Professor Andrew Farrall

Honorary Professor of Neuroimaging & Education. Consultant Neuroradiologist.



  • 2002. Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada (Diagnostic Radiology)
  • 2002. American Board of Radiology Certification (Diagnostic Imaging)
  • 1998. Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada
  • 1997. Medicinae Doctor (MBChB equivalent), University of Calgary
  • 1995. Master of Science (Medical Biophysics), University of Western Ontario
  • 1990. Bachelor of Science (Honours, First Class, Physics & Chemistry), University of British Columbia

Research summary

I am a Neuroradiologist, which means I am involved with medical imaging of primarily the brain & spine. My work is both clinical - in the NHS - as well as research & educationally based - at the University of Edinburgh.

My main research interest is in how imaging can be applied to the investigation of stroke, small vessel disease & the ageing process. I also teach about imaging, mainly via online learning degree programmes - at the Edinburgh Imaging Academy.