Sara Canduzzi
Thesis title: Towards a Theory of Constitutional Crisis in the European Union

PhD supervisors:
2022 Diploma in Law (Honours) - Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy)
2022 LLM in Law - University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, UK)
2021 Master Degree in Law (Laurea Magistrale in Giurisprudenza) - University of Pisa (Pisa, Italy)
Responsibilities & affiliations
Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory
Europa Postgraduate Research Group (co-convenor for a.y. 2022/2023)
Undergraduate teaching
European Union Law (Ordinary) A
International Law Ordinary
Global Jurisprudence
Postgraduate teaching
Areas of interest for supervision
Current PhD students supervised
Past PhD students supervised
Research summary
Current research interests
Legal Theory; Constitutional Theory; European Union LawPast research interests
International Climate Change Law; International Environmental Law; Human Rights; Administrative LawKnowledge exchange
Affiliated research centres
Project activity
Conference details
Invited speaker
(May 2022) Sovereignty, Property and Climate Change - Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy)
(April 2023) 'Law and the Ties that Bind' - Edinburgh Centre for Legal Theory (University of Edinburgh)
(November 2022) Europa Postgraduate Research Group Guest Speakers events 'Between Constitutional Challenges and External Action: Understanding the Future of the EU (and of whose who wish to research it)' - Europa Institute (University of Edinburgh)
(May 2023) Society of Legal Scholars ‘Plural Visions of Law: The Legacy of Joseph Raz’ - University of York
(November 2022) UKAEL Young Researchers Workshop - City, University of London
(March 2022) FocusEnvironment Research Group - Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies (Pisa, Italy)
Papers delivered
'Raz’s service conception of authority and the distinctiveness of supranational and global authorities: insights for an ideal theory of legitimacy beyond the State'
'Was EU sovereignty there all along? Uncovering the explanatory and normative potential of a contested concept'
'Output legitimacy and climate change: old challenges and new opportunities'
In the press