Pina Gallucci-Lang
Course Organiser and Teaching Fellow in Italian

- Street
Paterson's Land, Holyrood Road
- City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
I hold a Master’s degree in Modern Foreign Languages from the University of IULM, Milan, Italy.
I have a specific interest in connections between socio-cultural and linguistic evolution. My thesis "Interdizione verbale in Beowulf", analyses the use of euphemisms in Anglo-Saxon and Modern English.
I have a long experience in language teaching, curriculum development and designing courses for children and adults.
Prior to joining the Centre for Open Learning, I held a position of permanent teacher in state schools in Italy. After I moved to Scotland, I taught Italian as a foreign language in local primary schools in Edinburgh, a project funded by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
I also worked for many years as a tutor of Italian at the Istituto Italiano di Cultura, Edinburgh.
I am currently working at the Centre for Open Learning where I hold the position of teaching fellow in Italian for levels from A1 to C2 , according to the Common European Framework of Reference for languages. I am currently teaching B1 and C1-C2 levels, the latest ones requiring an intense activity of preparation of materials. I am also the Course Organiser of Italian at 'Languages for All'.
- Master’s degree in Modern Foreign Languages, IULM, Milan, Italy
- Passed state examination for permanent school teachers in Italy
- Passed examination for teaching Italian in Italian State schools abroad and European schools, Ministero Affari Esteri
Responsibilities & affiliations
Member of NILI-UK, Network Insegnanti di Lingua Italiana
Conference details
Feria Internacional de Idiomas (International Languages Fair) FIID – 18th and 19th May 2023, at Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico.
I delivered the talk " Il sessismo nella lingua italiana e il linguaggio di genere. Mutamenti sociali ed evoluzione della lingua. Proposte linguistiche in tema di disparità". A study about sexism in Italian language and reflections on possible strategies for a more inclusive use of the language.