Sergi Mainer

Teaching Fellow in Spanish


Sergi Mainer took a BA in Anglo-Germanic Philology at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, followed by an MSc in Medieval Studies by research and a PhD in Medieval Studies (Scottish and French literature) at the University of Edinburgh. Amongst other research positions, he held a British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship at Stirling University (2005-8) and a Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowship (2011-13) at University College Cork.

Responsibilities & affiliations

LLC Outreach and Widening Participation Officer

Undergraduate teaching


  • War and Desire in Medieval Iberia
  • Surrealist, Fantastic and Uncanny Encounters in Catalan Culture
  • Catalan Sociolinguistics


  • Catalan Culture and Society 1: From 1900 to 1975
  • Catalan Culture and Society 2: From 1975 to the Present
  • Gender and Culture
  • Languages beyond University (outreach and widening participation course)
  • Literatures and Cultures of the Spanish Speaking World 2

Postgraduate teaching

  • MSc in Comparative Literature

Research summary

His research mainly concentrates on the social and political dimension of literature and the construction of class, gender, national and cultural identities with a particular emphasis on translation studies, comparative literature and medieval studies. He has also paid special attention to the conflictive intercultural relationships between minorised languages and cultures and hegemonic ones. 

Project activity

Sergi is currently working on a monograph on translation and minorised languages.

Past project grants

Marie Curie Intra-European Research Fellow, School of English, University College Cork (2011-13) for the project “The Epic in Translation in Medieval and Early Modern Scotland.”

“Batista i Roca” Research Fellow, Hispanic Studies, University of Edinburgh (2009-10) for the project “Translating the Matter of Britain in Medieval Britain and Catalonia.”

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow, English Studies, University of Stirling (2005-2008) for the project on “Literary Translation in Late Medieval and Early Modern Scotland and Europe.”

Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Studies in the Humanities, University of Edinburgh (2004-2005).

  • Nation, Chivalry and Knighthood: The Scottish Romance Tradition c. 1375 – c. 1550 (Rodopi: Amsterdam and New York, 2010)
  • Co-editor with Helena Buffery, David Miranda and Martín Veiga, Here and Beyond: Narratives of Travel and Mobility in Contemporary Iberian Culture, (Verlag,  2022)
  • Co-editor with Olga Castro and Svetlana Page (eds). Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts (Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2017)
  • “The Many Lives of Mireia: Maria-Antònia Salvà’s Translation of Frédéric Mistral’s Mirèio,” Tesserae, Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 21:2 (2015), 107-126.
  • “Translation, Power and Gender in Thomas Hudson’s Judith” Scottish Literary Review 6:2 (2014), 1-23.
  • “Converging Ideologies in William Fowler’s Hybrid Translation of Machiavelli’s Principe” Humanities 3:1 (2014), 42-58. Special Issue: Translation as the Foundation for Humanistic Investigations.
  • “Clariodus and the Translation of Dynastic Ideology,” Viator 44:3 (2013), 397-410.
  • “Translation and Censorship: Robert Burns in post-Civil War Spain,” Translation Studies 4.1 (2011), 72-86.
  • “Traducció i transformació a la Tragèdia de Lançalot de Mossèn Gras,” Journal of Catalan Studies 14 (2011), 235-248.
  • “The Singularity of Sir Tristrem in the Tristan Corpus,” Leeds Studies in English 39 (2008) 95-113.
  • “National Identity under Threat: Origin Myths as a Political Device in Medieval Catalonia and Scotland,”Catalan Review 17 (2003), 67-78.
  • “Justice and Freedom in Barbour’s Bruce,” SELIM [Sociedad Española de Lengua y Literatura Inglesa Medieval] 15 (1999), 105-114.
  • “The Invasion of Ireland in the Chansun de Dermot and in Barbour’s Bruce” in Insular Romance: Contexts and Traditions, ed. Ken Rooney (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, forthcoming)
  • “An Anarchist’s Guide to the Galaxy: Felip Cortiella’s El plor de l’auba” in Helen Buffery, Sergi Mainer, David Miranda and Martín Veiga (eds), Here and Beyond: Narratives of Travel and Mobility in Contemporary Iberian Culture (Verlag, 2022), pp. 47-62.
  • “Contrasting Kingly and Knightly Masculinities in Barbour’s Bruce,” in Nine Century of Man: Manhood and Masculinities in Scottish History, ed. Lynn Abrams and Elizabeth Ewan (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2017), pp. 122-41.
  • “Rote Zora in Spanish: Anarcha-Feminist Activism in Translation” in Feminist Translation Studies: Local and Transnational Perspectives (Routledge, 2017), pp.  181-94.
  • “The Buik of Alexander: Translating Les Voeux du Paon in Scotland” in Les Voeux du Paon de Jacques de Longuyon: Originalité et rayonnement, ed. C. Gaullier-Bougassas (Klincksieck: Paris, 2011), pp. 221-35.
  • “Eger and Grime and the Boundaries of Courtly Romance” in “Joyous Sweit Imaginatioun”: Essays on Scottish Literature in Honour of R.D.S. Jack, ed. S. Carpenter & S. Dunnigan (Rodopi: Amsterdam, New York, 2007), pp. 77-95.
  • “The Adaptation of French Arthurian Romances in Scotland” in 60 Years at the Institut Français d’Ecosse (Edinburgh: Institut Français d’Ecosse, 2006), pp. 132-38.
  • with Eilidh Bateman. “Scotland and Catalonia: The Emergence of National Vernaculars” in Scotland in Europe, ed. Tom Hubbard and R.D.S. Jack (Rodopi: Amsterdam and New York, 2006), pp. 185-202.
  • “Reinventing Arthur: Representations of the Matter of Britain in Medieval Scotland and Catalonia” in The Scots and Medieval Arthurian Legend, ed. R. Purdie and N. Royan (Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, 2005), pp. 135-47.
  • with Helen Buffery, David Miranda and Martín Veiga "Introduction: Iberian Mobilities," in Helen Buffery, Sergi Mainer, David Miranda and Martín Veiga (eds), Here and Beyond: Narratives of Travel and Mobility in Contemporary Iberian Culture (Verlag, 2022), pp. 9-27.
  • with Olga Castro and Svetlana Page “Introduction: Self-translating, from Minorisation to Empowerment,” in Self-Translation and Power: Negotiating Identities in European Multilingual Contexts, ed.  O. Castro, S. Mainer and S. Page (Palgrave Macmillan: London, 2017), pp. 1-22.