Yu-Mei Li
PhD Psychology

- Psychology
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
Contact details
- Email: yu-mei.li@ed.ac.uk
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- City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
Undergraduate teaching
Psychology 2 (Year 2, 2015-2017)
Critical Analysis (Year 3, 2015-2018)
Challenge week (October 2015)
Activity week (February and October 2017)
School of Philosophy, Psychology, and Language Sciences (PPLS) Writing Centre appointments (2017-2018)
Psychology Outreach and Engagement (Year 4, 2019)
Research summary
My PhD project focuses on whether major depressive (MD) symptoms are heterogeneous by using Experience Sampling Methodology (ESM) and activity sensors. I looked at the associations between each MD and variables including demographics, circadian rhythm, personality, activity level, and heart rate variability. The relationships between MD symptoms is another focus of my PhD project. Even though it is not explicitly stated, the widely used diagnostic tools in psychiatry including the DSM and ICD adopted the latent variable theory - different symptoms are resulted from one underlying cause. We could observed this in the two classification systems pooling different symptoms under one disorder. I apply time-series data collected using the ESM in network ananlysis to test a contesting theory - network theory. The network theory describes causal relationships among symptoms.
Conference details
Poster presentations
Li, Y-M & Mõttus, R. (2018) Relationships between major depression symptoms and circadian rhythm. The 26th Congress of the European Psychiatric Association. 3rd-6th March, 2018. Nice, France.
Li, Y-M & Bates, T. C. (2015) Affective Forecasting Under Uncertainty: Do people know what’s good for them?. The 6th Annual British Society for the Psychology of Individual Differences Conference. 10th April, 2015. York, UK.
The Scottish Mental Health Research Network Annual Scientific Meeting on Mental Health Research in the Digital Age. 4th Oct 2016. Edinburgh, UK.
Wang, H-LS, Rau, C-L, Li, Y-M, Chen, Y-P, and Yu, R (2015) Disrupted thalamic resting-state functional networks in schizophrenia. Front. Behav. Neurosci. 9:45. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2015.00045
Articles in Press
Li, Y-M & Mõttus, R. (In press). How could network theory explain the relationships between depressive symptoms? Journal of Affective Disorders .