Professor Heather Prince (PFHEA)
Heather is an Associate Tutor (Outdoor Education). She also holds honorary positions as Professor Emerita of Outdoor and Environmental Education at the University of Cumbria and Visiting Professor at Plymouth Marjon University, UK.

- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Outdoor and Environmental Education
Contact details
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After a doctorate in palaeoecology from Aberystwyth University and a PGCE (secondary) in Outdoor Activities and Geography at Bangor University, Heather worked in Outdoor Education Centres and as a Co-ordinator of Outdoor Education in Cumbria, prior to moving into teacher training in higher education at Charlotte Mason College. She established the first Outdoor Studies undergraduate degree in the UK and has since designed, developed and taught on undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in outdoor and environmental education at the University of Cumbria (UoC). She has collaborated on postgraduate strategic developments and has designed new frameworks for postgraduate courses, including a tripartite Erasmus-Mundus MA programme and an MA in Outdoor and Experiential Learning. She is particularly interested in the exciting opportunities presented for enhancing student experience through active and experiential learning with research informed teaching.
As the first Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (PFHEA) at UoC, she contributed to the development of teaching and learning across the university and the training and mentoring of staff for fellowship awards of AdvanceHE. She is involved in innovative curriculum design and inspiring pedagogic practice with international experience in curriculum change and development. As Co-Head of the Graduate School, she supported postgraduate research students and researcher development at the university, supporting the introduction of a range of doctoral awards.
Heather publishes widely and is the co-editor of the Routledge International Handbook of Outdoor Studies (2016), Research Methods in Outdoor Studies (2019) and Outdoor Environmental Education in Higher Education: International Perspectives (2021).
Heather works part-time across our postgraduate courses whilst spending more time outdoors and working on research and curriculum development projects related to enabling all young people to have the opportunity to experience outdoor learning. She also has a number of voluntary roles including for Cumbria Development Education Centre and the place-based Morecambe Bay Curriculum.
BSc (Hons) Geography, University of Durham
PhD Palaeoecology, Aberystwyth University
PGCE & Qualified Teacher Status, Geography and Outdoor Activities, Bangor University
Certificate in Nature Conservation, Newcastle University
Outdoor activities qualifications
Mountaineering: Summer and Winter Mountain Leader Awards; Single Pitch Award (rock climbing)
Paddlesports: Paddle UK (British Canoeing) Level 3 Coach: Sea, Inland and Canoe; 5* (training): Sea, Canoe
Sailing: RYA Dinghy Instructor; Safety Boat; Coastal Skipper; Yachtmaster onshore; VHF radio
Orienteering: Instructor; Club Coach (training)
Emergency First Aid Outdoors; PCV licence for minibuses (unrestricted D1) and CPC
Responsibilities & affiliations
Higher Education Academy (AdvanceHE) Principal Fellow
Institute for Outdoor Learning Research Award
International Outdoor Education Research Conference (IOERC), academic committee (organiser of IOERC9 in 2022)
Editorial Board, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning (Associate Editor, 2018-2023)
Member, European Institute for Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE)
External Examiner, Atlantic Technological University, Ireland, MSc Outdoor Education, Sustainability and Wellbeing
National Governing Bodies for Outdoor Activities (e.g. Mountaineering Scotland, Paddle UK (British Canoeing), British Orienteering)
Postgraduate teaching
PgCert/PgDip/MSc Outdoor Education (OE) & PgCert/PgDip/MSc Outdoor Environmental and Sustainability Education (OESE)
Associate Tutor for Dissertation and Applied Project , Interpreting the Landscape, Social Theory and Outdoor Education (OE and OESE)
Previous teaching across undergraduate and postgraduate programmes in outdoor and environmental education, including initial teacher education.
External examiner: University of Edinburgh, Plymouth Marjon University
International curriculum and validation consultant
Areas of interest for supervision
PhD Supervision
7 completions
Research Degrees Examination (UK and international)
14 PhD, 4 Professional doctorates, 2 MPhil/MA by research
Research summary
Outdoor Studies
Outdoor and Environmental Education. Outdoor learning in formal education.
Adventure, environment and sustainability.
Inclusion and participation in adventurous activities.
Professional pedagogy and practice.
Place-based & nature-based learning
Adventure and technology. Residential programmes.
Knowledge exchange
Heather was theme lead for Outdoor Learning in the Learning, Education and Development (LED) research centre at the University of Cumbria. She established the NW England Outdoor Learning Practice-Research Hub, supported by the Institute for Outdoor Learning to facilitate KE between researchers and practitioners, part of a UK network of hubs. Subsequent projects have involved supporting teachers and educators to facilitate outdoor and environmental education, though place-based and nature-based learning in their schools and communities. This has involved developing an evidence base, frameworks of support and activity plans for the Morecambe Bay Curriculum (linked to Eden Project Morecambe) and Natural England.
Current project grants
Natural England, Scoping project on the ‘framework’ of support required by schools to develop their outdoor learning practices (with Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC), University of Cumbria (UoC), Lancaster University).
Natural England, ‘Learning Naturally’ activities plan. Curriculum development for environmental education at Earnse Bay Hub, Cumbria (with CDEC, UoC, Lancaster University – Morecambe Bay Curriculum).
Past project grants
Natural England, Scoping study to better understand best practice principles in relation to providing community access to school and college grounds (2024).
Cumbria County Council, Scoping report for a place-based curriculum for Cumbrian schools (with Cumbria Development Education Centre (CDEC) and Cumbria Action for Sustainability (CAfS).
UKRI, Evidence base for Morecambe Bay Curriculum (linked to Eden Project Morecambe). Development of curriculum framework for a place-based curriculum through literature and evidence review.
Ocean Youth Trust (OYT) North Social Impact Project. To design (and implement) a social impact assessment project to investigate the longer-term impact for former crew participants of a sail training voyage aboard the ‘James Cook’ (and any other vessel operated by the OYT North/ OYC).
REALISE (Researching Experiential Active Learning Initiatives for Student/Staff Engagement) Project. Supporting and enhancing outdoor and experiential learning with Millom School including conservation work and outdoor experiences at Hardknott Forest, teachers’ upskill in action research and PhD research in staff/student relationships to create positive learning environments.
Research Hubs UK, theory- practice nexus with the Institute for Outdoor Learning (IOL), Natural England, Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, with Professor Chris Loynes.
Residential Experiences, effect on cognitive attainment for primary children. Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLotC), Learning Away Consortium, with Professor Chris Loynes.
Lowe Alpine: Comparison of backpacks.
University of Cumbria & Brathay Trust. Knowledge Transfer Partnership (to establish sustainable Research Hub).
University of Cumbria, Research & Scholarship Development Fund for Outdoor terminology, language and semantics: developments and changes over the last decade. (project with Taylor & Francis, Routledge, and Managing Editors of the Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning to establish retrospective key words for all papers since 2000).
St Martin’s College. Internal Exceptional Business Case bid.
Worldwide Fund for Nature, Education for Sustainability. School partnership project ( Schools & Geography and Outdoor Studies Team).
National Trust, confidential feasibility study (Outdoor & Environmental Education).
Invited speaker
Public lectures
Prince, H.E. (2021, December). School-based outdoor learning: Lessons for good practice. Lancaster University, Department of Educational Research (open lecture) UK.
Prince, H.E. (2019, March). Outdoor learning in primary schools: Practice, challenges and opportunities. University of Cumbria (public lecture) UK.
Public webinars
Prince, H. (2021, May). School-based outdoor learning: Lessons for enabling good practice for children 3- 11 years. Council for Learning Outside the Classroom, online.
Prince, H. (2020, June). Outdoor learning in primary schools: Practice matters. University of Cumbria, online, LED research Centre, 24 June 2020.
Papers delivered
Prince, H. (2023, October). Morecambe Bay Curriculum. A new place-based curriculum in North-west England to build a more sustainable future. 21st International Conference of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE), Metsäkartano, Finland.
Prince, H. (2023, April). School-based outdoor learning (Keynote). Outdoor Conference for Lancashire primary school headteachers and senior leaders. Borwick Hall, Carnforth, UK.
Prince, H. (2022, November). Routes to positive action for sustainability in outdoor sports (Keynote). 10th International Mountain and Outdoor Sports Conference, Prague, Czech Republic.
Prince, H. (2022, October). Curriculum outdoor practice in local natural spaces and places. 20th International Conference of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE), Marburg, Germany.
Prince, H. (2022, September). Place-based learning. Cumbria Primary Heads Association Conference. Kendal, Cumbria, UK.
Dykes, N. & Prince, H. (2022, September). Professor R.G.H. Bunce in the Picos: 30 years of inspiration to many. International Association of Landscape Ecologists (IALE), Bob Bunce Memorial Symposium, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Lancaster, UK.
Prince, H. (2022, July). Neophyte outdoor education researchers’ experiences during Covid-19 restrictions. 9th International Outdoor Education Research Conference (IOERC9), Ambleside, UK.
Diggory, O. & Prince, H. (2022, July). Recognition and reporting of outdoor learning in primary schools in England. 9th International Outdoor Education Research Conference (IOERC9), Ambleside, UK.
Prince, H. (2021, March). Effective school-based outdoor learning – the evidence base. Cumbria Schools’ Working Group, Morecambe Bay Curriculum. Online.
Fletcher, E. & Prince, H. (2020, January). ASTO (Association of Sail Training Organisations) Theory of Change. Annual Conference of the Association of Sail Training Organisations (ASTO), Southampton Solent University, UK.
Prince, H.E., Ager, J., Weller, A. & Bannister, R. (2019, July). Research informed practice or practice informed research? Reflections on master’s dissertation student journeys. Learning & Teaching Fest 2019, University of Cumbria, UK.
Bren, C. & Prince, H. (2019, September). The experiences of trans and non-binary participants in residential outdoor programmes. International Conference of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE) Tralee, Ireland.
Prince, H. (2019, September). Building blocks in experiential learning for inclusive teaching and learning. International Conference of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE) Tralee, Ireland.
Prince, H.E. (2019, April). Teachers’ perceptions of the value of outdoor learning in a period of curriculum and governance reform. Outdoor Learning Research & Development Symposium. University of Cumbria, UK.
Prince, H.E. & Fletcher, E. (2019, January). Research matters. Paper and workshop. Annual Conference of the Association of Sail Training Organisations (ASTO), UK, Southampton Solent University, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2018, November). School-based Outdoor Education: Lessons in enabling good practice for children 3-11 years. 8th International Outdoor Education Research Conference (IOERC8), University of the Sunshine Coast, Australia.
Prince, H.E. (2018, September). Capturing experiences in the outdoors using social networking sites through photo-elicitation. International Seminar of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning (EOE) CSOD, Bohinj, Slovenia.
Prince, H.E. (2018, July). School-based Outdoor Education: Lessons in enabling good practice for children 3-11 years. Cumbria Research and Innovation Conference, University of Cumbria.
Prince, H.E. (2018, April). Outdoor Learning in Primary Schools in England. Learning, Education and Development Research Centre Outdoor Learning Symposium, University of Cumbria.
Prince, H.E. (2018, March). Putting research into practice; or, putting practice into research in Sail Training. Annual conference for volunteers of the Ocean Youth Trust North, North Shields, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2018, January – February). Text messaging as a near synchronous method in adventure. 6th International Adventure Conference, Segovia, Spain, ‘Climates of change: Rethinking the outdoor experience’.
Prince, H.E. (2018, January). Research into practice or practice into research in Sail Training. Association of Sail Training Organisation Annual Conference, Southampton Solent University, UK.
Prince, H.E. & Fletcher, E. (2017, November – December). Sail Training as a Cultural Community: Provoking a dialogue for providers, practitioners and researchers. The International Sail Training & Tall Ships Conference 2017, Bordeaux, France.
Prince, H.E. (2017, November). Outdoor Learning in the formal curriculum of primary schools. Learning, Education and Development Research Centre launch, ‘Developing research-informed practice in learning, education and development’, Lancaster, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2017, September). Engaging young people in future landscapes. Workshop at the Centre for National Parks and Protected Areas Research Centre launch, ‘Nature and culture: Achieving a balance. A challenge for future generations’, Ambleside, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2017, June - July). Making sense of the sensory. International Seminar of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning. ‘Atmospheres and Narratives’, Plymouth, UK.
Prince, H.E. & Hayes, T.A. (2017, June – July). Evidencing atmospheres and narratives: Measuring the immeasurable? Discussion forum, International Seminar of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning. ‘Atmospheres and Narratives’, Plymouth, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2016, September). Adventurous teaching for outdoor learning in formal education: a guided and participatory experiential approach with Higher Education students. 20th Anniversary International Conference of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning. ‘Changing horizons: challenges to outdoor education in Europe’, Salzburg, Austria.
Hayes, T.A., Leather, M. & Prince, H.E. (2016, August – September). Playfully being outdoors: research, pedagogy and practice. Royal Geographical Society – IBG Annual International Conference. ‘Nexus thinking’. London, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2016, June). Adventurous teaching for outdoor learning in formal education: a guided and participatory experiential approach with Higher Education students. University of Cumbria Teaching and Learning Fest, ‘Engaging students in learning’, Carlisle, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2014, September). Place-based Outdoor Learning in formal primary education in England. Conference of the European Institute of Outdoor Adventure Education and Experiential Learning. ‘Under the open sky: supporting healthy lifestyles and relationships to nature and society through outdoor engagement with youth work: European perspective’, Laugar in Sælingsdal, Iceland.
Prince, H.E. (2013, May). Eliciting nature and landscape writing through outdoor experiences. Adventure Tourism Research Association International Adventure Conference, University of the Highlands and Islands, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Skye, UK.
Prince, H. (2012, July). Hay meadow conservation in the Picos de Europa. University of Cumbria Research & Enterprise Fest, Lancaster, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2007, August). The provision of outdoor learning in Primary Education in England and Wales and A Childhood in Nature (two papers). Royal Geographical Society – IBG Annual International Conference, ‘Sustainability and Outdoor Learning: the ‘When’,’Where’ and Why’, London, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2005, June). Graduate Pathways Project. St Martin's College Research Fest, Lancaster, UK.
Prince, H.E. (2005, January). Monitoring and Evaluating Outcomes. The Calvert Trust (Outdoor Centre for People with Disabilities), Keswick, UK.
Prince, H. (1997, November) College-based awards: Fit for purpose? Workshop on Outdoor Education in further and higher education. The Fifth Outdoor Froum, ‘Effective Outdoor Leadership’. Derbyshire, UK.
Prince, H. (1992, December). Reviewing with primary aged children using graphical approaches. National Association for Outdoor Education Conference, Cumbria, UK.
Prince, H. (1992, July). Outdoor and Residential Education: Supporting the National Curriculum through an approach to learning. HMI (Course tutor), YMCA, Lakeside, Cumbria, UK
Full papers in refereed journals
North, C., Hills, D., Maher, P., Farkic, J., Zeilman, V., Waite, S., Takano, T., Prince, H., Gurholt, K.P., Muthomi, N., Njenga, D., Karaka-Clarke, T.H., Houge Mackenzie, S., & French. G. (2024). Artificial Intelligence and adventure education and outdoor learning: International perspectives. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 24(1), 123-140.
Prince, H. E. & Diggory, O. (2024). Recognition and reporting of outdoor learning in primary schools in England. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 24(4), 553-565.
Prince, H.E. & Annison, E. (2023). Men and menstruation: Views and perspectives influencing participation in adventurous activities. Sport, Education and Society.
Prince, H. E. & Annison, E. (2023). The impact of menstruation on participation in adventurous activities. Sport, Education and Society, 28(7), 811-823.
Waite, S. & Prince, H. (2022). Editorial: Child, place, and others: Interactions that support outdoor learning. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 22(4), 275-277.
Bren, C. & Prince, H. E. (2021). The experiences of trans and non-binary participants in residential and non-residential outdoor programmes. Journal of Outdoor and Environmental Education, 25, 27-45.
Fenton, L., Playdon, Z., & Prince, H.E. (2022). Bushcraft education as radical pedagogy. Pedagogy, Culture & Society, 30(5), 715-729.
Prince, H. & Waite, S. (2020). Child, place and others: Interactions that support outdoor learning. Call for papers. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 20, 96-97. https: //
Seaman, J., Dettweiler, U., Humberstone, B., Martin, B., Prince, H., & Quay, J. (2020). Joint recommendations on reporting empirical research in outdoor, experiential, environmental and adventure education journals. Journal of Experiential Education, 43(4), 348-364.
Prince, H.E. (2020). The lasting impacts of outdoor adventure residential experiences’, Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 21(3), 261-276.
Prince, H.E. (2020). The sustained value teachers place on outdoor learning. Education 3-13, International Journal of Primary, Elementary and Early Years Education, 48(5), 597-615.
Prince, H.E. (2019). Changes in outdoor learning in primary schools in England, 1995 and 2017: Lessons for good practice. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 19(4), 329-342.
Prince, H.E. (2018). Text messaging as a near synchronous method of remote support in outdoor adventurous settings. Applied Mobilities, 3(2), 168-184.
Fletcher, E. & Prince, H.E. (2017). Steering a course towards eudaimonia: The effects of sail training on well-being and character. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 17(3), 179-190.
Prince, H. E. (2017). Outdoor experiences and sustainability. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 17(2), 161-171.
Prince, H. E. (2013). Writing for the U.K. Professional Standards Framework: An autobiographical narrative. Practitioner Research in Higher Education, 7(1), 4-10.
Prince, H. E. & Allin, L.; Hansen Sandseter, E. B. & Ärlemalm-Hagsér, E. (2013). Outdoor play and learning in early childhood from different cultural perspectives. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 13(3), 183-188.
Prince, H. E., Bunce, R. G. H. & Jongman, R. H. (2012). Changes in the vegetation composition of hay meadows between 1993 and 2009 in the Picos de Europa and implications for nature conservation. Journal for Nature Conservation 20, 162-169.
Cammack, P., Convery, I. & Prince, H. E. (2011). Gardens and birdwatching: Recreation, environmental management and human-nature interaction in an everyday location. Area, 43, 314-319.
Prince, H. E. (2005). Graduate pathways: A longitudinal study of graduates in outdoor studies in the U.K. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning, 5(1), 21-34.
Prince, H. E. (1999). The role of outdoor education in developing spiritual awareness in young children. Horizons, 5, 23-25.
Prince, H. E. & Crompton, G. J. (1995). Reviewing the review: A research project to investigate the perception of reviewing techniques by junior aged children. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership, 12(1), 17-19.
Prince, H. E. (1993). Mathematics and environmental education at KS1 and KS2. Environmental Education, 44, 7-9.
Prince, H. E. (1992). Reviewing Outdoor Education experience: Initial graphical approaches with primary aged children. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership, 9(3), 13-16.
Prince, H. & Lemmey, R. (1991). ‘Population dynamics ... or polymorphics?’ Environmental Education, 26-27.
Books and monographs
Ager, J., & Prince, H. (2023). Charlotte Mason’s pedagogical approach. Embedded outdoor and experiential learning. CMI.
Thomas, G. J., Dyment, J., & Prince, H. (Eds.). (2021). Outdoor environmental education in higher education: International perspectives. Springer International Publishing AG.
Humberstone, B., & Prince, H. (Eds.) (2019). Research methods in outdoor studies. Routledge.
Humberstone, B., Prince, H. and Henderson, K.A. (Eds.) (2016). International handbook of outdoor studies. Routledge.
Parts or chapters of books
Prince, H. (2024). A postdigital lens on outdoor research. In S.K. Beames & P.T. Maher (Eds.), Routledge handbook of mobile technology, social media and the outdoors (pp. 23-31). Routledge.
Prince, H., & Barlow, C. (2024). Found in translation: Developing students’ skills and competencies to implement nature-based and place-based outdoor curricula. In W. Garnham & P. Oprandi (Eds.), Outdoor learning in higher education: Educating beyond the seminar room (pp. 186-194). SEDA (Staff and Educational Development Association), Routledge.
Fletcher, E., & Prince, H. (2024). Sail training: Perspectives of sea going staff. In M. Brown (Ed.), The ocean, blue spaces and outdoor learning (pp. 151-162). Routledge.
Prince, H.E. (2023). Rewilding children and young people: The role of education and schools. In S. Hawkins, I. Convery, S. Carver, & R. Beyers (Eds.), Routledge handbook of rewilding (pp. 295-302). Routledge.
Prince, H.E. (2022). Élaborer des projets de recherche efficaces en plein air (Developing effective research projects in outdoor studies). In D. Auger, R. Roult, & J-M Adjizian (Eds.), Plein air: Manuel réflexif et pratique (pp. 179- 191). Hermann.
Prince, H. & Macgregor, L. (2022). Outdoor Learning. In H. Cooper & S. Elton-Chalcraft (Eds), Professional studies in primary education (4th ed., pp. 348-367). SAGE.
Prince, H. & Cory-Wright, J. (2022). Outdoor education as a deep education for global sustainability and social justice. In K. Petry, K & J. de Jong (Eds.), Education in sport & physical activity: Global perspectives & future directions (pp. 49-59). Routledge.
Thomas, G.J., Dyment, J. & Prince, H. (2021). Preparing outdoor educators to be transformational teachers and leaders. In G.J. Thomas, Dyment, J., & Prince, H. (Eds.), Outdoor environmental education in higher education: International perspectives (pp. 1-11). Springer International Publishing AG.
Prince, H. (2021). Outdoor environmental education research and reflective practice. In G.J. Thomas, Dyment, J. & Prince, H. (Eds.), Outdoor environmental education in higher education: International perspectives, (pp. 349-361). Springer International Publishing AG.
Prince, H.E. (2019). Capturing outdoor experiences using social networking sites: Exploring students’ practices through photo-elicitation. In Kokalji, I. (Ed.), The mediation of experiences by technology in the outdoors (pp. 76-80). CŠOD.
Prince, H. & Humberstone, B. (2019). Introduction. In B. Humberstone & H.Prince (Eds.), Research methods in outdoor studies (pp. 1-6). Routledge.
Prince, H. & Mallabon, E. (2019). Designing effective research projects in Outdoor Studies. In B. Humberstone & H. Prince (Eds.), Research methods in outdoor studies (pp. 33-43). Routledge.
Hayes, T.A. & Prince, H. (2019). Shared-story approaches in Outdoor Studies: The HEAR (Hermeneutics, (Auto)Ethnography and Action Research) ‘listening’ methodological model. In B. Humberstone & H. Prince (Eds.), Research methods in outdoor studies (pp. 153-163). Routledge.
Allin, L., Prince, H., & Humberstone, B. (2019). Publication and dissemination. In B. Humberstone & H. Prince (Eds.), Research methods in outdoor studies (pp. 307-316). Routledge.
Hayes, T.A., Prince, H., & Convery, I. (2019). Bear illustrations in children’s literature. In O. Nevin, I. Convery, P. Davis & J. Kitchin (Eds.), The bear: A cultural and natural heritage (pp. 67-76). Boydell & Brewer.
Prince, H.E. (2018). Making sense of the sensory outdoors. In M. Leather (Ed.), Atmospheres and hauntings (pp. 91-96). Plymouth Marjon University.
Prince, H.E. & Hayes, T.A. (2018). Evidencing atmospheres and narratives: Measuring the immeasurable? In M. Leather (Ed.), Atmospheres and hauntings (pp. 97-102). Plymouth Marjon University.
Prince, H., Christie, B., Humberstone, B., & Pedersen Gurholt, K. (2018). Adventure education and outdoor learning: Examining journal trends since 2000. In P. Becker, B. Humberstone, C. Loynes & J. Schirp (Eds.), The changing world of the outdoors (pp. 144-159). Routledge.
Humberstone, B., Prince, H.E., & Mansfield, L.T. (2018). The environment, physical activity, recreation and the outdoors. In J. Piggin, L. Mansfield & M. Weed (Eds.), Routledge handbook of physical activity policy and practice (pp. 209-223). Routledge.
Prince, H.E. & Loynes, C. (2016). Adventure, nature and commodification. In I. Convery & P. Davis (Eds.), Changing perceptions of nature (pp. 227-233). Boydell & Brewer.
Prince, H. (2016). Constructs and theoretical concepts in outdoor studies. In B. Humberstone, H. Prince & K.A. Henderson (Eds.), International handbook of outdoor studies (pp. 7-9). Routledge.
Prince, H. (2016). Formal education. In B. Humberstone, H. Prince & K.A. Henderson (Eds.) International handbook of outdoor studies (pp. 81-84). Routledge.
Prince, H. & Exeter, D. (2016). Formal curricular initiatives and evaluation in the UK. In B. Humberstone, H. Prince & K.A. Henderson (Eds.), International handbook of outdoor studies (pp. 141-150). Routledge.
Humberstone, B., Prince, H., & Henderson, K.A. (2016). Introduction. In B. Humberstone, H. Prince & K.A. Henderson (Eds.), International handbook of outdoor studies (pp. 1-4). Routledge.
Prince, H. E. (2014). Eliciting nature and landscape writing through outdoor experiences. In P. Varley & S. Taylor (Eds.), Being there: Slow, fast, traditional, wild, urban, natural (pp. 83-89). The Centre for Recreation and Tourism Research, University of the Highlands and Islands.
Prince, H. E. (2010). From Charlotte Mason College to the University of Cumbria. In R.H. Jongman & M. Bogers (Eds.), Uno mas por la camino. European landscapes drawn by Bob Bunce and explained by friends and colleagues. Liber Amicorum for Bob Bunce. Alterra.
Dykes, N.T., Prince, H.E., Lemmey, R.P., & Bunce, R.G.H. (2007). The Picos de Europa mountains, north-west Spain, an inspiration to non-specialist students to study living cultural landscapes. In R.G.H. Bunce, R.H. Jongman, L. Hojas, & S. Weel, (Eds.), 25 years of landscape ecology: Scientific principles in practice (p. 758). International Association of Landscape Ecologists.
Campbell, E., Lemmey, R. P., & Prince, H. E. (2005). A ship in harbour is safe but that is not what ships are built for. An overview of outdoor studies at St Martin’s College. In B. Humberstone & H.Brown (Eds.), Creative diversity in outdoor studies courses in higher education in the UK (pp. 23-32). Institute for Outdoor Learning.
Prince, H.E. (1999). Experiential environmental education for primary aged children. In P. Higgins & B. Humberstone (Eds.), Outdoor education in the UK, (pp. 23-29; 19-27 in German). Verlag Erleibnispädagogik.
Research reviews and research reports
Prince, H. (2024). Scoping study to better understand best practice principles in relation to providing community access to school and college grounds. (Report for Natural England).
Prince, H., Ager, J., Garrett, B., Bullivant, A., Goad, L., Hurst R., Appleby, J. (2024). A scoping study on the ‘framework’ of support required by schools to develop their outdoor learning practices. (Report for Natural England). Cumbria Development Education Centre, University of Cumbria, Lancaster University, The Global Learning Network.
Goad, L., Prince, H., Holman, C., & Norman, G. (2023). Cumbria curriculum: place-based learning in Cumbria. (Report for Cumbria County Council. Cumbria). Cumbria Development Education Centre, Cumbria Action for Sustainability, University of Cumbria.
Prince, H., Hordern, R., Towers, D., & Holman, C. (2022). Outdoor learning and place-based curriculum framework. University of Cumbria.
Convery, I., Ford, C., Hallam, S., Harvey, D., Loynes, C., & Prince, H. (2021). Sustainable rural town performance: Place value, attachment and migration. Lancaster University and University of Cumbria.
Clark, J., Fletcher, E., Loynes, C., Prince, H., & Tiplady, L. (2020). 2020 Outdoor Learning Research Hub Survey. Newcastle University, Centre for Learning and Teaching (CflLaT) and University of Cumbria.
Hordern, R.C. & Prince, H.E. (2019). Investigating teacher-student relationships from the classroom to outdoor learning spaces: enhancing engagement with learning by listening to the voices of the young people. (Report for the CHA-IG Trustees on the REALISE (Researching Experiential Active Learning Initiatives for Staff/Student Engagement) project, Windermere). University of Cumbria.
Prince, H. & Fletcher, E. (2019). Ocean Youth Trust North: A report on the social impact of sail training. (Report for Ocean Youth Trust North). University of Cumbria.