Paul Wilson (BTh MTh PhD can.)

Thesis title: Migration in the Book of Acts


Paul Wilson is a PhD Candidate in New Testament and Christian Origins. His research is an interdisciplinary analysis of the Book of Acts through the lens of migration studies. The study investigates how the text was shaped by mobility and migration in the Roman Empire and analyses how the text describes, narrates, and theologises migration.

Paul has been involved in refugee and asylum support in the third sector for nearly two decades, in both Greece and the United Kingdom. He is also an Associate Lecturer at the Scottish Baptist College, a Visiting Lecturer at the London School of Theology, and the Reviews Editor for the Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology.


University of Edinburgh (2021-Present)

  • PhD candidate in New Testament and Christian Origins (in progress)
  • Passed one-year review (2022)

University of Edinburgh (2014-2016)

  • Master of Theology in Biblical Studies
  • Awarded with Distinction
  • Dissertation examined the function of narrative asides in the Gospel of Mark

University of Strathclyde (2009-2010)

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Counselling Skills

Queen’s University Belfast (2003-2005)

  • Bachelor of Theology
  • First Class Honours

Responsibilities & affiliations


  • Society of Biblical Literature
  • British New Testament Society
  • European Association of Biblical Studies
  • Tyndale Fellowship

Undergraduate teaching

Associate Lecturer, Scottish Baptist College, University of the West of Scotland

Visiting Lecturer, London School of Theology

Conference details

  • "The migrant messiah': biblical perspectives on an ethical claim" at Tyndale Fellowship Conference, New Testament Study Group, 2022
  • "'Those who were scattered': A Migration Studies Perspective on Acts" at British New Testament Society Conference, Acts Seminar, 2022
  • "So that you might not only believe: Simon Magus and the missional Spirit" at Tyndale Fellowship Conference, New Testament Study Group, 2023  
  • "'What’s in a Nickname? The Dynamics of Displacement, Belonging, and Identity in the Characterisation of Barnabas" at British New Testament Society Conference, Acts Seminar, 2023
  • "Fabrications of Magic: A Reassessment of Paul’s Handkerchiefs and Belts" at Scottish Universities Biblical Studies Postgraduate Day Conference, 2024
  • "The Scattered Ones: An Interdisciplinary Exploration of Acts as Literature of Migration" at the Third doctoral seminar of the LERU Theology and Religious Studies (LERU TRS) in Heidelberg, 2024


  • "Rethinking Refujesus: Biblical Perspectives on a Popular Icon." Theology and Ministry. 8 (2022): 16–33. ISSN 2049-4513
  • "Reframing the Present through 'Vocabulary from the Past': Stephen’s Speech and the Reshaping of Christian Perspectives on Israel and Palestine." Scottish Episcopal Institute Journal 7, no. 2 (Summer 2023). ISSN 2399-8989.
  • "Precarious Migrants: Priscilla, Aquila, and the Subversion of Expectations." Scottish Episcopal Institute Journal (forthcoming)


  • "Jesus the Refugee: Ancient Injustice and Modern Solidarity." Scottish Episcopal Institute Journal (forthcoming)
  • "Paul and the Meaning of Scripture:  A Philosophical-Hermeneutic Approach to Paul’s Use of the Old Testament in Romans." European Journal of Theology (forthcoming)
  • "Peter Admirand, Destruction, Ethics, and Intergalactic Love - Exploring  Y: The Last Man and Saga." Studies in Christian Ethics (forthcoming)
  • "Like Birds in a Cage: Christian Zionism’s collusion in Israel’s oppression of the Palestinian people.” International Journal for the Study of the Christian Church, 22:3, 257-261, DOI: 10.1080/1474225X.2022.2108595
  • "The Bible and Immigration: A Critical and Empirical Reassessment." European Journal of Theology. [s. l.], v. 32, n. 1, p. 131–133, 2023. DOI 10.5117/EJT2023.1.008.REVI