Shirley Simpson
Senior Surgical Nurse

Contact details
- Street
The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Easter Bush Campus
Midlothian - City
- Post code
- EH25 9RG
I qualified as a veterinary nurse in 1993. I have had a varied career including working as a head nurse and a veterinary nursing lecturer. I came to work at Edinburgh University in 2000, in 2004 I acheived my advanced diploma in veterinary nursing. I am the senior surgical nurse of the small animal hospital. In 2015 I gained my certificate in veterinary practice administration. I have been teaching 3rd year veterinary undergraduates throuogh out my career at the university.
I am the Small Animal Hospital Laser Safety Supervisor.
University Fire Steward
I have been a university first aider since 2007
Radiation protection commitee member
Certificate in Veterinary Administration, VPAC Advanced Diploma in surgical nursing, DipAVN(Surg) Certificate in small animal nutrition, Cert SAN ,Registered Veterinary Nurse, RVN
Responsibilities & affiliations
HfSA Veterinary Nurse