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Name Role Business unit(s)
Jon Beer Manager of Student Administration
Esther Beeston Resource Editor /Assistant Administrator for CALL Scotland, IETL
Thomas Beeston Lecturer in Vet Anaesthesia
Karen Beggs Project Manager
Aoife Behan
Hannah Behrendt Fourth year PhD Student
Anna Beletski MScR Student
Kenny Bell College Communications Manager
Dr Nicholle G. A. Bell NERC Independent Research Fellow
Nicole Bell Senior Philanthropy Officer, Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Rachel Bell
Tessa Bell Senior Partnerships Advisor
Val Bell Departmental Assistant
Vicki Bell Media Producer
Dr Juraj Bella NMR Manager
Cat Bellamy Animal Care Assistant
Dr Chris Bellamy Reader in hepatic and renal pathology
Mr Joachim Belleza Immigration Compliance Officer
Dr Alexa Bellows Chancellor's Fellow
Prof Michele Belot Honorary Professorial Fellow