Rev. Craig Meek

PhD in Systematic Theology
Year of study: 5
- New College, School of Divinity
Contact details
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PhD supervisor:
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Wesley Theological Seminary, 4500 Massachusetts Avenue, NW
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- Washington, DC
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- 20016
PhD Candidate – New College Divinity School, Edinburgh (In progress)
Masters in Theology (w/ distinction) – New College Divinity School, Edinburgh (2017)
Masters in Divinity (w/ Honors) – Pittsburgh Theological Seminary (2014)
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical and Theological Studies – John Brown University (2009)
Responsibilities & affiliations
Teaching Elder & Minister of Word and Sacrament - Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
American Academy of Religion
Undergraduate teaching
Social Christianity in Britain, Germany, and America, 1845-1940
The Bible in Literature
Approaches and Themes in Christian Theology
Research summary
My research and teaching interests belong mostly to the history of modern western thought. I’m interested especially in European history, philosophy, and theology since the French Revolution, and I specialize in Scottish philosophical and theological thinkers since the enlightenment. My current research focuses on the early 20th century Scottish Reformed theologian Hugh Ross Mackintosh, both his appropriation of German Liberal Theology and effort to reform Scottish theology in a more modern key. In the future, I hope to work on questions related to how Scottish Philosophy shapes Scottish theology during the 19th and early 20th centuries, Friedrich Schleiermacher's theology, and matters related to early German Romanticism. Additionally, I have keen interests in Pastoral Theology and how both systematic and historical theology can better serve the church and her ministers.
Knowledge exchange
Sermon - Exodus 32:1-14. The Expository Times (Forthcoming Fall of 2023)
Review: 'Justin Stratis, God's Being Towards Fellowship: Schleiermacher, Barth, and the Meaning of God's Love (Bloomsbury, T&T Clark: London, 2019) pp. ix-195.' in Expository Times (Forthcoming Fall of 2023).
Review: 'C. Van Gelder & D.J. Zscheile, Participating in God's Mission: A Theological Missiology for the Church in America (Eerdmans: Grand Rapids, MI, 2018) pp. xxiv-359' In The Expository Times. (Forthcoming Fall of 2023)
Sermon - Mark 11:1-11. The Expository Times vol. 132, no. 5 (February 2021): 235-36.
Sermon - Matthew 10:24-39. The Expository Times vol. 131, no. 8 (May 2020): 364-66.
Review: “Hugh Ross Mackintosh, God in Experience: Essays of Hugh Ross Mackintosh. Paul K. Moser and Benjamin Nasmith (Eds.) (Eugene, OR: Pickwick Publications, 2018), pp. Viii-231. $29.00.” in Scottish Journal of Theology 73, no. 1 (2020): 79–81.
Review: “Joseph D. Small, Flawed Church, Faithful God: A Reformed Ecclesiology for the Real World (Grand Rapids, Michigan: Eerdmans, 2018). £29.99. pp. xx-242.” in The Expository Times 132, no. 2 (November 2020): 94–95.
Review: “Thomas F. Torrance, Space, Time, and Resurrection (London: Bloomsbury T&T Clark, 2019. £21.99. pp. lv + 196.” in The Expository Times 131, no. 8 (May 2020): 379-80.
Review: “Marvin Oxenham, Character and Virtue in Global Theological Education: An Academic Epistolary Novel (Carlisle: Langham Global Library, 2019), pp. xiii-393. £19.99” in Theology in Scotland vol 26, no. 2 (December 2019): 85-88.
Conference details
I've presented papers at the American Academy of Religion, in their Reformed Theology & History Unit, and at a conference on Scottish Church History. In the future, I hope to become more involved with AAR, The Institute for the Study of Scottish Philosophy, The Karl Barth Society of North America, and the T.F. Torrance Theological Fellowship.
Papers delivered
‘From Confessional to Confession: The Church of Scotland and the 1935 Statement of Faith.’ Unpublished Conference Paper delivered in November 2020 to the Reformed Theology and History Unit at the American Academy of Religion.
‘The 1935 Statement of Faith.’ Unpublished Conference Paper delivered in October of 2019 to a group of scholars who work in Scottish Church History.