Lorna M. Campbell (Senior CMALT, FSNR)
OER Service
- Digital Skills Design and Training
- Learning, Teaching and Web Services
- Information Services Group
Contact details
- Email: lorna.m.campbell@ed.ac.uk
- Web: Open World Blog
- Street
Argyle House
3 Lady Lawson Street - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH3 9DR
I work Monday - Thursday and am always available online.
Lorna has almost twenty years experience working in education technology and interoperability standards and now works for the Open Educational Resources (OER) Service within the University of Edinburgh’s Information Services Group. Lorna has a long standing commitment to supporting open education technology, policy and practice; she founded the Open Scotland initiative, co-chaired the OER16 Open Culture Conference, and was the driving force behind the Scottish Open Education Declaration. Lorna has been a Trustee of Wikimedia UK and the Association for Learning Technology, and a member of the Open Knowledge Open Education Working Group Advisory Board. Lorna’s blog, Open World, can be found at lornamcampbell.org.
MA (Hons), Archaeology, University of Glasgow.
Senior Certified Member of the Association of Learning Technology (CMALT)
Responsibilities & affiliations
- ALT Scotland Special Interest Group, Management Team.
- Fellow, Society for Nautical Research.
Invited speaker
Campbell, L.M., (2018), Exploring the Open Knowledge Landscape, keynote, FLOSSUK Spring Conference, Edinburgh.
Campbell, L.M., (2018), The Long View: Changing Perspectives on OER, keynote, OER18 Conference, Bristol.
Campbell, L.M., (2018), Open Scotland and the Scottish Open Education Declaration, Morocco Open Education Day, Morocco, http://lornamcampbell.org/oer/from-scotland-to-morocco/
Campbell, L.M., (2017), The Value of OER: What’s in it for me?, OER-Day, UCLouvain, Belgium.
Campbell, L.M., (2017), The Value of OER, International Education Symposium, City of Glasgow College, https://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/the-value-of-oer
Campbell, L.M., (2017), Crossing the Field Boundaries: Open Science, Open Data and Open Education, International Open Science Conference, Berlin, http://lornamcampbell.org/higher-education/crossing-the-field-boundaries-open-science-open-data-open-education/
Campbell, L.M., (2015), Scottish Open Education Declaration Update, OEPS Forum, University of Stirling, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/scottish-open-education-declaration
Barker, P. and Campbell, L.M. (2014) The Learning Resource Metadata Initiative, describing learning resources with schema.org, and more?, DCMI ASIST Webinar.
Campbell, L.M. (2014) The view from Scotland: What can Germany learn from OER initiatives in the UK?, OERde14 – The Future of Free Educational Materials, Berlin. https://wikimedia.de/wiki/OERde14
Campbell, L.M. (2014) “Open Scotland: Opening up education across Scotland”, CILIPS Annual Conference 2014, Dundee. http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/openscot-cilip14
Campbell, L.M., (2014), Open Scotland and the Open Knowledge Foundation, What I Know Is: A research symposium on online collaborative knowledge building, University of Stirling. https://wikimedia.org.uk/wiki/What_I_Know_Is
Kernohan, D., McGill, L., Campbell, L.M., et al, (2014), “Whatever happened to the MOOC?”, panel session, Jisc DigiFest, Birmingham.
Campbell, L.M., (2014), Open Education in Scotland, keynote, CDN Librarians CoP, Stirling.
Maritime Masculinities, 1815 – 1940, University of Oxford, 2016. https://maritimemasculinities.wordpress.com/
OER16: Open Culture Conference, University of Edinburgh, 2016. https://oer16.oerconf.org/
Cetis, LRMI: What on Earth Could Justify Another Attempt at Educational Metadata?, Cetis Conference 2014, Building the Digital Institution: Technological Innovation in Universities and Colleges, University of Bolton, 2014. http://blogs.pjjk.net/phil/lrmi-at-the-cetis-conference-2014/
Cetis, Open education: from open practice to open policy, Cetis Conference 2014, Building the Digital Institution: Technological Innovation in Universities and Colleges, University of Bolton, 2014. http://lornamcampbell.wordpress.com/2014/06/26/cetis14-open-education-from-open-practice-to-open-policy/
ALT Scotland SIG, Open Education, Open Scotland, University of Edinburgh, 2014. http://openscot.net/event-reports/open-education-open-scotland-report-presentations/
JISC CETIS / SQA / JISC RSC Scotland / ALT Scotland SIG, Open Scotland Summit, National Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh, 2013. http://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/Open_Scotland
JISC CETIS, Open Practice and OER Sustainability, JISC CETIS Conference: Open for Education: Technology Innovation in Universities and Colleges, Nottingham, 2013. http://wiki.cetis.ac.uk/Open_Practice_and_OER_sustainability
Papers delivered
Campbell, L.M., (2018), Using WordPress to build an online academic identity, PressED Conference, http://lornamcampbell.org/cetis/using-wordpress-to-build-an-onlinne-academic-identity/
Campbell, L.M., (2017), Innovating with Open Knowledge, Dealing with Data Conference, University of Edinburgh. https://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/innovating-with-open-knowledge
Campbell, L.M., (2017), The Distance Travelled: Reflections in open education in the UK since the CapeTown Declaration, OER17 Politics of Open Conference, London. http://lornamcampbell.org/higher-education/the-distance-travelled/
Campbell, L.M., (2017), Shouting from the Heart, OER17 Politics of Open Conference, London. http://lornamcampbell.org/oer/shouting-from-the-heart/
Luke, J., Campbell, L.M., Weller, M., Bali, M., (2017), Open Education in a time of Brexit and Trump, OER17 Politics of Open Conference, London. http://lornamcampbell.org/oer/oer17-open-education-in-a-time-of-trump-and-brexit/
Campbell, L.M., (2016), Into the Open – a critical overview of open education policy and practice in Scotland, ALT Conference, University of Warwick. http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/into-the-open-a-critical-overview-of-open-education-policy-and-practice-in-scotland
Campbell, L.M., (2016), Open.Ed. Supporting engagement with learning technology through open education, ALT Scotland Conference: Sharing Stories: enablers and drivers for Learning Technology in Scottish Education, Dundee and Angus College, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/opened-supporting-engagement-with-learning-technology-through-open-education
Campbell, L.M., (2016), Using Social Media to Amplify Academic Events, Day of Digital Ideas, University of Edinburgh, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/using-social-media-to-amplify-academic-events
Campbell, L.M., (2016), Open Cultural Heritage Resources, History of Medicine Wikipedia Editathon, Innovative Learning Week, University of Edinburgh, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/open-cultural-heritage-resources
Campbell, L.M., (2016), Open Scotland and OER16, open.ed. Launch, University of Edinburgh, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/open-scotland-and-oer16
Campbell, L.M., (2016), Digital Cultural Heritage and Open Education, Digital Cultural Heritage Research Network, University of Edinburgh, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/digital-cultural-heritage-and-open-education
Campbell, L.M., (2015), Common Ground - A view of the open education landscape in Scotland, OER15 Conference, University of Wales, Cardiff, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/common-ground-a-view-of-the-open-education-landscape-in-scotland
Campbell, L.M., and Yuan, L., (2014), From Open Practice to Open Policy, Building the Digital Institution, University of Bolton, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/from-open-practice-to-open-policy-cetis14
Campbell, L.M., and Barker, P., (2014), Learning Resource Metadata Initiative (LRMI), Building the Digital Institution, University of Bolton, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/lrmi-cetis14
Campbell, L.M., (2014), LRMI Implementation Projects, Cetis Conference 2014: Building the Digital Institution, University of Bolton, http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/implementation-projects-cetis14
Campbell, L.M., (2014)The Scottish Open Education Declaration, at Open Education, Open Scotland, University of Edinburgh. http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/openscot-declaration
Campbell, L.M. and Noel-Smith, H., (2014), Faithful and Attached Companions: Sir Edward Pellew and the Young Gentlemen of HMS Indefatigable, National Museum of the Royal Navy Seminar Series, May 2014, Portsmouth. http://indefatigable1797.wordpress.com/2014/05/20/faithful-and-attached-companions-sir-edward-pellew-and-the-young-gentlemen-of-hms-indefatigable/
Campbell, L.M., (2014), Open Scotland: Promoting open education policy and practice in Scotland, OER14, University of Newcastle, April 2014. http://www.medev.ac.uk/oer14/48/view/
Barker, P. and Campbell, L.M., (2014), Learning Resource Metadata Initiative: using schema.org to describe open educational resources, OCWC Global Conference, April 2014, Ljubljana. http://conference.ocwconsortium.org/2014/ai1ec_event/learning-resource-metadata-initiative-using-schema-org-to-describe-open-educational-resources-phil-barker-and-lorna-campbell/?instance_id=620
Campbell, L.M. and WIlson, J., (2014), Open Scotland Webinar. Audio recording available here, slides here: http://www.slideshare.net/LornaMCampbell/open-scotland-webinar-2-april-2014
Campbell, L..M., (2013), Open Scotland, Open Knowledge Foundation Glasgow Meet-Up, November 2013, Glasgow, http://www.meetup.com/OpenKnowledgeFoundation/Glasgow-GB/1001302/
Campbell, L.M., MacNeill, S., Barker, P., and Wilson, J., (2013), Open Scotland – Policies and strategies for opening up education in Scotland, EADTU Conference, October 2013, Paris.
Barker, P. and Campbell, L.M., (2013), Technology Challenges from the UK Open Educational Resources Programme, EADTU Conference, October 2013, Paris.
Noel-Smith, H. and Campbell, L.M., (2013), Merchant Adventurers: Alex McVicar and John McKerlie of HMS Indefatigable, Press Gangs, Conscripts and Professionals: Recruiting the Royal Navy Conference, National Museum of the Royal Navy, Portsmouth, 2013. http://indefatigable1797.wordpress.com/2013/09/03/merchant-adventurers-alex-mcvicar-and-john-mckerlie-of-the-indefatigable/
Campbell, L.M. and Noel-Smith, H., (2013), A Life of Duty and Service: Post-war political and social activism of Napoleonic era naval officers, Port Towns and Urban Cultures Conference, Portsmouth, 2013. http://indefatigable1797.wordpress.com/2013/07/24/a-life-of-duty-and-service-post-war-political-and-social-activism-of-napoleonic-era-naval-officers/
Campbell, L.M., Barker, P., Currier, S., and Syrotiuk, N., The Learning Registry: social media for open educational resources? OER13 Conference, University of Nottingham, 2013.
Barker, P., Campbell, L.M., Thomas, A., and Hawksey, M., (2013), Writing in BookSprints, OER13 Conference, University of Nottingham, 2013.
Hawksey, M., Barker, P. and Campbell, L.M., (2013), New Approaches to Describing and Discovering Open Educational Resources, OER13 Conference, University of Nottingham, 2013.
More video
- Barker, P. and Campbell, L.M. (2016), Technology Strategies for OER Dissemination. In Blessinger, P. and Bliss, T.J. (eds), Open Education: International Perspectives in Higher Education http://www.openbookpublishers.com/product/531
- Noel-Smith, H. and Campbell, L.M., (2016), Hornblower’s Historical Shipmates: The Young Gentlemen of Pellew’s Indefatigable, Boydell and Brewer.
- Campbell, L.M., (2015), The Open World. In Cost of Freedom: A Collective Inquiry. http://costoffreedom.cc/
- MacNeill, S., Campbell, L.M. and Hawksey, M., (2014), Analytics for Education. In Littlejohn, A. and Pegler, C., (eds), Reusing Open Resources, Routledge.
- Thomas, A., Campbell, L.M., Barker, P. and Hawksey, M., (2013), Into the Wild: Technology for Open Educational Resources, JISC CETIS eBook. http://publications.cetis.org.uk/2012/601
- Ringan, N., Corley, L. and Campbell, L.M. (2005), Evaluation of the COLIS Framework from a UK Perspective. In Dalziel, J., Philip, R. and Clare, J. (eds) The COLIS Project, Macquarie University, Sydney.
- Campbell, L.M., (2003) Engaging with the learning object economy. In Littlejohn, A., (ed) Reusing Online Resources: A Sustainable Approach to eLearning, Kogan Page, London.
- Campbell, L.M. (1994) Traces of Archaeology. In Mackenzie, I.M. (ed) Archaeological Theory: Progress or Posture? World Archaeology Series.