Ruth Jenkins (MA, MCLIP, FHEA)

Academic Support Librarian (Biomedical Sciences, Medicine)

  • Library Academic Support
  • Library and University Collections
  • Information Services Group

Contact details



Western General Hospital Library (Medical Education Centre)
Western General Hospital
Crewe Road South

Post code


  • I work at multiple sites, so please use email as the primary form of contact.


Ruth is Academic Support Librarian, offering specialist library support to Edinburgh Medical School and the Deanery of Biomedical Sciences. She has particular expertise in literature search methods for systematic reviews.

Responsibilities & affiliations

Chartered librarian with CILIP and professional registration mentor.

Committee member for University Health & Medical Librarians Group, the representative group for university health and medical librarians in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

Postgraduate teaching

Course Lead for Critical Literature Review - MSc Clinical Education

I am a point of contact for staff and students of the Edinburgh Medical School and Deanery of Biomedical Sciences who have questions about library resources and services.

I am happy to see staff and students from these Schools individually or in small groups to help you get the best from the literature databases available to you, find the reading material you need, use referencing software tools or on any other aspect of using the Library.

  • Hale, H., Bracewell, K., Bellussi, L., Jenkins, R., Alexander, J., Devaney, J. & Callaghan, J.E.M. (2024) The Child Protection Response to Domestic Violence and Abuse: a Scoping Review of Interagency Interventions, Models and Collaboration. Journal of Family Violence.
  • Jacobs, P., Power, L., Davidson, G., Devaney, J., McCartan, C., McCusker, P., & Jenkins, R. (2023). A Scoping Review of Mental Health and Wellbeing Outcome Measures for Children and Young People: Implications for Children in Out-of-home Care. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma.
  • Brown, F. S., Glasmacher, S. A., Taylor, D., Jenkins, R., Chandran, S., Gillespie, D., & Foley, P. (2023). Pain and cognitive performance in adults with multiple sclerosis: A systematic review. Multiple Sclerosis and Related Disorders, 104584.
  • Jenkins, R. (2015). Professional development through attending conferences: reflections of a health librarian. Health Information & Libraries Journal, 32(2), 156-160. doi:10.1111/hir.12101