Yawen Zheng
Thesis title: How can China’s investment rules contribute to its development goals?
Contact details
- Email: Yawen.Zheng@ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisors:
Yawen is a PhD candidate at Edinburgh Law School. She obtained her degree of Bachelor in Law in 2014 from Sun Yat-sen University (Guangdong, China) and Master in Law in 2015 from Universtity College London. Her research interest lies in the area of international investment law, with particular focus on China's investment legal framework. Her PhD thesis intends to assess whether China's existing investment rules can contribute to its development goals, and propose the change for rules failing to meet the need.
Undergraduate teaching
Ordinary International Law (Tutor)
Advanced Legal Writing (Seminar Leader)
"China's role in managing its outward foreign investments: how can it ensure their compliance with the new world order?", presented at Edinburgh Postgraduate Law Conference (3 February 2020, Edinburgh)
"Creating a BRI Dispute Panel", presented at the workshop on A New Institutional Framework for Tax Treaty Dispute Resolution (22 October 2019, Vienna)
"How can China’s Investment Treaties Contribute to its Development Goals", presented at the Doctoral Workshop: Method in International Legal Research (7 June 2019, Glasgow)
“The Construction of a Comprehensive Investment Legal Framework for the ‘One Belt, One Road’ Initiative”, presented at Erasmus Early-Career Scholars Conference (11 April 2018, Rotterdam).
Yawen Zheng, 'China's New Foreign Investment Law and Its Contribution Towards the Country's Development Goals' (2021) 22(3) The Journal of World Investment & Trade.
Yawen Zheng, 'The Establishment of a Multilateral Investment Treaty for the "One Belt, One Road" Initiative' (2018) Special Issue Cambridge Law Review.
Yawen Zheng, 'Reconstitution of Foreign Investment Law System in China – From the Perspective of National Treatment' (2017) 1 Youth Law Review, Sun Yat-sen University.
Yawen Zheng, ‘The Necessity and Direction of Changing Performance Requirements in China – Set Policy of the Automobile Industry as an Example’ (2014) 162(4) Guangdong Law Science.