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Name Role Business unit(s)
Henrique Batista Developer
Riccardo Battilani SharePoint and Microsoft 365 Trainer
Seda Battilani e-Learning Developer
Claire Battison Trial Manager
Annalisa Battista, BA (Hons) Criminology, MPhil Criminology
Dr Diego Battiston Lecturer
Freya Batty Animal Care Assistant
Meg Batty Academic Policy Officer, Academic Services
Thomas Bauchop Enquiry Management Assistant
Linda Bauld Bruce and John Usher Professor of Public Health | Co-Head of Centre for Population Health Sciences
Noah Baumann Business Support Assistant
Stuart Baumann Third year PhD Student
Martha Baur Teaching Fellow in German
Faye Baxter Clinical Research Fellow in Diabetes
James Baxter Core Scientist
Miss Lauren Baxter Accounts Assistant
Mats Stage Baxter
Jonathan Bay
Sophie Bayer
Dr Satu Baylan Lecturer in Clinical Psychology