Poppy Zenzi Grimes (MSc, BSc)

Thesis title: Genetic and Symptom Heterogeneity in Adolescent Depression

MRC Precision Medicine Doctoral Training Programme

Year of study: 3

  • Division of Psychiatry
  • Centre for Clinical Brain Sciences

Contact details



Chancellor's Building
Edinburgh BioQuarter
49 Little France Crescent

Post code
EH16 4SB


MSc Neuroscience - University of Sussex (2020-2021)

BSc Biology - University of Sussex (2016-2020)

Postgraduate teaching

MSc Introduction to Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology 

Conference details

World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Singapore, 2024: Symposium speaker

World Congress of Psychiatric Genetics, Montreal, Canada, 2023: Poster presentation

Autism Europe, International Congress, Krakow, Poland 2022: 2x Poster presentation

American Psychosomatic Society, Annual Meeting, Long Beach, California 2022: Poster presentation

Grimes, P.Z., Adams, M.J., Thng, G., Edmonson-Stait, A.J., Lu, Y., McIntosh, A., Cullen, B., Larsson, H., Whalley, H.C. and Kwong, A.S., 2024. Genetic Architectures of Adolescent Depression Trajectories in 2 Longitudinal Population Cohorts. JAMA psychiatry. https://doi.org/10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2024.0983  

Grimes, P. Z., Kampoureli, C. N., Rae, C. L., Harrison, N. A., Garfinkel, S. N., Critchley, H. D., & Eccles, J. A. (2023). The Neural Correlates of Autonomic Interoception: Perceptual Mismatch and Clinical Implications. medRxiv, 2023-05. https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.05.25.23290230  

Eapen, V., Karlov, L., John, J. R., Beneytez, C., Grimes, P. Z., Kang, Y. Q., ... & Volgyesi-Molnar, M. (2023). Quality of life in parents of autistic children: A transcultural perspective. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 684. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2023.1022094