Tong Zhou
Thesis title: An analysis on foreign policy change from the domestic perspective with the case of China

East Asian Studies
Year of study: 4
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact details
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PhD supervisor:
Research summary
My research interests generally revolve around foreign policy decision making and the influence of domestic factors in this process.
Current research interests
East Asian Studies, China's Foreign Policy, Foreign Policy AnalysisCurrent project grants
Workshop Funds of Scottish Centre for Korean Studies
Conference details
2021. 01. 29, The 2nd Social Science Korean Studies EuropeanNetwork conference
2021. 06. 23-25, 2021 British Postgraduate Network for Chinese Studies Conference
2021. 09. 02-03, 2021 Early Career Researchers and Graduate Students Conference——East Asia on the Move: Shifting Dynamics