Jonathan Silvertown (D.Phil.)

Professor of Evolutionary Ecology and Chair in Technology-Enhanced Science Education in Biological Sciences



Professor of Evolutionary Ecology and...                                                                                       



Chair in Technology-Enhanced Science Education

Institute of Evolutionary Biology, University of Edinburgh

Oct 2014 -

Visiting Professor and Associate Director of the Open Science Laboratory (Honorary)

Open University

2014 - 2017

Professor of Ecology

Open University, Milton Keynes

2000 -2014

Director of Research, Dept. of Biology

Open University, Milton Keynes


Reader in Biology,

Open University, Milton Keynes


Senior Lecturer in Biology,

Open University, Milton Keynes


Visiting Associate Professor

Section of Ecology & Systematics, Cornell University, NY, USA


Visiting Scientist

Section of Ecology & Systematics Cornell University, NY, USA.


Lecturer in Biology (tenured)

Open University, Milton Keynes


Lecturer in Population Biology & Ecology

University of Sussex



BSc (Hons) Biological Sciences, University of Sussex  (1975).

D.Phil.  University of Sussex  (1979).

Current research interests

Use of digital tools in education and biodiversity research and outreach

Past research interests

Many areas of plant population biology. See my publications on my personal website at

Current project grants

£100,000 Nesta, Rethinking Parks prototyping Award 2018 - 2019

Past project grants

£10, 883 Patsy Wood Trust 2013, Pilot funding for a climate change experiment
£196, 000 Garfield Weston Foundation 2012 - 2013, Biodiversity Observatory/ iSpot
£250, 000 Wolfson Foundation 2012 - 2013, Wolfson Open Science Lab (co-PI), my approx share
£50, 000 British Ecological Society, iSpot, 2012 - 2013
£56,000 Natural Environment Research Council 2009 - 2010. Experimental investigation of the origin of fynbos plant community structure after fire.
£136,000 Esmée Fairbairn Foundation 2010 - 2012, Ecological Continuity Trust
£63,000 British Council 2008 - 2010, iSpot internationalization
£60,000 British Council 2008 - 2010. Evolution MegaLab.
£40,000 Esmée Fairbairn Foundation 2008, Ecological Continuity Trust
£2,036,00 Big Lottery Fund 2007 - 2012, Biodiversity Observatory
£325,000 Darwin Initiative (Defra) 2007 - 2010. Tools, training and research for managing eco-hydrology of Cape flora.
£57,000 Royal Society 2006 – 2010. Evolution MegaLab.
£100,000 Big Lottery Fund 2006-2007, Biodiversity Observatory
£10,000 British Ecological Society 2006 (Ecological Continuity Trust)
£84,000 Leverhulme Trust, 2005-2007, Eco-hydrology of Cape flora
€100, 000 European Science Foundation Marie Curie fellowship (H. Freville) 2003 - 2005
£30, 000 Natural Environment Research Council 2003
£34, 000 Natural Environment Research Council 2002
£166,345 Natural Environment Research Council 1999 - 2002
£12, 000 Ferguson Trust 1999-2000
£209,000 Natural Environment Research Council 1997- 2001
£18,753 Natural Environment Research Council 1997
£83, 229 Natural Environment Research Council 1991- 1994
£44, 573 Natural Environment Research Council 1989- 1992
£116, 600 Agriculture and Food Research Council 1989 -1992
£42, 858 Natural Environment Research Council 1986-1989

Guo, D., Midgley, G.F., Araya, Y.N., Silvertown, J. & Musil, C.F. (2016) Climate Change Impacts on Hydrological Niches of Restionaceae Species in Jonkershoek, South Africa. Journal of Water Resource and Hydraulic Engineering, 5, 20-28.

Silvertown, J. (2016) Ecologists Need to be Cautious about Economic Metaphors: A Reply. Trends in Ecology & Evolution.

Pocock, M.J.O., Evans, D.M., Fontaine, C., Harvey, M., Julliard, R., McLaughlin, Ó., Silvertown, J., Tamaddoni-Nezhad, A., White, P.C.L. & Bohan, D.A. (2016) The Visualisation of Ecological Networks, and Their Use as a Tool for Engagement, Advocacy and Management. Advances in Ecological Research. Academic Press.

García-Baquero, G., Silvertown, J., Gowing, D. & Valle, C. J. (2015) Dissecting the hydrological niche: soil moisture, space and lifespan. Journal of Vegetation Science.

Silvertown, J. Have Ecosystem Services Been Oversold? Trends in Ecology & Evolution. (2015)

Silvertown, J., Harvey, M., Greenwood, R., Dodd, M., Rosewell, J., Rebelo, T., Ansine, J. & McConway, K. (2015) Crowdsourcing the identification of organisms: A case-study of iSpot. Zookeys, 480, 125-146.

Marco, D.E. & Silvertown, J. (2014) Size-Dependent Flowering in relation to Grazing in a Short-Lived Monocarpic Perennial. Advances in Ecology, 2014, 7. doi:10.1155/2014/346352

Silvertown, J., Araya, Y. & Gowing, D. (2015) Hydrological niches in terrestrial plant communities: A review. Journal of Ecology, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2745.12332 

Silvertown, J., Buesching, C. D., Jacobson, S. K. & Rebelo, T. (2013) Citizen science and nature conservation. Key Topics in Conservation Biology 2 (eds D. W. Macdonald & K. J. Willis), pp. 127-142. John Wiley & Sons. 

Amat, M. E., Silvertown, J. & Vargas, P. (2013) Strong Spatial Genetic Structure Reduces Reproductive Success in the Critically Endangered Plant Genus Pseudomisopates. Journal of Heredity.

Worthington, J. P., Silvertown, J., Cook, L. M., Cameron, R. A. D., Dodd, M. E., Greenwood, R. M., McConway, K. J. & Skelton, P. W. (2012) Evolution MegaLab: a case-study in citizen science methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3, 303-309.

Silvertown, J., Araya, Y. N., Linder, H. P. & Gowing, D. J. (2012) Experimental investigation of the origin of fynbos plant community structure after fire. Annals of Botany, 110, 1377-1383.

Freeland, J. R., Biss, P. & Silvertown, J. (2012) Contrasting Patterns of Pollen and Seed Flow Influence the Spatial Genetic Structure of Sweet Vernal Grass (Anthoxanthum odoratum) Populations. Journal of Heredity, 103, 28-35.

Araya, Y. N., Silvertown, J., Gowing, D. J., McConway, K. J., Linder, H. P. & Midgley, G. (2012) Do niche-structured plant communities exhibit phylogenetic conservatism? A test case in an endemic clade. Journal of Ecology, 100, 1434-1439.

Silvertown, J., Cook, L., Cameron, R., Dodd, M., McConway, K., Worthington, J., Skelton, P., Anton, C., Bossdorf, O., Baur, B., Schilthuizen, M., Fontaine, B., Sattmann, H., Bertorelle, G., Correia, M., Oliveira, C., Pokryszko, B., Ozgo, M., Stalazas, A., Gill, E., Rammul, U., Solymos, P., Feher, Z. & Juan, X. (2011) Citizen Science Reveals Unexpected Continental-Scale Evolutionary Change in a Model Organism. PLoS One, 6, 8.

Bullock, J. M., Jefferson, R. G., Blackstock, T. H., Pakeman, R. J., Emmett, B. A., Pywell, R. J., J.P., G. & Silvertown, J. (2011) Chapter 6. Semi-natural grasslands. UK National Ecosystem Assessment Technical Report. UNEP-WCMC, Cambridge.

Araya, Y. N., Silvertown, J., Gowing, D. J., McConway, K. J., Peter Linder, H. & Midgley, G. (2011) A fundamental, eco-hydrological basis for niche segregation in plant communities. New Phytologist, 189, 253-258.

Silvertown, J., Tallowin, J., Stevens, C., Power, S. A., Morgan, V., Emmett, B., Hester, A., Grime, P. J., Morecroft, M., Buxton, R., Poulton, P., Jinks, R. & Bardgett, R. (2010) Environmental myopia: a diagnosis and a remedy.Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 25, 556-561.

Freeland, J., Biss, P. M., Conrad, K. F. & Silvertown, J. (2010) Selection pressures have caused genome-wide population differentiation of Anthoxanthum odoratum despite the potential for high gene flow. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 4, 776-782.

Bartelheimer, M., Gowing, D. J. & Silvertown, J. (2010) Explaining hydrological niches: the decisive role of below-ground competition in two closely related Senecio species. Journal of Ecology, 98, 126-136.

Araya, Y. N., Silvertown, J., Gowing, D. J., McConway, K. J., Linder, P. & Midgley, G. (2010) Variation in δ13C among species and sexes in the family Restionaceae along a fine-scale hydrological gradient. Austral Ecology, 35, 818-824.

Silvertown, J., Biss, P. M. & Freeland, J. (2009) Community genetics: resource addition has opposing effects on genetic and species diversity in a 150-year experiment. Ecology Letters, 12, 165-170.

Silvertown, J. (2009) A new dawn for citizen science. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 24, 467-471.

Silvertown, J. (2008) The evolutionary maintenance of sex: evidence from the ecological distribution of asexual reproduction in clonal plants. International Journal of Plant Sciences, 169, 157-168.

Freville, H., McConway, K., Dodd, M. & Silvertown, J. (2007) Prediction of extinction in plants: Interaction of extrinsic threats and life history traits. Ecology, 88, 2662-2672.

Silvertown, J., Poulton, P., Johnston, A. E., Edwards, G., Heard, M. & Biss, P. M. (2006) The Park Grass Experiment 1856 - 2006: Its Contribution to Ecology. Journal of Ecology, 94, 801-814.

Silvertown, J., McConway, K., Gowing, D., Dodd, M., Fay, M. F., Joseph, J. A. & Dolphin, K. (2006) Absence of phylogenetic signal in the niche structure of meadow plant communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 273, 39-44.

Silvertown, J., Dodd, M., Gowing, D., Lawson, C. & McConway, K. (2006) Phylogeny and the hierarchical organization of plant diversity. Ecology, 87, S39-S49.

Silvertown, J., Servaes, C., Biss, P. & Macleod, D. (2005) Reinforcement of reproductive isolation between adjacent populations in the Park Grass Experiment. Heredity, 95, 198-205.

Silvertown, J., Francisco-Ortega, J. & Carine, M. (2005) The monophyly of island radiations: an evaluation of niche pre-emption and some alternative explanations. Journal of Ecology, 93, 653-657.

Silvertown, J. (2005) Going, going, gone. New Scientist, 188, 50-51.

Freville, H. & Silvertown, J. (2005) Analysis of interspecific competition in perennial plants using life table response experiments. Plant Ecology, 176, 69-78.

Crawley, M. J., Johnston, A. E., Silvertown, J., Dodd, M., de Mazancourt, C., Heard, M. S., Henman, D. F. & Edwards, G. R. (2005) Determinants of species richness in the park grass experiment. American Naturalist, 165, 179-192.

Silvertown, J. (2004) Plant coexistence and the niche. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 19, 605-611.

Silvertown, J. (2004) The ghost of competition past in the phylogeny of island endemic plants. Journal of Ecology,92, 168-173.

Franco, M. & Silvertown, J. (2004) Comparative demography of plants based upon elasticities of vital rates. Ecology, 85, 531-538.

Silvertown, J. & Bullock, J. M. (2003) Do seedlings in gaps interact? A field test of assumptions in ESS seed size models. Oikos, 101, 499-504.

Biss, P., Freeland, J., Silvertown, J., McConway, K. J. & Lutman, P. (2003) Successful amplification of rice chloroplast microsatellites from century-old grass samples from the Park Grass Experiment. Plant Molecular Biology Reporter, 21, 249-257.

Tofts, R. & Silvertown, J. (2002) Community assembly from the local species pool: an experimental study using congeneric species pairs. Journal of Ecology, 90, 385-393.

Silvertown, J., McConway, K. J., Hughes, Z., Biss, P., Macnair, M. & Lutman, P. (2002) Ecological and genetic correlates of long-term population trends in the park grass experiment. American Naturalist, 160, 409-420.

Silvertown, J., Franco, M. & Perez-Ishiwara, R. (2001) Evolution of senescence in iteroparous perennial plants.Evolutionary Ecology Research, 3, 1-20.

Silvertown, J., Dodd, M. & Gowing, D. (2001) Phylogeny and the niche structure of meadow plant communities.Journal of Ecology, 89, 428-435.

Silvertown, J. (2001) Plants stand still, but their genes don't: non-trivial consequences of the obvious. Integrating ecology and evolution in a spatial context (eds J. Silvertown & J. Antonovics), pp. 3-20. Blackwell, Oxford.

Bullock, J. M., Franklin, J., Stevenson, M. J., Silvertown, J., Coulson, S. J., Gregory, S. J. & Tofts, R. (2001) A plant trait analysis of responses to grazing in a long-term experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 38, 253-267.

Tofts, R. & Silvertown, J. (2000) Niche differences and their relation to species' traits in Cirsium vulgare andCirsium eriophorum. Folia Geobotanica, 35, 231-240.

Tofts, R. & Silvertown, J. (2000) A phylogenetic approach to community assembly from a local species pool.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 267, 363-370.

Silvertown, J. & Wilson, J. B. (2000) Spatial interactions among grassland plant populations. The geometry of ecological interactions (eds U. Dieckman, R. Law & H. Metz), pp. 28-47. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Silvertown, J., McConway, K. J., Dodd, M. E. & Chase, M. W. (2000) "Flexibility" as a trait and methodological issues in species diversity variation among angiosperm families. Evolution, 54, 1066-1068.

Dodd, M. E. & Silvertown, J. (2000) Size-specific fecundity and the influence of lifetime size variation upon effective population size in Abies balsamea. Heredity, 85, 604-609.

Silvertown, J., Dodd, M. E., Gowing, D. & Mountford, O. (1999) Hydrologically-defined niches reveal a basis for species-richness in plant communities. Nature, 400, 61-63.

Silvertown, J. & Dodd, M. E. (1999) Evolution of life history in balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in sub-alpine forests.Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 266, 729-733.

Silvertown, J. & Dodd, M. E. (1999) The demographic cost of reproduction and its consequences in balsam fir (Abies balsamea). American Naturalist, 154, 321-332.

Dodd, M. E., Silvertown, J. & Chase, M. W. (1999) Phylogenetic analysis of trait evolution and species diversity variation among angiosperm families. Evolution, 53, 732-744.

Valverde, T. & Silvertown, J. (1998) Variation in the demography of a woodland understorey herb (Primula vulgaris) along the forest regeneration cycle: projection matrix analysis. Journal of Ecology, 86, 545-562.

Silvertown, J. (1998) Plant phenotypic plasticity and non-cognitive behaviour. Trends In Ecology & Evolution, 13,255-256.

Valverde, T. & Silvertown, J. (1997) Canopy closure rate and forest structure. Ecology, 78, 1555-1562.

Valverde, T. & Silvertown, J. (1997) An integrated model of demography, patch dynamics and seed dispersal in a woodland herb, Primula vulgaris. Oikos, 80, 67-77.

Valverde, T. & Silvertown, J. (1997) A metapopulation model for Primula vulgaris, a temperate forest understorey herb. Journal of Ecology, 85, 193-210.

Silvertown, J. & McConway, K. J. (1997) Does ''publication bias''' lead to biased science? Oikos, 79, 167-168.

Silvertown, J. & Dodd, M. (1997) Comparing plants and connecting traits. Plant life histories: Ecology, phylogeny and evolution (eds J. Silvertown, M. Franco & J. L. Harper), pp. 3-16. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Gillman, M. P. & Silvertown, J. (1997) Population extinction and IUCN categories: the uncertainty of ecological measurement. The role of genetics in conserving small populations (eds T. E. Tew, T. J. Crawford, J. W. Spencer, D. P. Stevens, M. B. Usher & J. Warren), pp. 155-162. Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough.

Clear Hill, B. H. & Silvertown, J. (1997) Higher-order interaction between molluscs and sheep affecting seedling numbers in grassland. Acta Oecologica, 18, 587-596.

Wilson, J. B., Wells, T. C. E., Trueman, I. C., Jones, G., Atkinson, M. D., Crawley, M. J., Dodd, M. E. & Silvertown, J. (1996) Are there assembly rules for plant species abundance? An investigation in relation to soil resources and successional trends. Journal of Ecology, 84, 527-538.

Wilson, J. B., Lines, C. E. M. & Silvertown, J. (1996) Grassland community structure under different grazing regimes, with a method for examining species associations when local richness is constrained. Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica, 31, 197-206.

Wilson, J. B., Crawley, M. J., Dodd, M. E. & Silvertown, J. (1996) Evidence for constraint on species coexistence in vegetation of the Park Grass experiment. Vegetatio, 124, 183-190.

Silvertown, J., Franco, M. & Menges, E. (1996) Interpretation of elasticity matrices as an aid to the management of plant populations for conservation. Conservation Biology, 10, 591-597.

Silvertown, J. (1996) Are sub-alpine firs evolving towards semelparity? Evolutionary Ecology, 10, 77-80.

Harper, J. L., Silvertown, J. & Franco, M. (1996) Preface. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences, 351, 1227-1231.

Franco, M. & Silvertown, J. (1996) Life history variation in plants: An exploration of the fast-slow continuum hypothesis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences, 351, 1341-1348.

Bullock, J. M., Silvertown, J. & Clear Hill, B. (1996) Plant demographic responses to environmental variation: Distinguishing between effects on age structure and effects on age-specific vital rates. Journal of Ecology, 84, 733-743.

Valverde, T. & Silvertown, J. (1995) Spatial variation in the seed ecology of a woodland herb (Primula vulgaris) in relation to light environment. Functional Ecology, 9, 942-950.

Silvertown, J., Dodd, M., McConway, K., Crawley, M. & Potts, J. (1995) Species diversity and stability in grassland.Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 10, 287-288.

Enright, N. J., Franco, M. & Silvertown, J. (1995) Comparing plant life histories using elasticity analysis: The importance of lifespan and the number of life cycle stages. Oecologia, 104, 79-84.

Dodd, M., Silvertown, J., Mcconway, K., Potts, J. & Crawley, M. (1995) Community stability: A 60-year record of trends and outbreaks in the occurrence of species in the Park Grass Experiment. Journal of Ecology, 83, 277-285.

Bullock, J. M., Clear Hill, B., Silvertown, J. & Sutton, M. (1995) Gap Colonization as a Source of Grassland Community Change - Effects of Gap Size and Grazing on the Rate and Mode of Colonization by Different Species.Oikos, 72, 273-282.

Tilman, D., Dodd, M. E., Silvertown, J., Poulton, P. R., Johnston, A. E. & Crawley, M. J. (1994) The Park Grass Experiment: Insights from the Most Long-Term Ecological Study. Long - Term Experiments in Agricultural and Ecological Sciences (eds R. A. Leigh & A. E. Johnston), pp. 287-303. C a B International, Wallingford, United Kingdom 0X10 8DE.

Silvertown, J. & Wilson, J. B. (1994) Community structure in a desert perennial community. Ecology, 75, 409-417.

Silvertown, J., Wells, D. A., Gillman, M., Dodd, M. E., Robertson, H. & Lakhani, K. H. (1994) Short-Term Effects and Long-Term After-Effects of Fertilizer Application on the Flowering Population of Green-Winged Orchid Orchis morio. Biological Conservation, 69, 191-197.

Silvertown, J., Lines, C. E. M. & Dale, M. P. (1994) Spatial competition between grasses - rates of mutual invasion between 4 species and the interaction with grazing. Journal of Ecology, 82, 31-38.

Silvertown, J., Dodd, M. E., Mcconway, K., Potts, J. & Crawley, M. (1994) Rainfall, biomass variation, and community composition in the Park Grass Experiment. Ecology, 75, 2430-2437.

Franco, M. & Silvertown, J. (1994) On trade-offs, elasticities and the comparative method: a reply to Shea, Rees & Wood. Journal of Ecology, 82, 958.

Dodd, M. E., Silvertown, J., Mcconway, K., Potts, J. & Crawley, M. (1994) Stability in the plant communities of the Park Grass Experiment: The relationships between species richness, soil pH and biomass variability. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B - Biological Sciences, 346, 185-193.

Dodd, M. E., Silvertown, J., Mcconway, K., Potts, J. & Crawley, M. (1994) Application of the British National Vegetation Classification to the Communities of the Park Grass Experiment Through Time. Folia Geobotanica & Phytotaxonomica, 29, 321-334.

Bullock, J. M., Clear Hill, B. & Silvertown, J. (1994) Tiller dynamics of two grasses - Responses to grazing, density and weather. Journal of Ecology, 82, 331-340.

Bullock, J. M., Clear Hill, B. & Silvertown, J. (1994) Demography of Cirsium vulgare in a grazing experiment.Journal of Ecology, 82, 101-111.

Bullock, J. M., Clear Hill, B., Dale, M. P. & Silvertown, J. (1994) An Experimental Study of the Effects of Sheep Grazing on Vegetation Change in a Species-Poor Grassland and the Role of Seedlings Recruitment into Gaps.Journal of Applied Ecology, 31, 493-507.

Silvertown, J., Franco, M., Pisanty, I. & Mendoza, A. (1993) Comparative plant demography - relative importance of Life-Cycle components to the finite rate of increase in woody and herbaceous perennials. Journal of Ecology, 81,465-476.

Silvertown, J., Franco, M. & Mcconway, K. (1993) The eternal triangle - an attempt at reconciliation. Functional Ecology, 7, 380-381.

Silvertown, J. & Franco, M. (1993) Plant demography and habitat: a comparative approach. Plant Species Biology, 8,67-73.

Gillman, M., Bullock, J. M., Silvertown, J. & Clear Hill, B. (1993) A Density-Dependent model of Cirsium vulgarepopulation dynamics using Field-Estimated parameter values. Oecologia, 96, 282-289.

Briske, D. D. & Silvertown, J. (1993) Plant demography and grassland community balance: the contribution of population regulation mechanisms. XVII International Grassland Congress. Palmerston North, New Zealand.

Silvertown, J., Watt, T. A., Smith, B. & Treweek, J. R. (1992) Complex effects of grazing treatment on the establishment, growth, survival & reproduction of an annual in a species-poor grassland community. Journal of Vegetation Science, 3, 35-40.

Silvertown, J., Holtier, S., Johnson, J. & Dale, P. (1992) Cellular automaton models of interspecific competition for space - the effect of pattern on process. Journal of Ecology, 80, 527-534.

Silvertown, J., Franco, M. & McConway, K. (1992) A demographic interpretation of Grime's triangle. Functional Ecology, 6, 130-136.

Silvertown, J. (1992) An experimental test of Frequency-Dependent fitness in mixtures of the 2 seed morphs of spergula arvensis. Acta Oecologica, 13, 627-634.

Silvertown, J. (1992) Seeds in natural populations and their significance for plant conservation. Conservation Biology. A Training Manual for Biological Diversity and genetic resources (eds P. Kapoor-Vijay & J. White), pp. 133-145. Commonwealth Science Council, London.

Silvertown, J. & Dale, P. (1991) Competitive hierarchies and the structure of herbaceous plant communities. Oikos,61, 441-444.

Silvertown, J. (1991) Modularity, reproductive thresholds and plant population dynamics. Functional Ecology, 5,577-582.

Silvertown, J. (1991) Dorothy's dilemma and the unification of plant population biology. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 6, 346-348.

Franco, M. & Silvertown, J. (1990) Plant demography: What do we know? Evolutionary Trends in Plants, 4, 74-76.

Boyd, M., Silvertown, J. & Tucker, C. (1990) Population ecology of heterostyle and homostyle Primula vulgaris: Growth, survival and reproduction in field populations. Journal of Ecology, 78, 799-813.

Silvertown, J. & Tremlett, M. (1989) Interactive effects of disturbance and shade upon colonization of grassland: an experiment with  Anthriscus sylvestris, Conium maculatum , Daucus carota and Heracleum sphodylium. Functional Ecology, 3, 229-235.

Silvertown, J. & Smith, B. (1989) Mapping the microenvironment for seed germination in the field. Annals of Botany, 63, 163-167.

Silvertown, J. & Smith, B. (1989) Germination and population structure of spear thistle Cirsium vulgare in relation to sheep grazing management of pasture. Oecologia, 81, 369-373.

Silvertown, J. & Gordon, D. (1989) A framework for plant behaviour. Annual Review of Ecology & Systematics, 20,349-366.

Silvertown, J. (1989) Reply from J.Silvertown. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 145-146.

Silvertown, J. (1989) The paradox of seed size and adaptation. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 4, 24-26.

Silvertown, J. (1989) China's Silent Spring. New Scientist, 123, 55-58.

Silvertown, J. (1989) Plant competition. Nature, 337, 122-123.

Silvertown, J. (1989) A binary classification of plant life histories and some possibilities for its evolutionary application. Evolutionary Trends in Plants, 3, 87-90.

Silvertown, J., Smith, B. & Prince, S. D. (1988) A field instrument for mapping the microenvironment within grass canopies. Functional Ecology, 2, 263-268.

Silvertown, J. & Smith, B. (1988) Gaps in the canopy: the missing dimension in vegetation dynamics. Vegetatio, 77,56-60.

Silvertown, J. (1988) The demographic and evolutionary consequences of seed dormancy. Plant population ecology(eds A. J. Davy, M.J.Hutchings & A.R.Watkinson), pp. 205-219. Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford.

Silvertown, J. & Law, R. (1987) Do plants need niches? Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2, 24-26.

Silvertown, J. (1987) Ecological stability: a test case. American Naturalist, 130, 807-810.

Silvertown, J. (1987) Possible sexual dimorphism in the double coconut: a reinterpretation of the data of Savidge and Ashton. Biotropica, 19, 282-283.

Silvertown, J. (1987) The evolution of hermaphroditism. An experimental test of the resource model. Oecologia, 72,157-159.

Symonides, E., Silvertown, J. & Andreasen, V. (1986) Population cycles caused by overcompensating density-dependence in an annual plant. Oecologia, 71, 156-158.

Silvertown, J. (1986) "Biennials": reply to Kelly. American Naturalist, 127, 721-724.

Silvertown, J. & Rabinowitz, D. (1985) Reproductive decisions in the botanical world. New Scientist, 32-34.

Silvertown, J. (1985) Fertile arguments in the desert. Nature, 316, 298.

Silvertown, J. (1985) History of a latitudinal diversity gradient: woody plants in Europe 13,000 -- 1000 years B.P.Journal of Biogeography, 12, 519-525.

Silvertown, J. (1985) Survival, fecundity and growth of wild cucumber Echinocystis lobata. Journal of Ecology, 73,841-849.

Silvertown, J. (1985) When plants play the field. Evolution: essays in honour of John Maynard Smith (eds P. Greenwood, P. H. Harvey & M. Slatkin), pp. 143-153. Cambridge University Press,, Cambridge.

Tremlett, M., Silvertown, J. W. & Tucker, C. (1984) An analysis of spatial and temporal variation in seedling survival of a monocarpic perennial, Conium maculatum. Oikos, 43, 41-45.

Silvertown, J. (1984) Death of the elusive biennial. Nature, 310, 271.

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Silvertown, J. (1983) The distribution of plants in limestone pavement: tests of species interaction and niche separation against null hypotheses. Journal of Ecology, 71, 819-828.

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Silvertown, J. (1982) Measuring plant distribution in limestone pavement. Field Studies, 5, 651-662.

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Silvertown, J. W. (1980) The dynamics of a grassland ecosystem:  botanical equilibrium in the Park Grass Experiment. Journal of Applied Ecology, 17, 491-504.

Silvertown, J. (1980) Leaf-canopy induced seed dormancy in a grassland flora. New Phytologist, 85, 109-118.

Silvertown, J. (1980) The evolutionary ecology of mast seeding in trees. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 14,235-250.

Silvertown, J. (1979) The maintenance of species diversity in grassland, with particular reference to chalk grassland. D.Phil., University of Sussex.

Silvertown, J. (1978) The history of woodlands in Hornsey. London Naturalist, 57, 11-25.