Robyn Pritzker
Thesis title: Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson’s Short Fiction: Gender and Genre in the Late Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination

PhD in English Literature
Year of study: 3
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact details
- Email:
- @robzker
PhD supervisor:
Undergraduate teaching
English & Scottish Literature 1
English & Scottish Literature 2
Research summary
Robyn has recently completed her PhD, titled Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson’s Short Fiction: Gender and Genre in the Late Nineteenth Century Literary Imagination. She is interested in American women's writing in the nineteenth century, as well as transformations of the Gothic genre from that period onwards. Robyn has forthcoming projects and publications centring on both Stevenson's work and more contemporary Gothic studies, and is eager to continue reading across gender and genre.
Knowledge exchange
Robyn also has experience in Digital Humanities research. She has worked on authorship attribution (stylometry), OCR, and text mining, in addition to organising digital skills development workshops for students and faculty. Robyn has held research assistantships funded by both the British Academy and the Economic and Social Research Council.
Past project grants
European Society for the Study of English Research Travel Bursary
Digital Scholarship Training Fund (x2)
Digital Humanities Summer Institute 2016 Scholarship
Papers delivered
““Wicked Heathen Goddess”: Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson’s Renegade New Woman Gothic”. BAAS 2019. University of Sussex, April 2019.
“Grave New World: A Pretty Little Liars’ Guide to Surviving the Teen Gothic Melodrama.” Lit-TV: Literature and US Television. Edinburgh Napier University, May 2018.
“Something Wicked Westward Goes: Fanny Van de Grift Stevenson and the Frontier Gothic.” EBAAS 2018. King’s College London, April 2018
“The Victorious Vandegrifter: New Findings in the Stevensonian Legacy.” SHARP 2017. University of Victoria, June 2017.
““Something Mortal Might Appear”: Gender, Genre, and the Stevensons’ Shorter Fictions.” Deeper than Swords: Fear and Loathing in Fantasy and Folklore Conference. University of Edinburgh, January 2017.
With Anouk Lang. “All in the Family: Testing Burrows’s Delta on Robert Louis Stevenson's Collaboratively Authored Volumes The Dynamiter and The Wrecker.” Digital Humanities 2016. Jagiellonian University, July 2016.
With Penny Fielding and Anouk Lang, “The Stevensons and Stylometry: From the Digital Humanities Classroom to the Scholarly Edition.” English Literature Research Seminar Series, University of Edinburgh, October 2015.