Tracy Jackson
Senior Research Fellow, Patient and Public Involvement Lead

- Usher Institute
- College of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Contact details
- Street
Centre for Medical Informatics
Usher Institute, Usher Building
The University of Edinburgh
5-7 Little France Road
Edinburgh BioQuarter ‒ Gate 3 - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH16 4UX
Dr Jackson is a Senior Research Fellow based within the Usher Institute at the University of Edinburgh. She leads on Patient and Public Involvement for the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (AUKCAR), IMPlementing IMProved Asthma self-management as RouTine (IMP2ART) and the Inflammation and Immunity Driver Programme. She also leads on Community Engagement and Involvement for the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE).
She works with researchers to ensure patient, public and community members are meaningfully involved in research. She has a background in health psychology and believes that Patient and Public Involvement is essential to producing high quality health research that is relevant to the people it impacts.
PhD Population Health Sciences (University of Edinburgh, 2019)
MSc Health Psychology (Ulster University, 2013)
BA (Hons) Psychology (Edinburgh Napier University, 2006)
Responsibilities & affiliations
Dr Jackson is a member of the Usher Impact Committee and the Usher Research Committee.
Undergraduate teaching
Honours project supervisor on the Edinburgh Medical School: Biomedical Sciences programme
Postgraduate teaching
Tutor on the Patient and Public Involvement module on the MSc in Clinical Trials
Dissertation supervisor on the Masters in Public Health programmes (online and on-campus)
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
Aryelly Rodriguez (Usher Institute) - Are anonymised databases truly anonymous?
Affiliated research centres
Current project grants
£87,222 - Chief Scientist Office (2021-2025) - A Prospective Survey Of Near Fatal Asthma In Children And Adolescents To Inform Future Care Bundle To Reduce Risk Of Death In This Population (Co-Investigator)
£249,775.23 - HDRUK/Alan Turing Institute/ONS COVID-19 Advanced Data Analytics Call [2021.0158] (2021-2022) - What is the uptake, safety and effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines in: a. pregnancy; b. children and young people; c. those receiving booster doses; d. those co-administered COVID-19 and influenza vaccines? (Co-Investigator)
£245,512.61 - HDRUK/Alan Turing Institute/ONS COVID-19 Advanced Data Analytics Call [2021.0154] (2021-2022) - Predicting unplanned hospital readmission prior to discharge in patients with COVID—19: development, comparison and implementation of regression and machine-learning based risk prediction models. (Co-Investigator)
£18,512 - NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE) Project Award [16/136/109] (2020). Exploring psychological issues of primary care team in Malaysia amidst COVID-19 pandemic. (Co-Investigator)
£184,942 - NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE) Project Award (2019): To assess the feasibility of using the eDPSEEA model in seasonal pollen induced asthma in Islamabad. (Co-Investigator)
Past project grants
£69,888 - University of Edinburgh CMVM PhD Studentship [Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research PHD/14/16] (2015-2018): The impact of financial incentives on the implementation of asthma self-management in Northern Ireland (PhD student)