Mrs Yolanda Martinez Pereira (LdaVet CertVC DipECVIM-CA (Cardiology), SFHEA, FRCVS, European and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology)
Senior Lecturer in Cardiopulmonary Medicine

Contact details
- Street
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute
Easter Bush Campus
Midlothian - City
- Post code
- EH25 9RG
Yolanda is an European and RCVS Recognised Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology, and is particularly interested in interventional cardiology in patients with congenital cardiac disease, but also in the pathophysiology and diagnosis of congestive heart failure in dogs and cats. Yolanda contributes regularly to clinical research in the area of novel cardiology diagnostic tools. She qualified from Spain in 1998 and worked in general practice for 5 years, developing an interest for cardiology and respiratory medicine. She moved to the UK to pursue specialist training, completing a cardiology internshit followed by a residency at the R(D)SVS.
Yolanda has worked in referral cardiorespiratory practice since 2005, both in academia (R(D)SVS and Small Animal Teaching Hospital at the University of Liverpool) and private practice (peripatetic referral services in Scotland). She re-joined the R(D)SVS in 2013, where she combines clinical practice with undergraduate teaching and training of future veterinary cardiology specialist. She is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and has a especial interest in veterinary clinical education. Yolanda is currently completing a part-time PhD in veterinary education, in the field of assessment of clinical competencies.
Outside her work, Yolanda has two children and one rescued dog, and spends her free time exploring the Roslin Glen with her family.
Licenciada Veterinaria, 1998, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB), Spain
RCVS Certificate in Veterinary Cardiology, 2004
European Diploma in Veterinary Cardiology, 2009
RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Cardiology, 2011
Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, 2018
Clinical Expertise and Specialisation
Cardiopulmonary medicine
Responsibilities & affiliations
ECVIM-CA(Cardiology) Program Director
Clinical Research Associate of The Roslin Institute
Chair of the ECVIM-CA General Examination Committee
Undergraduate teaching
Year GEP
The Animal Body Systems and Cases
Year 3
Dog & Cat Clinical Foundation Course
Year 4
Final year preparation course
Year 5
Final Year Rotations
Student Selected Component 2
Postgraduate teaching
Program Director of ECVIM-CA (Cardiology) program
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine DVetMed program
MSc/Dip/Cert Advanced Clinical Practice (Veterinary Cardiology)
Current PhD students supervised
Ewelina Korzybska (clinical co-supervisor)
Francesca Edgerton (clinical co-supervisor)
Past PhD students supervised
Maria Ines Oliveira
Inigo Sanz Gonzalez
Jonathan Bouvard
Rachel Blake
Elizabeth Bode
Hannah Hodgkiss-Geere
Valentina Palermo
Research summary
Assessment of competencies in veterinary education
Novel diagnostic tools in veterinary cardiology
Management of congenital heart diseases in canine patients
Pacemaker implantation in dogs with symptomatic bradycardia
Current research interests
Trialling Entrustable Professional Activities (EPAs) in undergraduate veterinary students Faculty development initiatives in medical education Assessment of mean heart rate in dogs with atrial fibrillation using a spot-check protocol External pacing in dogs with symptomatic bradycardia Management of congenital pulmonic stenosis in the dogPast research interests
Clinical biomarkers of congestive heart failure in canine patients Novel diagnostic tools in canine mesothelioma Use of 4-D echocardiography in the dog Heart rate variability in the dogPast project grants
ECVIM-CA and Purine Institute Resident Research Award (Maria Ines Oliveira): Home monitoring of heart rate control in dogs with atrial fibrillation
Petsavers: Immunohistochemical differentiation of reactive from malignant mesothelial cells as a diagnostic aid in canine pericardial disease
PetPlan Charitable Trust (project No S14-39): Parathyroid hormone as a biomarker in the assessment of canine congestive heart failure