Dr Susanne Kean
Lecturer in Nursing Studies, Programme Director MSc Advanced Nursing

Contact details
- Tel: 0131 650 4028
- Email: susanne.kean@ed.ac.uk
- Street
School of Health in Social Science | The University of Edinburgh
24 Buccleuch Place
Room 2.03 - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AG
Susanne is a German national and before moving to Scotland, has worked in the German and Swiss healthcare systems as a nurse on surgical wards and intensive care units and as a nursing manager and educator in various hospitals.
She is the current Programme Director for the Master's Advanced Nursing.
- Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), The University of Edinburgh
- MSc in Nursing and Health Studies (with Distinction), University of Edinburgh
Diploma in Nursing Education and Management (Werner Schule of the German red Cross, Göttingen, Germany)
RN qualification, Nursing School at the Philipps University, Marburg, Germany
Undergraduate teaching
- Main teaching focus: research methodologies and methods in the undergraduate curriculum.
- Supervision of UG Dissertations
Postgraduate teaching
- Programme Director MSc Advanced Nursing
- Main teaching focus: research
- Supervision of Master's Dissertations
- PhD supervisions
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
I have expert knowledge in Grounded Theory and, more broadly, in qualitative research.
Supervision topic areas:
- Qualitative research methodologies
- Critical illness experiences (intensive and high dependency care)
- Survivorship and recovery post critical illness
- Post-intensive care syndrome
- Families, children and young people
- Acute illness experiences
- Transition experiences (patients and/ or families) from hospital to community
- Postgraduate nurse education
Current PhD students supervised
Lian Zhu
Study topic: Family visitation in an adult intensive care unit in China, focused ethnography
Lead-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean; Co-supervisor: Dr Catherine Clarissa & Dr Jennifer Tocher
Anna Bovo
Study topic: Nurses’ embodied aesthetics when caring for patient-related, emotionally overwhelming events: trauma-informed inquiry
Lead supervisor: Dr Rosie Stenhouse, Co-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean
Tanawan Pitakkochakorn
Study topic: Family nursing in Thailand
Lead supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, Co-supervisor: Dr Lissette Aviles
Past PhD students supervised
Dr Melanie Phillips (2024): Becoming transplanted – a constructivist grounded theory approach on the diabetic with renal failure: from transplant waiting list to transplantation (Lead supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, Co-supervisors: Dr Jennifer Tocher & Dr Lissette Aviles)
Dr Matias Cristian Faundes Aedo (2023): (Re)Constructing the experiential continuum. A focused ethnography of the professional socialisation of Chilean nursing students (Lead supervisor: Dr Sarah Rhynas, Co-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean)
Dr Norafisyah Makhdzir (2022): Nurses’ perception on the impact of technology on nursing care practice in the intensive care unit: a Grounded Theory approach (Lead-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, Co-supervisor: Dr Jennifer Tocher)
Dr Ibrahim Alenezi: Leadership development of nurse managers in a Saudi hospital: a focused ethnographic study (Lead Supervisor: Dr Colin Chandler, Co-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, 2022)
Dr Zih-Yong (Flora) Liao: Experiences of Receiving Long-Term Care Services Post Stroke From the Perspectives of Indigenous and Non-indigenous People in the Taiwanese Community: A Focused Ethnographic Study (Lead supervisor: Dr Elaine Haycock-Stuart, Co-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, 2022)
Dr Catherine Clarissa: A constructivist grounded theory of staff experiences relating to early mobilisation of mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care (Lead supervisor: Dr Sheila Rodgers, Co-supervisors: Dr Susanne Kean, UoE & Dr Lisa Salisbury, Physiotherapist, Queen’s Margaret University, Edinburgh, 2021)
Dr Emma Hughes: Fluctuating power in refugee health nursing: A focused ethnography of the Refugee Health Program in Victoria, Australia. (Lead -supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, Co-supervisor Dr Fiona Cuthill, 2021)
Dr Lissette Alejandra Aviles Reinoso: Reading the family: a constructivist grounded theory on approaching families of potential organ donors, (Lead-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, Co-supervisor: Dr Jennifer Tocher, 2021)
Dr Ni Komang Ari Sawitir: An exploration of families’ experiences in managing hypertension control in Despasar, Indonesia: A qualitative study (Lead- supervisor: Dr Fiona Cuthill, Co-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, 2019)
Dr Busarin Eiu-Seeyok: Interhospital transfer of critically ill patients to regional hospitals in Thailand (Lead-supervisor: Dr Susanne Kean, Co- supervisor: Dr Elaine Haycock-Stuart; 2018)
Research summary
Susanne has a long standing research interest in patients' and families' experiences of critical illness. This research interest comprises the acute illness, recovery and survivorship phase.
A second area of research interest is focusing on the continuing education of educators.
Topic areas of interest:
- Qualitative research methodologies
- Critical illness experiences (intensive and high dependency care)
- Survivorship and recovery post critical illness
- Post-intensive care syndrome
- Families, children and young people
- Acute illness experiences
- Transition experiences (patients and/ or families) from hospital to community
- Postgraduate nurse education
Papers delivered
Salminen L, Kean S, Elonen I, Virtanen H, Koskinen S, Cassar M, Camilleri M, Haycock-Stuart E, Smith J, Fuster Linares P, Wennberg Capellades L, Martin Delgado L, Saaranen T, Pajari J, Vauhkonen A, Solgajová A, Sollár T, Pavelová L & Zrubcová D (2024) The future recommendations for nurse educators in Europe, FINE (European federation of Educators in Nursing Science), Barcelona, 21. – 22. March 2024, presented: 21. March 2024
Kean S, Elonen I, Camilleri M, Fuster Linares P,Virtanen H, Vauhkonen A, Sollar T, Solgajova A, Zrubcová D & Salminen L (2024) Exploring educators’ learning in an international nurse educator programme, FINE (European federation of Educators in Nursing Science), Barcelona, 21. – 22. March 2024, presented: 21. March 2024
Wennberg-Capellades L, Fuster-Linares P, Martín-Delgado L; Elonen I; Cassar M; Camilleri M; Vauhkonen A; Kean S; Solgajová A; Pasanen M; Koskinen S; Cid-Expósito M-G & Salminen L (2024) Nurse educators’ continuing education needs – a cross-sectional multi country study, FINE (European federation of Educators in Nursing Science), Barcelona, 21. – 22. March 2024, presented: 21. March 2024
Elonen I, Cassar M, Camilleri M, Saaranen T, Solgajová A, Wennberg-Capellades L, Kean S, Smith J, Vauhkonen A & Salminen L (2022) Impact of team-based learning on an international programme: students’ experiences, Session 004.1, 20 October 2022, NETNEP International Nurse Educator Conference, 19 – 22 October 2022, Sitges, Spain
Kean S, Kydonaki C & Tocher J (2016) ‘Doing family’: family care involvement in intensive care, 8.6.2 Abstract number 357, RCN international nursing research conference 2016, Wednesday 6 – Friday 8 April 2016, Edinburgh, UK
Kean S, Tocher J & Kydonaki C (2014) InPut – Family Participation in Intensive Care, Scottish Intensive Care Society Annual Conference, 04 September 2014, Stirling, UK
Kean S & Haycock-Stuart E (2011) Followers and the co-construction of leadership (4.1.3), The 2011 International Nursing Research Conference, Royal College of Nursing, 17 May 2011, Harrogate, UK
Haycock- Stuart E & Kean S (2011) Leading for quality in community nursing (4.1.4), The 2011 International Nursing Research Conference, Royal College of Nursing, 17 May 2011, Harrogate, UK
Kean S, Haycock-Stuart E & Baggaley S (2011) Followers, leaders and the co-construction of leadership (C035c), International Council of Nurses conference, 5 May 2011, Valetta, Malta
Haycock-Stuart E & Kean S (2010) Does community nursing leadership currently promote quality care? (invited paper) Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland: Demonstrating the Quality of Community Nursing Care, 29 September 2010, Stirling, Scotland
Haycock-Stuart E, Kean S, Baggaley S, Carson M (2010) The interaction between policy and community nursing team leadership in Scotland, (invited paper) Queen’s Nursing Institute Scotland Annual Conference, 11 March 2010, Crieff, Scotland
Haycock-Stuart E, Kean S, Baggaley S, Carson M (2009) Understanding Leadership in Community Nursing (in Scotland), Better Health for the Future, 9th Congress of the European Nurse Director Association, 7 – 9 October 2009, Helsinki, Finland
Kean S (2009) Children’s and young people’s experiences visiting a critically ill adult family member in ICU, New Researchers Conference, Centre for Research on Families and Relationships (CRFR), 03 June 2009 (p.m) Edinburgh
Kean S (2009) Family matter – Families’ experiences in ICU (invited paper), Critical Care Study Day, Edinburgh Critical Care Research Group, 03 June 2009 (a.m), Edinburgh
Kean S (2008) Die Position der Familie in der professionellen Pflege: ‘Negotiated Order’ (invited paper), Kinästhetische Fachtagung, 28 – 29 November 2008, Hamburg, Germany
Kean S (2008) ‘Nursing in public’: The impact of an open visiting policy on ICU nurses, 3rd European Federation of Critical Care Nursing Association (EfCCNa) Conference, 09 – 11 October 2008, Florence, Italy
Kean S (2008) Focus groups in Social Science Research, European Academy of Nursing Science (EANS) Annual Meeting, 01 – 03 July 2008, Dublin, Ireland
Kean S (2007) Young people’s experiences with critical illness in their families and their strategies to access information, 6th International Nursing and Nursing Research Conference, 25 – 27 September 2007, Nürnberg/ Fürth, Germany
Kean S (2005) Fishing for Information: young people’s difficulties with getting information during a parent’s critical illness, 7th International Family Nursing Conference, 01 – 04 June 2005, Victoria, Canada
Kean S (2002) Die Familienpflege, notwendige Ergänzung in der Versorgungskette? (invited paper), 25. Deutschen Krankenhaustag (Organsiation of German Hospitals), 22 November 2002, Düsseldorf, Germany
Robinson J & Kean S (2000) An Assessment of the continuing educational and training needs of nurses working with children and young people in Scotland, Annual Research Dissemination Conference, National Board for Nursing, Midwifery and Health Visiting for Scotland, 08 December 2000, Dundee, GB
Kean S (2000) Family Nursing, Nurses + Families = Family Health Nurse (invited paper), conference of the Agnes Karll Gesellschaft für Gesundheitsbildung und Pflegeforschung: Die Münchener Erklärung der WHO – Konsequenzen für die deutsche Pflege, 31 October 2000, Eschborn, Germany
Sollár S, Elonen I, Solgajová A, Saaranen T, Pajari J, Cassar M, Fuster Linares P, Wennberg Capellades L, Kean S & Salminen L (2024) Evaluating an international nurse educator education programme using Community of Inquiry model, FINE (European federation of Educators in Nursing Science), Barcelona, 21. – 22. March 2024
Salminen L, Cassar M, Camilleri M, Wennberg Capellades L, Martin Delgado L, Elonen I, Haycock-Stuart E, Kean S, Fuster Linares P, Pajari J, Pavelová L, Saaranen T, Solgajová A, Sollár T, Vauhkonen A & Zrubcová D (2024) It’s looking good! A survey of European nurse educators’ competence, FINE (European federation of Educators in Nursing Science), Barcelona, 21. – 22. March 2024
Smith J, Kean S, Vauhkonen A, Elonen I, Campos Silva S, Pajari J, Cassar M Martin-Delgado L, Zrubcova D & Salminen L (2022) An integrative review of the continuing professional development needs of nurse educators (P2. 135, 21. October 2022), NETNEP International Nurse Educator conference, 19 – 22 October 2022, Sitges, Spain
Salminen L, Fuster-Linares P, Camilleri M, Saaranen T, Zrubcova D, Kean S & Elonen I (2022) Developing common nurse educator education in Europe: A new agenda for nurse educator in Europe, (P2.023, 21. October 2022), NETNEP International Nurse Educator conference, 19 – 22 October 2022, Sitges, Spain
Kean S (2012) (invited to re-present) ‘Doing family’: The impact of intensive care unit visitation policies on families and ICU nurses, Third International Conference on Compassionate Care, Edinburgh Napier University, 28 June 2012, Edinburgh
Kean S (2012) ‘Doing family’: The impact of intensive care unit visitation policies on families and ICU nurses, NHS Lothian Delivering Better Care Conference, 22 May 2012, Edinburgh
Kean S (2011) (selected & invited) Lives interrupted: families, ICU survivors and the long road of recovery, U21 workshop, 13 – 15 December 2011, Birmingham
Haycock-Stuart E, Baggaley S & Kean S (2011) Leading for Health in Families and Communities, ICCHNR Biennial Symposium, Embracing Equity and Diversity in Community Health Nursing, 4 – 6 May 2011, Edmonton, Canada
Kean S (2007) ‘Nursing in Public’ – Intensive Care Nurses Experiences’ with Families in ICU, Research into Practice Conference, Scottish NMAHP, 23 October 2007, Edinburgh, GB
Elonen I, Haycock-Stuart H , Vauhkonen A, Pajari J , Solgajová A , Zrubcová D, Pavelová L , Cassar M , Martín Delgado L , Fuster-Linares P , Wennberg Capellades L , Koskinen S , Kean S , Sollár T , Saaranen T , Camilleri M & Salminen L (2024) Utility of “The empowering nurse educators in the changing world” study programme, KONTAKT, Vol 26 (1): 17 – 24, http://doi.org/10.32725/kont.2024.018 (open access)
Zih-Yong L, Kean S & Haycock-Stuart E (2024) Indigenous lands and health access: The influence of a sense of place on disparities in post-stroke recovery in Taiwan, Health and Place, 86, online: 11 February 2024, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.healthplace.2024.103210
Zih-Yong L, Haycock-Stuart E & Kean S (2024) Biographical continuation: Recovery of stroke survivors and their family caregivers, Primary Health Care Research & Development, online: 05 January 2024, Vol 25 (e2): 1 – 9, https://doi.org/10.1017/S1463423623000610
Elonen I, Kajander-Unkuri S, Cassar M, Wennberg-Capellades L, Kean S, Sollar T, Saaranen T, Pasanen M & Salminen, L (2023) Nurse Educator Competence in Four European Countries—A Comparative Cross-sectional Study, Nursing Open, DOI: 10.1002/nop2.2033, online 19 October 2023, Open Access
Smith J, Kean S, Vauhkonen A, Elonen I, Campos Silva S, Pajari J, Cassar M, Martin-Delgado L, Zrubcova D & Salminen L (2023) An integrated review of the continuous professional development needs for nurse educators, Nurse Education Today, 121, doi.org/10.1016/j.nedt.2022.105695, Open Access
Avilés L, Kean S & Tocher J (2023) Ambiguous loss in organ donor families: A constructivist grounded theory, Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol 32: 6504–6518; DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16574, Open Access, online: 11 November 2022
Clarissa C, Salisbury L, Rodgers S & Kean S (2022). A constructivist grounded theory of staff experiences relating to early mobilisation of mechanically ventilated patients in intensive care, Global Qualitative Nursing Research, Vol 9, pp 1-18,
Hughes E, Kean S & Cuthill F (2022) Fluctuating power: an exploration of refugee health nursing within the resettlement context in Victoria, Australia, Journal of Research in Nursing, Vol 27, No 3: 217 – 228, DOI: 10.1177/17449871221083786
Avilés L, Kean S & Tocher J (2021) Edgework emotion management: A constructivist grounded theory of organ donation nurses’ experiences and practices, Journal of Clinical Nursing, DOI: 10.1111/jocn.16179, Open Access, online: 20 December 2021
Kean S, Donaghy E, Bancroft A, Clegg G & Rodgers S (2021) Theorising survivorship after intensive care: A systematic review of patient and family experiences, Journal of Clinical Nursing, Open Access, DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15766
Kydonaki K, Kean S & Tocher J (2020) Family INvolvement in inTensive care: A qualitative exploration of critically ill patients, their families and critical care nurses (INpuT study), Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol 29: 1115 – 1128, DOI: 10.1111/jocn.15175
Catherine C, Salisbury L, Rodgers S & Kean S (2019) Early mobilisation in mechanically ventilated patients: a systematic integrative review of definitions and activities, Journal of Intensive Care, Volume 7, No 3, open access: https://doi.org/10.1186/s40560-018-0355-z
Kean S, Salisbury L, Rattray J, Walsh T, Huby G & Ramsay P (2017) ‘Intensive care survivorship’ – a constructivist grounded theory of surviving critical illness, Journal of Clinical Nursing, 26 (19-120): 3111 – 3124 DOI:10.1111/jocn.13659
Mitchell, M.L., Kean, S., Rattray, J.E., Hull, A.M., Davis, C., Murfield, J.E. & Aitken, L.M. (2017) A family intervention to reduce delirium in hospitalised ICU patients: A feasibility randomised controlled trial. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, online 27 February 2017
Mitchell M, Coyer F, Kean S, Stone R, Murfield J & Dwan T (2016) Patient, family-centred care interventions within the adult ICU setting: An integrative review, Australian Critical Care, Vol 29 (4): 179 – 193, DOI: 10.1016/j.aucc.2016.08.002 (special edition)
Walsh T, Salisbury L, Merriweather L, Boyd J, Griffith D, Huby H, Kean S, Mackenzie S, Krishan A, Lewis S, Murray G, Forbes J, Smith J, Rattray J, Hull A, Ramsay P for the RECOVER investigators (2015) The effectiveness of increased hospital-based physical rehabilitation and information provision following intensive care discharge: the RECOVER randomized controlled trial, JAMA Internal Medicine, DOI: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2015.0822, online 13 April 2015
Lin F, Kean S & Lundgren-Laine H (2014) Building research capacity in ICU patient recovery research: an experience in establishing an early career researcher ICU international collaborative network, Tehohoito, Vol 32 (1): 70 - 72
Kean S & Smith G (2014) Editorial: Surviving critical illness: Intensive care and beyond, Journal of Clinical Nursing (Special Edition), Vol 23 (5-6): 603 - 604, 603–604, DOI: 10.1111/jocn.12555
Kean S & Mitchell M (2014) How do ICU nurses perceive families in intensive care? Insights from the United Kingdom and Australia, Journal of Clinical Nursing (Special Edition), Vol 23: 663 – 672, online 27 July 2013, DOI 10.1111/jocn.12195
Kean S (2014) A framework for a physician-parent follow-up meeting after a child’s Death in a PICU and why this family-centered care approach should interest as all (invited editorial) Critical Care Medicine, Vol 42 (1): 214 – 216, January, DOI:10.1097/01.ccm.0000435687.85468.de
Kean S (2013) Die Entwicklung von Theory in Grounded Theory, Pflege, 26 (6): 431 (invited, in German) DOI 10.1024/1012-5302/a000331
Haycock-Stuart E & Kean S (2013) Shifting the balance of care? A qualitative study of policy implementation in community nursing, Journal of Nursing Management, Vol 21: 867 – 877, online 6 May 2013, DOI 10.1111/jonm.12088
Ramsay P, Huby G, Rattray J, Salisbury L, Walsh T & Kean S (2012) A longitudinal qualitative exploration of healthcare and informal support needs among survivors of critical illness: the RELINQUISH protocol, BMJ Open, Vol 2 (4), e001507, doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2012-001507
Haycock-Stuart E & Kean S (2012) Contrasting perceptions about the delivery of care in the community, Nursing Management, Vol 18 (10): 26-29
Haycock-Stuart E & Kean S (2012) Does nursing leadership affect the quality of care in the community setting? Journal of Nursing Management (Special Edition), Vol 20: 372-381, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01309.x
Kean S & Haycock-Stuart E (2011) Understanding the relationship between followers and leaders, Nursing Management, Vol 18 (7): 31 -35
Kean S, Haycock-Stuart E, Baggaley S & Carson M (2011) Followers and the co-construction of leadership, Journal of Nursing Management, Vol 19 (4): 507 - 516 DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2834.2011.01227.x
Haycock-Stuart E, Kean S & Baggaley S (2010) Emotional labour within community nursing, Community Practitioner, Vol 83 (9): 24- 27
Haycock-Stuart E, Baggaley S, Kean S & Carson M (2010) Understanding leadership in community nursing in Scotland, Community Practitioner, Vol 83 (7): 24- 28
Kean S (2010) Editorial: Wissen wollen – Informationsbedürfnisse der Angehörigen von Intensivpatienten, Pflege (invited, in German), Vol 23 (2):67-68
Kean S (2010) Children and Young People visiting an adult ICU, Journal of Advanced Nursing, Vol 66 (4):868 – 877, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2648.2009.05252.x
Kean S (2010) ‘The experiences of ambiguous loss in families of brain injured ICU patients’, Nursing in Critical Care, Vol 15 (2): 66 - 75
Kean S (2010) Children and Young People’s strategies to access information during a family members’ critical illness, Journal of Clinical Nursing, Vol 19 (1-2): 266 – 274, online 20 July 2009, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.02837.x
Robinson J, Kean S, Whyte D, Baggaley S & Porter H (2001) Training needs for nurses working with children and young people, Nursing Management, Vol 8 (1): 27 – 31
Kean S (2000) Focus Group Interviews: Ein qualitativer Forschungsansatz in der Pflege (Focus Group Interviews: a qualitative nursing research approach), Pflege, Vol 13: 145 - 151 (in German)
Kean S (1999) Effects on oxygen saturation levels of handling premature infants within the concepts of kinaesthetic infant handling: pilot study, Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, Vol 15: 214 - 225
Kean S (1999) Pflegediagnosen: Fragen und Kontroversen (Nursing Diagnoses: Issues and Controversies), Pflege, Vol 12: 209 - 215 (in German)
Baggaley S & Kean S (1999) Health Visitors as Family Nurses: A Discussion of Research, Policy and Practice in the United Kingdom, Journal of Family Nursing, 5 (4): 388 - 403
Hackmann M, Gehring M, Kean S (1999) Studiengang mit internationalem Flair, Pflegezeitschrift, Vol 5: 360 - 364 (in German)