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Name Role Business unit(s)
Katharine Swarbrick Lecturer
Christopher Sweeney Research fellow and PhD student
Kieran Sweeney
Kieran Sweeney Research Fellow: Multimorbidity PhD programme for Health Professionals
Sean Sweeney Service Manager
Sweta Sweta
Chris Swift Learning and Information Technology Manager
Nur Hilal A Syahrir
Ahmad Syauqi
Maaz Syed
Aneeta Sylolypavan Research Fellow
Stefan Symeonides Senior Clinical Lecturer in Medical Oncology
Kirsty Symon Senior groom
Erin Symons
Dr Csaba Szabo Lecturer in Language Education
Dóri Szabó
Olga Szekrenyes Learning and Teaching Administrator
Gabriella (Gabi) Szel Teaching Office: Undergraduate Teaching Administrator (BA Childhood Practice)
Felicia Szloboda
Aba Szollosi Postdoctoral Research Assistant