Dr Rosie Stenhouse (PhD RMN PGCertHET FHEA)
Head of Nursing Studies; Senior Lecturer; Associate Director Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry

- Nursing Studies
- School of Health in Social Science
- Centre for Creative Relational Inquiry
Contact details
- Tel: +44 31 651 5160
- Email: Rosie.Stenhouse@ed.ac.uk
- Street
School of Health in Social Science
Old Medical School
Teviot Place - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AG
With a background in mental health nursing I have worked in the third sector and NHS before moving into academia full time in 2005. My primary interests are in the healthcare related experiences of people who occupy marginalised positions including people with mental health diagnoses, those experiencing homelessness, members of the LGBT+ community, and those from other minoritised communities. In my research I try to work in a way that makes space for marginalised voices to be heard, and use poetry as a means of engaging audiences with research findings.
My other focus is the development of the nursing workforce, and in particular the support and retention of newly qualified nurses. I work in collaboration with NHS Education for Scotland and with NHS Lothian to support and evaluate the development of models of preceptorship and support for newly qualified nurses.
Responsibilities & affiliations
NMC registered
Undergraduate teaching
Main teaching areas are:
- mental health
- professional issues in nursing and healthcare
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Areas of interest for supervision
I am happy to supervise PhD students from a range of disciplines whose projects fall within my area of expertise:
qualitative methodologies
narrative and discourse analysis
creative and arts based methods
mental health
marginalised groups
Current PhD students supervised
Current PhD supervision
Year 1:
Anna Bovo, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study Topic: Emotion management in the emergency room
Principal supervisor
Year 2:
Oscar Wu, HiSS, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study Topic: The impact of using video sharing sites for management of minority stress in people from the LGB community#
Principal superisor
Olukemi Amala, Counselling and Psychotherapy, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study topic: the experience of disabled counsellors and therapists
methodology: critical studies, intersectionality theory
Principal supervisor
Emily Hennessy, HiSS, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study topic: Gypsy and Traveller adolescent girls' embodied experiences in relation to HPV vaccination
Second supervisor
Year 3:
Daniela Castillo-Mansilla, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study topic: compassionate care as understood and experienced by children with long term conditions
Methodology: Realist evaluation
Principal supervisor
Man Sa Lo, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study Topic: Sexual health education and needs and the development of an e-sexual health programme for young people in Macau
Methodology: Mixed methods, participatory action research
Second supervisor
Georgi Gill, Centre for Creative Relational Inquiry, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study Topic: Using (auto)biographical poetry to explore the experience of multiple sclerosis
Methodology: Qualitative; arts based methods; autoethnographic poetry
Principle supervisor
Katherine Pachkowski, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study Topic: Exploitation of people with mental health problems living in the community
Methodology: Qualitative; discourse analysis
Principle supervisor
Blerte Hyseni, Faculty of Health Sciences, Maribor University, Slovenia F/T
Study Topic: Impact of performance appraisal and quality of management in nursing job satisfaction
Methodology: mixed methods
Principle supervisor
Year 4:
Jamie Smith, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, F/T
Study Topic: Nurses’ constructions of nursing work
Methodology: New materialist approaches
Principle supervisor
Year 5:
Louise Johnston, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, P/T
Study Topic: Narrative study of student nurses’ experiences of coming to nursing from a widening participation pathway
Methodology: Narrative; discourse analysis
Principle supervisor
Past PhD students supervised
Successful Completions:
Dr Jessica McLaren, University of Edinburgh, 2013
Title: Making Sense of Supervision: A Narrative Study of the Supervision Experiences of Mental Health Nurses and Midwives
Dr Thanee Glomjai, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, 2015
Title: Alcohol consumption behaviour of young people in Thailand: Perspectives of stakeholders in Petchaburi Province
Dr Szu-Szu Ho, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, 2018
Title:“It depends on our deep belief in the treatment and our values”— Understanding HIV-positive drug users’ experiences of taking Highly Active Antiretroviral Treatment in Taiwan
Dan Hope, Sociology, University of Edinburgh, 2019
Title: 'What Nursing's All About': The caring ideal and ambivalence to 'profession' in nurses' occupational discourse
Sushila Chowdhry, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, 2019
Title:(In)visible women: a narrative study of larger women's pregnant embodiment and maternal healthcare
Gearoid Brennan, Nursing Studies, University of Edinburgh, 2021
Title: Mental Health Nurses, Physical Healthcare & People with Serious Mental Illness: A Bourdieusian Exploration
Jenny Young, Edinburgh Napier University, 2021
Title: One year caring: A longitudinal narrative study on men’s experiences of caring for a female partner with cancer
Research summary
My research is driven by a desire for social justice, and to improve the experience and retention of the nursing workforce. I am particularly interested in power and voice and this informs both the focus and methodologies of my projects and underpins my engagement with the Centre for Creative-Relational Inquiry.
Current research interests
The following represent the current projects I am involved in: Gay men's experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Realist evaluation of coproducing preceptorship with newly qualified nurses The barriers to accessing resources for teaching healthcare practitioners in Ghana Pilot development of a smartphone app to support patients with Covid-19 symptoms in Ethiopia I am also interested in development of projects focused on: Vulnerability Homelessness and mental health Supporting people with mental health issues in rural areasPast research interests
Emotional intelligence and retention and performance of student nursesKnowledge exchange
Online exhibition from The City Turned Upside Down: Relationships, regulations and the inversion of social ‘norms’ in the homelessness sector during the Covid-19 pandemic https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/livingthroughcovid/