Willa Saadat

PhD Philosophy

  • Philosophy
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

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40 George Square

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My research focuses on ethics of markets and labour. In particular, I draw on feminist and political/social philosophy to address some of the ethical implications of commodified labour and private-sphere labour. I am currently interested questions of alienation,  the commodification of reproductive labour, ethics of care, and issues with emotional labour.


MPhil. Stud, King's College London: Thesis pass with no corrections; Distinction on coursework.

Thesis: Doxastic Wronging. Examiners: Beri Marušić (Edinburgh) and Anna Mahtani (LSE).

BA (hons): Philosophy, King's College London, First Class. 

Responsibilities & affiliations

Ongoing   Co-organiser of New Work in Philosophy: https://newworkinphilosophy.substack.com

Ongoing   Scottish Feminist Philosophy Network: https://scotfemphil.wixsite.com/my-site

2024   Organiser and Convenor, Reading Group on Diemut Bubeck, 'Gender, Care and Justice'

2023.  Co-organiser and Convenor, Reading Group on Waheed Hussain, 'Living with the Invisible Hand'

2019   President, KCL Minorities and Philosophy Chapter

2018-20   Organiser and Convenor, Minorities and Philosophy Reading Group

Topics Covered: Metaphysics of Gender and Race, Alternative Epistemologies, Post-Colonialism

Undergraduate teaching

 University of Edinburgh

Introduction to the History of Philosophy B, Module Convenors: Dr Jenifer Marušić and Dr Takeshi Morisato

King’s College London

2023                Philosophy of Psychology, Psychology Department, Module Convener: Dr James Stazicker

2022                Introduction to Philosophy: Epistemology Element, Module Convener: Prof. Clayton Littlejohn

2021                Epistemology I, Module Convener: Dr Winnie Ma

Research summary

Political and Social Philosophy, Ethics, Feminist Philosophy, Philosophy of Economics


2024   Co-organiser, Scottish Feminist Philosophy Network Workshop, University of Edinburgh

2021  Co-organiser and Chair, ‘Algorithmic Fairness and Resentment’, Prof. Zoë Johnson King (USC) and Prof. Boris Babic (University of Toronto), in partnership with the Sowerby Philosophy and Medicine Project at King's College London.

2019   Organiser and Chair, ‘Against the Canon’, Dr Liam Kofi Bright (LSE), King’s College London

2019   Organiser, Two Day Conference: ‘Decolonisation: Shaping and Reshaping Reality’, King’s College London

Papers delivered

June 2024       A Labour of Love: An Alienation-based Critique of commercial surrogacy, 14th Braga Meetings on Ethics and Political Philosophy

May 2024        Exploitation and Alienation in Emotional Labour, Alienation workshop, University of Edinburgh

March 2024     Surrogacy and Relationships to Work, Political Studies Association Annual Conference, University of Strathclyde

Nov 2023        A Narrativist Account of Drudgery, Alienation Workshop, University of Edinburgh

Oct 2023         On Commodifying Women’s Reproductive Labour, Work in Progress Seminar, University of Edinburgh

Nov 2022        On Commodifying Women’s Reproductive Labour, University of Toronto

June 2022       On Commodifying Women’s Reproductive Labour, University of Bucharest

Nov 2021        Kant and the Empirical Self, KCL First-Year Research Seminar

March 2020     Scientific Inquiry and Human Nature, POLIS London Undergraduate Conference

Oct 2019         Changing the Standards of Justification, KCL Philosophy Department retreat, Cumberland Lodge

2023                Edinburgh Doctoral College Scholarship, 3.5 years fees and stipend, approx. value £85,000

2021                Peter Goldie Award, King’s College London, £2000

2021                MPhil Stud Award, King’s College London, £5500

2020                MPhil Stud Award, King’s College London, £7500

2020                Jacobsen Scholarship, UCL, £3500 (Declined)

2020                KCL Student Union Volunteering Award, Gold Award

2019                KCL Student Union Silver Volunteering Award, Silver Award

2019                Commendation from Philosophy Department, King’s College London

2018                Commendation from Philosophy Department, King’s College London