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Name Role Business unit(s)
Shona Craik Trial Management Support Officer
Sophie Craik Digital Communications Officer
Chris Crame International Recruitment Manager (Sponsors)
Professor Jeremy Crang Professor of Modern British History
Denise Cranley Trial Manager
Islay Cranston Research Technician (microPET)
Sara Cranston Deputy Information Compliance Manager
Gina Cranswick Senior Trial Team Manager
Dayle Craske Internal Communications Officer
Tim Craven
Andrew Crawford Postdoctoral Statistical Geneticist
Anna Crawford Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Officer
Arlene Crawford Client Care Assistant
Lucy Crawford Emergency and Critical Care Internship
Rhona Crawford PR and Media Manager (CSE)
Emily Creamer Research Fellow
Lucilla Crespi
Lucilla Crespi PhD student - Classics
Miss Inês Crespo Communications Manager
Jorge Crespo Suarez