Nunticha Pankaew

PhD - Infection and Immunity


Nunticha is a PhD student in Infection and Immunity working on identifying the molecular biology of a novel fish virus, Tilapia tilapinevirus. She finished her master degree in Animal Biosciences with distinction from the University of Edinburgh in 2019. Her research was to characterise the potential function of Tilapia tilapinevirus’ proteins based on their cellular localisation. She decided to pursue her PhD to study the virology of the same fish virus in more details. Her research interests include the characterisation of the basic features of the virus, the viral RNA synthesis machinery, the molecular and cellular biology of how the virus replicate, and the interaction between host and viral proteins. Using molecular techniques and existing knowledge on Influenza virus, the most known relative to the virus, to develop mini-replicon system and antiviral drug development are ultimate goals for her study.