Nathan Jensen
Research Lead for Jameel Observatory, Senior Research Fellow

- Street
Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security
The University of Edinburgh
Easter Bush Campus - City
- Midlothian
- Post code
- EH25 9RG
I am a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh working with the Jameel Observatory to examine and improve the efficacy of anticipatory action in alleviating humanitarian crisis. My research has focused on identifying strategies for reducing poverty and mitigating its negative impacts, especially in the face of shocks. Much of this work has taken place among pastoralists in the Horn of Africa and has benefited greatly from strong collaborations with a variety of partners.
I hold a BA in Physics from Luther College in Iowa, an MSc in Agriculture and Applied Economics from the University of Missouri, and a PhD in Applied Economics and Management from Cornell University. After graduating I spent two years as a post-doc at Cornell, followed by four years as a scientist/senior scientist for the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) in Kenya. Before moving to Edinburgh, I spent several years operating from the US as a consultant for several research organizations and NGOs.