Ms Karen Howie
Head of Digital Learning Applications and Media

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- MCLAUGHLIN, P., KERR, W. and HOWIE, K., 2007. Fuller, richer feedback, more easily delivered, using tablet PCs. IN: Khandia, F. (ed.). 11th CAA International Computer Assisted Assessment Conference : Proceedings of the Conference on 10th and 11th July 2007 at Loughborough University. Loughborough : Lougborough University, pp. 329-342
- Howie, K., McLaughlin, P., 2006, ‘CLICKERS’ IN BIOLOGY LECTURES in Centre for Bioscience Bulletin 19
- Simon P. Bates, Karen Howie and Alexander St J. Murphy, Electronic voting systems; from one way transmission to two-way conversation, the Journal of the Higher Education Academy Physical Sciences Centre (ISSN 1740-9888) - Issue 2 Dec 2006.
- Niall Sclater, Karen Howie (2003) User requirements of the ‘‘ultimate’’ online assessment engine Computers & Education 40 (2003) 285–306