Nicholas Mills (BSc Hons MBChB PhD FRCP FESC FMedSci)
British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiology | Consultant Cardiologist | Lead for Data-Driven Innovation in Health and Social Care

- Centre for Cardiovascular Science
- Edinburgh Imaging
- Usher Institute
Contact details
- Street
Chancellor's Building
49 Little France Crescent - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH16 4SB
Research summary
Professor Mills is the British Heart Foundation Professor of Cardiology at the University of Edinburgh and a Consultant Interventional Cardiologist at the Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh. His research group uses linked healthcare data to develop new approaches to improve the diagnosis of patients with acute cardiac conditions, and to evaluate their impact in practice. He is the chief investigator of a series of randomised trials that have evaluated the implemention of cardiac biomarkers and AI decision support tools.