Xingtong Zhou

PhD in Comparative Literature
Year of study: 2
- Department of European Languages and Cultures
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact details
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PhD supervisors:
Xingtong came to Edinburgh in 2019. After completing her MSc degree in Comparative Literature (with distinction) in 2020, She began her PhD in Comparative Literature the same year, under the supervision of Dr Fabien Arribert-Narce and Prof Marion Schmid.
Conference details
XXIII Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, Tbilisi, Georgia, 2022
Intermedial Encounters Between Image, Music and Text – With and Beyond Roland Barthes, University of Edinburgh and Meiji University Workshop in Intermedia Studies, Edinburgh, 2022
Intercultural Transfers and Translations Across Media, Third Workshop of the University of Edinburgh-Meiji University Research Partnership in Intermedia Studies, Edinburgh, 2023