Ritwik Sarkar
Open Source Web Development Community Champion

- Website & Communications
- Learning, Teaching and Web Services
- Information Services Group
Contact details
- Email: ritwik.sarkar@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Argyle House, Floor H West
3 Lady Lawson Street - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH3 9DR
Ritwik joined the Website and Communication team in June 2019 for a 3 month role as the Open Source Web Development Community Champion. The role was to explore the University of Edinburgh’s relationship with Open Source products and their communities. The work involved interviewing staff around the University and researching how we support and engage with open source. Ritwik looked for opportunities to collaborate, contribute and promote open source in general. This all built to designing, developing and managing an event celebrating open source called ‘Open Edinburgh – putting open source in your hands’. All aspects of the event needed to be managed from creating the initial concept, finding a venue, securing workshop leaders, speakers, marketing, promotion and even ordering the catering for 100 people.
3rd year BEng Computer Science with Management student
Responsibilities & affiliations
President and Captain of the Edinburgh University Rifle Club.
Ritwik is also a Student Ambassador for the University.
Open Edinburgh - Putting open source in your hands. Day conference for 100 people with a morning Wikipedia Editathon followed by an afternoon of speakers exploring what open source means for them.