media, and Social Practice,” Annual Conference of AAS-in-Asia, Kobe, Japan. August 31-Sep 04, 2020.