Robert Nagy (PhD student)
Thesis title: Data Intelligence for the Evaluation of New Treatments for Breast Cancer

Molecular and Clinical Medicine (ECRC)
Year of study: 4
- MRC Institute of Genetics and Cancer - Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Centre
- Usher Institute/ BioQuarter NINE - floor 2
- Edinburgh Health Economics (EHE) Academic Group - Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit
Contact details
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Cerified Instructor with The Carpentries ( (2020)
PhD in Molecular and Clinical Medicine (Data Science for Health Technology Assessment) - ongoing / exp. completion: Q2 2021 - The University of Edinburgh
Data Science for Business MSc (2017) - The University of Stirling
Molecular Bionics Engineer (Medical Biotechnology orientation) BSc Hons (2016) - Pazmany Peter Catholic University (in collaboration with the Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Institute of Experimental Medicine and the Semmelweis University - Medical School)
Undergraduate teaching
AY2018/19 & AY2019/20:
Hold tutorial sessions for year-two Medical students for the module called 'Data Science in Medicine' ( MBChB: Year 2 Molecules to Society 2a (2018-2019) ). And marked assignments.
Teaching Assistant at the Business School (Python Programming for Business Applications, Business Research Methods-I, Economics of Corporate Strategy)
Teaching Assistant at the Business School (Business Research Methods-I & II)
Postgraduate teaching
TA at the Business School (Python Programmingfor Business Applications)
Current research interests
During my PhD, I am aiming to develop a more sophisticated model-based decision-support software tool to enable healthcare managers and policy-makers to better estimate the financial and resource-use implications of new Oncology drug adoption cases in the Scottish NHS Secondary Care setting. For this work, I am utilising the locally available rich routine data assets that can be used for model development purpose in order to generate real-world evidence. This work is to be done within the framework of the Edinburgh Cancer Information Modernisation Programme, which is enabling improved access to cancer patient data to support service planning, quality improvement and research to improve outcomes for patients. The programme is delivering a world-class resource for use in collaboration with national analytical partners, researchers and the Scottish Government’s Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme in association with Health Data Research UK. Research is facilitated by close working with the NHS Lothian Research Safe Haven. ( ) ORCiD: activity
Lothian Cancer Data Intelligence Project - one of the business cases is to explore ustilisation potential of routine clinical data assets to better estimate new Oncology drug adoption case impact on healthcare budget holder and standard service provision. This work is to be done within the framework of the Edinburgh Cancer Information Modernisation Programme.
Helper and instructor at the EPCC/ Software Sustainability Institute - holding Data and Software Carpentry workshops.
(Read more about the organisation, vision and mission: )
Conference details
Invited speaker
Invited oral presentation @ ISPOR Europe 2019 (2-6, November 2019) - Copenhagen, Denmark
In the press
To view my Data Carpentry Instructor Certificate, please click on the URL below: