Ruth King
Thomas Bayes' Chair of Statistics at the School of Mathematics | Director of the Bayes Centre
- School of Mathematics
- Bayes Centre
Contact details
- Email:
- Web: School of Mathematics webpage
- Web: Personal webpage
- Street
The School of Mathematics
University of Edinburgh
James Clerk Maxwell Building
Peter Guthrie Tait Road
Edinburgh - City
- Post code
- EH9 3FD
- Street
Bayes Centre
47 Potterrow
Edinburgh - City
- Post code
- EH8 9BT
I joined the School of Mathematics at the University of Edinburgh in September 2015 as the Thomas Bayes' Chair of Statistics; and in August 2023 I was appointed as the new Director of the Bayes Centre, the University of Edinburgh's Innovation Hub for Data Science and AI.
I was elected a Fellow of the Learned Society of Wales in 2017; a fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2018; and a fellow of the Institute for Mathematical Statistics in 2022. In 2022 I was awarded the Royal Statistical Society Barnett Award.
I am an active member of the wider statistical community. Positions of responsibility held have included Elected President of the International Biometrics Society British and Irish Region (2019-20); vice- president (2018 and 2021); Elected Council member of the Royal Statistical Society (2018-21); Deputy Director of the National Centre for Statistical Ecology (NCSE) (2019-23). In 2017 I was one of the founding team that launched the (still running) Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Statistics: Unlocking the World of Data. I am also a co-founder of the University of Edinburgh's Centre for Statistics; launched in 2017, uniting statisticians and quantitative researchers across the three colleges of the University.
Biometrika Trust: Trustee, 2023-28.
Royal Statistical Society: Webinar Advisory Group Member, 2021-23; Honours Committee Member, 2016- 20; Research Section Committee Member, 2016-19.
International Biometrics Society: Elected President of the British and Irish Region, 2020-21 (vice-president, 2018, 2022); Editorial Advisory Committee Member, 2016-19; 2020-23.
International Society of Bayesian Analysis (ISBA): Mitchell Prize Committee Member, 2021.
Learned Society of Wales: STEMM4 Scrutiny Committee (for selection of new fellows), 2022-24.
Royal Society of Edinburgh: B4 Sectional Committee (for selection of new fellows), 2018-21.
International Statistical Ecology Conference Foundation: Trustee, 2020+.
National Centre for Statistical Ecology: Deputy Director, 2019-23.
Carnegie Trust: PhD Scholarship Review Panel Member, 2021-23.
Alan Turing Institute: Programme Committee Member, 2016-18; Turing Fellow, 2016-21.
School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh: Presenter for Class of '82 40th Reunion, 2022. ; and
Royal Society of Edinburgh: "Women in Science in Scotland" exhibition, 2019; and Winter lecture at Wallace High School, Stirling, 2020.
PiForum (for supporting diversity in Mathematics PhD applications): Invited speaker (virtual), 2020.
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences (ICMS): Public lecture (Edinburgh) - "The Rise and Fall and Rise of Bayesian Statistics", 2019.
30th Annual Coulter McDowell: Public lecture (London), 2016.
MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) "Statistics: Unlocking the World of Data": Co-developer and academic lead, 2016+.
London Mathematical Society: 150th Popular Lectures (London and Glasgow), 2015.
The Guardian: Invited author of article "How to count invisible people", 2015.