Mr Quentin Fournier

Combined Internship/Residency in Small Animal Oncology


Quentin studied in Alfort Veterinary School (Paris, France), while gaining experience in general private practice and developping his interest for both clinical and experimental oncology. He graduated in 2014 and completed thereafter a rotating internship in the Small Animal Hospital of the Veterinary Campus of Vetagro-sup (Lyon, France). He joined the R(D)SVS Oncology Department in July 2015.



Education/Academic qualification

2015Postgraduate Diploma, Hospital for Small Animals,Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, Roslin, UK. Junior Clinical Training Scholarship in Oncology2014Postgraduate Diploma, Veterinary Campus of Vetagro-sup Rotating internship2009Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine & Surgery, Alfort Veterinary School

Professional Qualifications

2013Veterinarian at the Kupfer-Paris III Veterinary Clinic (Paris, France)2010Veterinary nurse at the Kupfer-Paris III Veterinary Clinic (Paris, France)