Nadine Seward
Chancellor's Fellow
Nadine is a Chancellor's Fellow (CF) based in Clinical Psychology at the School for Health and Social Science. Nadine is interested in the co-design and evaluation of complex mental health programmes for scale-up in poorly resourced settings.
Prior to the CF, Nadine worked as an Epidemiologist and Lecturer in Global Implementation Science at the IOPPN at KCL and held a post doc position at LSHTM in the Department of Med Stats. Nadine obtained her PhD from UCL, Institute of Global Health in 2015.
As part of the CF, Nadine will be using a combination a causal inference and causal machine learning to inform the co-development of interventions to help improve maternal mental health in low-resourced settings in Low and Middle Income Countries. To achieve this, she will use a combination of longitudinal datasets such as the Generation Malawi dataset, as well as data from trials evaluating the effectiveness of psychological interventions to improve maternal mental health. A collaboration will be developed to provide feedback on the findings and to apply for further funding.
Research summary
Nadine's research focuses on the design and evaluation of implementation research programmes to improve outcomes in global mental health. To achieve this, she uses a combination of causal inference and causal machine learning with implementation research methodologies. Nadine's work is inherently interdisciplinary approach to her research with collaboration from social scientists, psychologists, psychiatrists, data scientists, and public health experts.
Although her Chancellor's Fellowship will focus on developing and evaluating interventions to improve Maternal Mental Health, Nadine is also involved in other research programmes such as evaluating interventions to improve depression outcomes in older adults in Brazil, and the ‘SPARK project: (SuPporting African communities to increase the Resilience and mental health of Kids with developmental disorders and their caregivers)’ that is funded through the NIHR Research and Innovation for Global Health Transformation (RIGHT) scheme for four years.