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Name Role Business unit(s)
Aran Ward Sell Representations of consciousness in the 21st-century modernist novel
Professor Joanna Wardlaw Chair of Applied Neuroimaging; Head of Neuroimaging Sciences and Edinburgh Imaging; Row Fogo Centre Director
Billy Wardrop Senior Drupal Developer
Laura Wardrop CPD Manager
Marissa Warner-Wu Web Interfaces Manager
Heather Warnock Facility Manager & Import and Export Manager, BVS
Sam Warnock
Dr Katey Warran Leverhulme Research Fellow; PATHS Research Group Lead
Felix Warren
Dr Camille Warrington Research Fellow
Stephen W Warrington Dean of Student Experience
Shona Warwick
Dr Belinda Washington Research Co-ordinator
Alice Wassell Enquiry Management Team Lead
Dr Lizzie Wastnedge
Dr Dominic Waters Research Associate in Quantitative Genetics, Biometrics, and Breeding
Amy Waterson
Davy Waterston Servitor
Emma Waterston Lecturer
Emma Waterston PhD Psychology