Xueting Ban (PhD Candidate)

Thesis title: Pragmatic competence and professional teaching performance: a longitudinal mixed-method study


Xueting Ban is a PhD candidate at The University of Edinburgh. Her research interests include applied linguistics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, language testing and teacher evaluation. 


Bachelor of Arts- English Education, Liaocheng University (2015-2019)

Master of Arts- Education International, The University of Manchester (2019-2020)

Doctoral program- Applied Linguistics, The University of Edinburgh (2021- till now)


Postgraduate teaching

Tutor at the Institute for Language Education

PGT Course Teaching:

  • The Sources of Knowledge: Understanding and Analysing Research Literature
  • Conceptualising research: Foundations, Assumptions and Praxis

Dissertation Supervisor for MSc Language Education, MSc TESOL, and MSc Language and Intercultural Communication.


Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

Dissertation Supervisor for MSc Language Education, MSc TESOL, and MSc Language and Intercultural Communication.


Research summary

Her current research interests include applied linguistics, pragmatics, corpus linguistics, language testing and teacher evaluation. 

Past research interests

Her previous research interests include internationalisation of higher education, UK international education policies, international student recruitment, student mobility and doctoral education. Links: https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/researchers/xueting-ban(95505017-495b-49ac-8c01-4eeb1eaafa20).html

Project activity

Covid and Chinese and East Asian University Students in the UK: Safety, Security, and Communication | Co-investigator

- Project link: Http://studentsscuk.wixsite.com/online/the-project

Volunteering in the UK and China | Research assistant

- Project link: https://www.mci.manchester.ac.uk/research/ongoing-research-projects/volunteering/


Conference details

XVIII CercleS Conference 2024: Multilingualism and the Anglosphere | Durham University, UK | Sep 12-14, 2024 | Presenter: Xueting Ban | A longitudinal study of international GTAs' pragmatic transfer into teacher language in UK university classrooms.

- Link: https://www.dur.ac.uk/departments/centres/foreign-language-study/cercles-2024/

The 12th European Conference on Language Learning (ECLL 2024) | SOAS & University College London, UK | July 11-15, 2024 | Presenter: Xueting Ban |  A Longitudinal Mixed-Methods Study on International GTAs’ L2 Pragmatic Awareness of Politeness and (In) Directness

-Link: https://ecll.iafor.org/programme/

Learning and Teaching Conference 2023 | The University of Edinburgh, UK | 27th Jun 2023 | ‘Investigate, inquire, innovate: exploring research-informed teaching practice' | Experiencing and Researching SoTL | Presenter: Xueting Ban | From international PGR students to international GTAs: Academic rationales for international GTA recruitment in UK higher education institutions

-Link: https://universityofedinburgh.eventscase.com/EN/learningandteachingconference2023

China and Higher Education Conference Series: China and Higher Education Network | The University of Manchester, UK | 7th Dec- 11th Dec 2020 | Chair: Xueting Ban 

-Link:  https://chinahe.wordpress.com/home-2/chinahe20-conference-schedule/


Ban, X. (2023). ‘From international PGR students to international GTAs: Academic rationales for international GTA recruitment in UK higher education institutions.’ Postgraduate Pedagogies Journal, Vol 3 (2023), pp. 18-70. Available at: https://journals.studentengagement.org.uk/index.php/gtateach/article/view/1205

Lim, M. A., Li, H., Yu, J., Ban, X., Levy, K., Li, B., & Wang, A. (2022). COVID 19 incidents against Chinese and East Asian Students in the UK: Safety Security and Communication. HERE@Manchester. Available at: https://www.research.manchester.ac.uk/portal/en/publications/covid-19-incidents-against-chinese-and-east-asian-students-in-the-uk(665b5747-4da5-45f3-b1be-fb0924cb04e3).html