Professor Mirko Canevaro (BA, MA, PhD, FHEA, MAE, FRSE)
Professor of Greek History; Greek History

Contact details
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Room 3.05, 24 Buccleuch Place
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Wednesdays, 2-3.30pm (during semester).
I was born in Alessandria, Italy, where I first became acquainted with Greek and Roman history attending the local Liceo Classico.
I took BA (2006) and MA (2008) degrees in Classics at the Università degli Studi di Torino (studying at the Collegio Einaudi), after which I moved to Durham University for three years. There I received a PhD in Classics and Ancient History (awarded in January 2012).
After my viva in 2011 I moved to Athens for a few months, as School Student at the British School at Athens, before taking up an Alexander von Humboldt Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Mannheim in 2012. I moved to Edinburgh in 2013 to take up a Chancellor’s Fellowship in Classics, and I was made a Reader in Greek History in 2017.
In 2014 I was appointed Member of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Young Academy of Scotland and I was, from January to june 2018, Co-Chair of the Arts and Humanities in Society Working Group. In 2015 I was awarded a Philip Leverhulme Prize in recognition of my research achievements. In later 2017 I was appointed Fellow of the Young Academy of Europe, and awarded both the Royal Society of Edinburgh's Thomas Reid Medal for Excellence in Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, and the University of Edinburgh Chancellor’s Rising Star Award, in recognition of my research on Greek politics and law. I have been awarded (as Co-I, with Douglas Cairns PI) an ERC grant for the project 'Honour in Classical Greece' (2018-2023) and a second ERC grant (funded ultimately by UKRI), as PI, for a project on Class Struggle in Ancient Greek Democracy (2024-2029). In 2019 I was appointed a Member of Academia Europaea, and in 2022 Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh. I was Visiting Professor of Greek History at the Università degli Studi di Cagliari in 2017, Professeur Invité at the École des hautes études en sciences sociales in Paris in 2022, Visiting Professor of Historical Anthropology of the Ancient World at the Università degli Studi di Siena in 2023, and R.D. Milns Visiting Professor at the University of Queensland and Visiting Professor at the Turin Humanities Programme of the Compagnia di San Paolo in Turin in 2024. I am also, since 2023, a member of the European Network for the Study of Ancient Greek History (ENSAGH).
I have contributed columns on politics, culture and higher education for newspapers and magazines, most prominently for Il Fatto Quotidiano, an Italian national newspaper, and MicroMega, an Italian cultural magazine.
For my full profile, click here.
I am co-founder, with Lilah Grace Canevaro, of the Network for Working-Class Classicists, coming myself from a working-class background. For the website of the NWCC click here. We have produced (together with Bianca Mazzinghi Gori, Henry Stead and Eris Williams Reed) a UK Class in Classics Report, which we hope will shake up the discipline - in the UK and beyond. It is perhaps the achievement I am most proud of. Here it is:
I am Chair of the Classical Association of Scotland.
External appointments
Chair of the Classical Association of Scotland
Co-editor of the Edinburgh University Press series New Approaches to Ancient Greek Institutional History
Member of the editorial committee of L'Incidenza dell'antico. Dialoghi di Storia Greca
Member of the editorial committee of the Rivista di Diritto Ellenico
Member of the editorial committee of I Quaderni del Ramo d'Oro
Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh
Member of Academia Europaea
Member (Emeritus) of the Young Academy of Europe
Member (Emeritus) of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland
PhD, Department of Classics and Ancient History, Durham University (October 2008 – October 2011; awarded: 2012), 'The documents in the public speeches of Demosthenes: authenticity and tradition', supervised by Edward M. Harris and P. J. Rhodes, examined by Christopher Carey and Andrej Petrovic (passed without corrections).
MA in Filologia e Letterature dell'Antichità, Università degli Studi di Torino (October 2006 - July 2008), 'L’orazione demostenica Contro Leptine. Testo critico, traduzione e commento', supervised by Lucio Bertelli, 110/110 e lode con dignità di stampa.
BA in Lettere Classiche, Università degli Studi di Torino (October 2003 - October 2006), 'L’orazione demostenica Contro Timocrate. Traduzione e commento', supervised by Lucio Bertelli, 110/110 e lode.
Maturità Classica, Liceo Classico G. Plana (July 2003), 100/100 e lode
Responsibilities & affiliations
Chair of the Classical Association of Scotland (2023-...)
REF Classics UoA Coordinator, (2017-2021)
Director of Research, Department of Classics (2016-2021)
Treasurer of the Classical Association of Scotland (2015-2023)
HCA Postgraduate Recruitment Officer (2015-2016)
Co-Organizer of the Classics Research Seminars, School of History, Classics and Archaeology (2013-2016)
Member of the RSE Young Academy of Scotland (2014-2018) and Co-Chair of the Arts, Humanities and Society Working Group (2015-2018)
Undergraduate teaching
- Greek World 1A
- Greek World 1B
- Ancient History 2A
- Ancient History 2B
- Athenian Law and Economy
- Sparta and Crete
- Archaic Athens: Renaissance and Revolution
- Greek Prose Texts: Thucydides
- Honour in Ancient Greece
Postgraduate teaching
- Greek Text Seminar: Demosthenes Against Leptines
- Hellenistic Court and Society
- Classics Methodology Seminars
- Athenian Democracy and Modern Preoccupations
- Honour in Ancient Greece
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
- Giulia Fanesi - PhD - The Rule of Law in Ancient Greece and Rome: A Comparative Perspective on its Ancient Conceptualizations - Co-Supervisor
- Li Minghan - PhD - The class struggle in the manifestation of early Greek laws - Co-Supervisor
- Roberto Russo - PhD - Frontier democracies: class struggle and democratic experiences in colonial contexts - Co-Supervisor
- Veronica Capriotti - PhD - The role of the Navy and the Harbour in Class Struggle and Class-Formation in the Ancient World - Co-Supervisor
- Giulia La Cognata - PhD - Doctors Without Borders: The Professional and Social Identity of Physicians in the Greek World - Co-Supervisor
- Zizzari, Oliver - PhD - Dokimasia in the Greek poleis: institutions, practices, concepts, and ideology. - Primary supervisor
- Demartis, Matteo - PhD - Democracy under the spotlight. Political Participation in Hellenistic Democratic Decision-Making - Primary supervisor
- Terlexi, Natasha - PhD - Slaves and Women : Parallel lives in the formation of the Athenian Polis - Secondary supervisor
Past PhD students supervised
- Sakeshima, Kyohei - PhD - The Greeks and their Reception of the Persian Wars in the Hellenistic and Roman Periods (323 B.C. - A.D. 250) - Secondary supervisor
- Anastasiadis, Marios - PhD - Slavery, social mobility, and competency in Athenian society - Secondary supervisor
- Mazzinghi Gori, Bianca - PhD - Honour in the Oikos - Co-supervisor
- Rocchi, Linda - PhD - Honour and Atimia in Athenian Law and Society - Co-Supervisor
- Iacoviello, Antonio - PhD - The Text as Political Weapon: The Legacy of the Attic Orators in Early Hellenistic Athens (322-270 BCE) - Primary supervisor
- Li Mengyang - PhD - Men and (as) Gods in Greek Literature - Secondary supervisor
- Falco, Giacinto - PhD - A Historical Commentary of Demosthenes, Against Timarchus - Co-Supervisor
- Ellis, Sam - PhD - Sole rulership and its justification in the Greek poleis - Primary supervisor
- Begadano, Luca - PhD - Gli οἶκοι ad Atene al tempo della Guerra del Peloponneso: la definizione del concetto di οἶκος ἔρημος nella tragedia euripidea - Co-Supervisor
- Barbato, Matteo - PhD - Reading ideology through myth: a study on rhetoric and Athenian collective memory - Primary supervisor
- Esu, Alberto - PhD - Divided Power in Ancient Greece: Decision-Making and Institutions in the Classical and Hellenistic Polis - Primary supervisor
- Zanovello, Sara - PhD - Slavery and Manumission in the Greek World - Primary supervisor
- Zilong, Guo - PhD - A Commentary on the Pseudonymous Letters of Aeschines - Primary supervisor
Research summary
My early research, culminated in the publication of his first monograph (The Documents in the Attic Orators, OUP 2013), was on key documents about Athenian law and institutions. This work was the necessary underpinning for my wider work on Greek political, legal and economic institutions, particularly on the impact of political decision making and legislation on society more broadly. My extensive commentary of Demosthenes’ Against Leptines (De Gruyter 2016) sheds new light on Athenian politics, law and public economy. The study of the social and economic underpinnings of political institutions is also matched in my work by research into ancient philosophical reflections on these topics, culminated in co-authored commentaries of book IV and of books VII-VIII of Aristotle’s Politics. Further articles and edited volumes make contributions to the study of the legacy of Athenian thought, to intedisciplinary work in Greek history and the social sciences, and on a variety of topics from the status of slaves and freedmen in Athens all the way to the development of polis institutions in the Archaic period and of ideologies and practices of law-making vis-à-vis democratization.
I have worked with Douglas Cairns on a major project about honour (and inequality) in ancient Greece, funded by a grant of the European Research Council (2018-2023). My interest in these topics stems from research on the Athenian honour system and public economy for my commentary on Demosthenes’ Against Leptines. We broke new ground in ancient Greek social, political, and intellectual history by bringing recent findings on the links between economic inequality and its psycho-social effects to bear on the society, culture, and economy of classical Greece. Our aim was understand how the Greeks poleis, Greek society, and Greek authors responded to inequalities of wealth and their corresponding inequalities of status in the way that they lived their lives, developed their political and cultural institutions, and thought about issues of justice, equality, and social cohesion. This project aimed to relate what can be gleaned about the economic realities of the classical polis to the exploration of the interpersonal, social, and political tensions that such inequality will have created, with particular reference to Greek conceptions of honour and their role in Greek law, life, politics, and thought. Outcomes of this project (forthcoming or at an advanced stage of preparation) are monographs on subjective rights in ancient Athens, on Ancient Greek honour (with D. Cairns), and edited volumes on approaches to the study of honour in ancient societies (with D. Cairns, K. Mantzouranis, and M. Zaccarini) and on honour and slavery in Ancient Greece (with D. Cairns and D. Lewis).
Current research interests
I have started in September 2024 a new UKRI/ERC Frontier Grant on Class Struggle in Ancient Greek Democracy (2024-2029, following success in the ERC Consolidator compeitition. This project aims to put class at the centre of the historical reconstruction of ancient Greek democracy. It contends that class dynamics – grounded in the economic and occupational structures of the Greek cities, and manifesting themselves in the social, political, and cultural oppositions that characterised them – are fundamental for understanding the emergence, nature, and development of Greek democracies. This perspective finds much purchase in our sources, both in direct evidence for political struggles and in contemporary political reflection. Class, for instance, plays a central role in Aristotle’s analysis of contemporary politics. In his view, the citizenry of any polis could be divided into two parts, the rich and the poor, with further, complex subdivisions based on occupation, and he tightly links the constitution of any given city to the socio-economic organisation of its citizenry. For this keen observer of the politics of his day, then, thinking about Greek politics in terms of class is indispensable. Yet class has been all but abandoned as an explanatory concept by most modern scholars of ancient Greek politics, not to mention by social and economic historians. It is this project’s contention that a more flexible notion of class, integrating the best Marxist historiography with recent work in sociology, allows us to put this concept back where Aristotle placed it: at the heart of the analysis of ancient Greek politics and society. The project will explore the economic underpinnings of class relations in the Greek city-states; the cultural tastes and social lives of different groups, and how they were structured in opposition to one another; and how these class oppositions coalesced in certain political preferences and in particular ideological and institutional options. It aims to achieve nothing less than a revolutionary reconceptualisation of the driving dynamics of the society and politics of the ancient Greek city-states.PUBLICATIONS
Canevaro, M. and Bertelli, L. (2022) Aristotele, La Politica, Libro VII-VIII. Roma: L'Erma di Bretschneider
Canevaro, M. (2016) Demostene, Contro Leptine: Introduzione, Traduzione e Commento Storico. Berlin: De Gruyter
Canevaro, M., Besso, G., and Pezzoli, F. (2014) Aristotele, La Politica: Libro IV. Rome: L'Erma di Bretschneider
Canevaro, M. (2013) The Documents in the Attic Orators: Laws and Decrees in the Public Speeches of the Demosthenic Corpus. Oxford University Press
Edited volumes
Ando, C., Canevaro, M. and Straumann, B. (eds.) (forthcoming) The Cambridge History of Rights. Vol. 1: The Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Barbato, M., Canevaro, M. and Esu, A. (eds.) (forthcoming) Rediscovering Greek Institutions: New Institutionalist Approaches to Greek History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Canevaro, M. And Zizza, C. (eds.) (forthcoming) Guida alla Politica di Aristotele. Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider
Lewis, D.M., Canevaro, M. and Cairns, D.L. (eds.) (forthcoming) Slavery and Honour in the Ancient Greek World. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Bernhadt, J. and Canevaro, M. (eds.) (2022) From Homer to Solon: Continuity and Change in Archaic Greece. Leiden: Brill
Canevaro, M. and Viano, C. (eds.) (2021) Aitia. Le cause del conflitto tra storiografia e pensiero politico. Rome: Morcelliana
Canevaro, M., Erskine, A., Gray, B. and Ober, J. (eds.) (2018) Ancient Greek History and Contemporary Social Science. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Canevaro, M. and Gray, B. (eds.) (2018) The Hellenistic Reception of Classical Athenian Democracy and Political Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Canevaro, M., Poddighe, E., Bearzot, C. and Gargiulo, T. (eds.) (2018) Athenaion Politeiai Tra Storia, Politica e Sociologia: Aristotele e Pseudo-Senoforte. Milan: LED
Canevaro, M. and Harris, E.M. (eds) (2015), The Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press
Canevaro, M. (2024) The many Athens-es of modernity: some remarks on a new volume on the reception of Athenian democracy, Incidenza dell’Antico, 22
Canevaro, M. (2024) L’hybris degli oppressi: onore e controllo sociale nel mondo greco (e nel nostro), Rivista di Filologia e Istruzione Classica, 151(1)
Canevaro, M. and Lewis, D. M. (2023) Between ‘The character of the Athenian Empire’ and The Origins of the Peloponnesian War (and beyond): The Popularity of the Athenian Empire Revisited, Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 40(4)
Canevaro, M. (2023) Una élite arcobaleno: se le politiche di inclusion dimenticano la classe. MicroMega 6/2023, 47-58
Canevaro, M. and Esu, A. (2023) Once again on Aristotle and the identity of the Athenian nomothetai: A response to Gertrud Dietze-Mager. Erga-Logoi. Rivista di storia, letteratura, diritto e culture dell'antichità , 11, pp. 7-28
Cairns, D., Canevaro, M. and Mantzouranis, K. (2023) Recognition and redistribution in Aristotle’s account of stasis: a response to our critics. Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 40(3), pp. 349-368
Canevaro, M. and Harris, E.M. (2023) Towards a new text of Draco’s law on homicide. Revue des Études Grecques 136.1, pp. 1-52
Canevaro, M., Iacoviello, A. and Luraghi, N. (2023) Athens from the revolt against Demetrios to the Chremonidean War: Aristeides of Lamptrai in I.Rhamnous 404. Incidenza dell’Antico: Dialoghi di Storia Greca 20, pp. 71-102
Cairns, D., Canevaro, M. and Mantzouranis, K. (2022) Recognition and redistribution in Aristotle’s account of stasis. Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 39(1), pp. 1-34
Canevaro, M. (2021) Learning the classical languages: Elitism and inclusion. Quaderni Urbinati di Cultura Classica, 129(3), pp. 191-200
Cairns, D., Canevaro, M. and Mantzouranis, K. (2021) Aristotle on the causes of civil strife: Subjective dispositions, proportional justice and the ‘occasions’ of stasis. MAIA: Rivista di Letterature Classiche, LXXII(3), pp. 551-570
Canevaro, M. (2021) L’accusa pubblica di hybris contro gli schiavi: L’onore della vittima e l’onore dell’hybristes. Rivista di Diritto Ellenico, 9(2019), pp. 43-90
Canevaro, M. and Harris, E. (2021) The Authenticity of the Document at Demosth., In Mid. XXI.47. Rivista di Diritto Ellenico, 9(2019), pp. 91-108
Canevaro, M. (2020) On Dem. 24.20–23 and the so-called ἐπιχειροτονία τῶν νόμων: Some final clarifications in response to M. H. Hansen. Klio, 102(1), pp. 26-35
Canevaro, M. (2020) Ripensare da sinistra l’identità nazionale. MicroMega, 2020, pp. 180-196
Canevaro, M. (2020) Nomothesia e amministrazione finanziaria: Frammenti epigrafici di ‘costituzionalizzazione’ e sviluppo istituzionale nell’Atene di IV secolo. Historikà, 9, pp. 485-523
Canevaro, M. (2019) La délibération démocratique à l’Assemblée athénienne: Procédures et stratégies de légitimation. Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales, 74(2), pp. 339-381
Canevaro, M. (2018) What was the law of Leptines’ really about? Reflections on Athenian public economy and legislation in the fourth century BCE. Constitutional Political Economy, 29(4), pp. 440–464
Canevaro, M. (2018) I diritti come spazio di socialità. La lezione ateniese. MicroMega, Dicembre 2018
Canevaro, M. (2018) The authenticity of the document at Demosth. 24.20-3, the procedures of nomothesia and the so-called ἐπιχɛιροτονία τῶν νόμων. Klio, 100(1), pp. 70-124
Canevaro, M. (2018) The public charge for hubris against slaves: The honour of the victim and the honour of the hubristēs. The Journal of Hellenic Studies (JHS), 138, pp. 100-126
Canevaro, M. (2017) El imperio de la ley como criterio para la legitimidad política en las ciudades-Estado griegas. Revista Jurídica de Buenos Aires, 42(94), pp. 159-194
Canevaro, M. and Harris, E. (2017) The authenticity of the documents at Andocides' On the Mysteries 77-79 and 83-84. Dike, 19, pp. 9-49
Canevaro, M. (2017) The rule of law as the measure of political legitimacy in the Greek city states. Hague Journal on the Rule of Law, 9(2), pp. 211-236
Canevaro, M. (2016) The procedure of Demosthenes’ Against Leptines: How to repeal (and replace) an existing law. The Journal of Hellenic Studies (JHS), 136, pp. 39-58
Canevaro, M. and Lewis, D. (2014) Khôris oikountes and the obligations of freedmen in late-Classical and early-Hellenistic Athens. Incidenza dell’Antico: Dialoghi di Storia Greca, 12, pp. 91-121
Canevaro, M. and Rutter, K. (2014) Silver for Syracuse: The Athenian defeat and the “Signing Artists”. Schweizerische Numismatische Rundschau, 93, pp. 5-20
Canevaro, M. (2013) Nomothesia in classical Athens: what sources should we believe?. The Classical Quarterly, 63(1), pp. 139-160
Canevaro, M. (2013) Thieves, Parent Abusers, Draft Dodgers... and Homicides?: The authenticity of Dem. 24.105. Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, 62(1), pp. 25-47
Canevaro, M. and Harris, E. (2012) The documents in Andocides' On the Mysteries. The Classical Quarterly, 62(1), pp. 98-129
Canevaro, M. (2011) The twilight of nomothesia: legislation in early-Hellenistic Athens (322-301). Dike, 14, pp. 55-85
Canevaro, M. (2010) The Decree Awarding Citizenship to the Plataeans ([Dem.] 59.104). Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies, 50(3), pp. 337-369
Canevaro, M. (2009) L'accusa contro Leptine: Crisi economica e consenso post-bellico. In: Quaderni del Dipartimento di filologia linguistica e tradizione classica. Patron, pp. 117-141
Chapters in edited volumes
Canevaro, M. and Lewis, D.M. (forthcoming) Poverty, Race, and Ethnicity. In: Taylor, C. (ed.) A Cultural History of Poverty in Antiquity (500 BCE – 800 AD). London: Bloomsbury.
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) Institutions and Variations in Greek Democracy. In: Arena, V. and Robinson, E. (eds.) The Cambridge History of Democracy. Vol. 1: The Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) Vertical Honour vs Horizontal Honour: (In)equality, (Differential) Dignity and the Nature of Greek Oligarchia. In: Giangiulio, M. and Müller, C. (eds.), Greek Oligarchies (6th-1st c. BC). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) Deliberazione e consenso nell'Atene classica. In: D. Piovan (ed), Democrazia tra passato e futuro. Vicenza: Accademia Olimpica
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) Nomothesia and financial administration: 'constitutionalization' and institutional Development in fourth-century Athens. In: Barbato, M., Canevaro, M. and Esu, A. (eds.) Rediscovering Greek Institutions: New Institutionalist Approaches to Greek History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Canevaro, M., Barbato, M. and Esu, A. (forthcoming) Introduction. In: Barbato, M., Canevaro, M. and Esu, A. (eds.) Rediscovering Greek Institutions: New Institutionalist Approaches to Greek History. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Canevaro, M. and Rocchi, L. (forthcoming) Greek subjective rights? Justice, legal discourse, and legal institutions. In: Ando, C., Canevaro, M. and Straumann, B. (eds.) The Cambridge History of Rights. Vol. 1: The Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Canevaro, M., Ando, C. and Straumann, B. (forthcoming) Introduction. In: Ando, C., Canevaro, M. and Straumann, B. (eds.) The Cambridge History of Rights. Vol. 1: The Ancient World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) The hybris of the downtrodden: Honour and social control in ancient Greek society (and today). In: Cairns, D.L., Bouras, N. and Sadler-Smith, E. (eds.) Hubris, Ancient and Modern. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) Nativism vs. class denigration: Athenian autochthony between exclusion and inclusion. In: Bellomo, M., Cimino, A.M., Saldutti, V. and Zucchetti, E. (eds.) Class and Classics: Subalterns and the Production of Classical Culture. Berlin: De Gruyter.
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) Honour(s) for Citizens: Egalitarianism and Social Distinction in Democratic Athens. In: Cecchet, L. and Lasagni, C. (eds.) Citizenship Practised, Citizenship Imagined. Multiple Ways of Experiencing Citizenship in the Greek World. Stuttgart: Steiner.
Cairns, D.L., Canevaro, M. and Lewis, D.M. (forthcoming), Introduction. In: Lewis, D.M., Canevaro, M. and Cairns, D.L. (eds.) Slavery and Honour in the Ancient Greek World. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) Recognition and Imbalances of Power: Honour Relations and Slaves’ Claims vis-à-vis Their Masters. In: Lewis, D.M., Canevaro, M. and Cairns, D.L. (eds.) Slavery and Honour in the Ancient Greek World. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press
Canevaro, M. (forthcoming) La legge nella Politica (e oltre). In: Canevaro, M. and Zizza, C. (eds.) Guida alla Politica di Aristotele. Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider
Canevaro, M. And Zizza, C. (forthcoming) Introduzione. In: Canevaro, M. and Zizza, C. (eds.) Guida alla Politica di Aristotele. Roma: L’Erma di Bretschneider
Canevaro, M. (2025) Conclusion: Some Rules of Thumb in the Study of Athenian Forensic Oratory. In: E.M. Harris and A. Esu (eds.) Keeping to the Point in Athenian Forensic Oratory. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
Canevaro, M. (2023) La sovranità della legge come criterio di giudizio costituzionale – tra democrazia e oligarchia. Risposta a Robert Wallace. In: Scheibelreiter, P. (ed.) Symposion 2022: Vorträge zur griechischen und hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Gmunden, 21.–25 August 2022). Vienna: Österreichischen akademie der wissenschaften, pp. 11pp.
Canevaro, M. (2023) Politica, diritto e giustizia tra oralità e scrittura. In: Bettalli, M. and Giangiulio, M. (eds.) Atene. Guida alla città della democrazia (V-IV sec. a.C). Roma: Carocci, pp. 263-282
Canevaro, M. (2022) Social mobility vs. societal stability. Once again on the aims and meaning of Solon's reforms. In: Bernhardt, J. and Canevaro, M. (eds.) From Homer to Solon: Continuity and Change in Archaic Greece. Leiden: Brill, pp. 363-413
Bernhadt, J. and Canevaro, M. (2022) Introduction. In: Bernhardt, J. and Canevaro, M. (eds.) From Homer to Solon: Continuity and Change in Archaic Greece. Leiden: Brill, pp. 1-26
Canevaro, M. (2021) Upside-down hegemony? Ideology and power in ancient Athens. In: Zucchetti, E. and Cimino, A. (eds.) Antonio Gramsci and the Ancient World. London: Routledge, pp. 63-85
Canevaro, M. (2021) Demostene e la libertà greca, da Democare a Treves. In: Magnetto, A. (ed.) Piero Treves. Tra storia ellenistica e storia della cultura. Pisa: Edizioni della Normale, pp. 83-114
Canevaro, M. (2020) I diritti come spazio di socialità: La timē tra diritto e dovere. In: Camerotto, A. and Pontani, F. (eds.) Dike. Ovvero della giustizia tra l'Olimpo e la terra. Milano-Udine: Mimesis Edizioni, pp. 157-177
Canevaro, M. (2020) Mnemones. In: Brodersen, K., Erskine, A. and Hollander, D. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Ancient History. Wiley-Blackwell
Canevaro, M. (2020) The documents in the Attic orators from antiquity to early-modern scholarship: Early antiquarians and unintentional forgers. In: Gielen, E. and Papy, J. (eds.) Falsifications and Authority in Antiquity, the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Brussels: Brepols, pp. 21.54.
Canevaro, M. (2019) Conclusive remarks. In: Giangiulio, M., Franchi, E. and Proetti, G. (eds.) Commemorating War and War Dead: Ancient and Modern. Steiner Verlag, pp. 337-344
Canevaro, M. (2019) Courage in war and the courage of the war dead: Ancient and modern reflections. In: Giangiulio, M., Proietti, G. and Franchi, E. (eds.) Commemorating War and War Dead: Ancient and Modern. Stuttgart: Steiner Verlag, pp. 187-206
Canevaro, M. (2019) Honorary decrees and νόμοι ἐπ᾽ ἀνδρί: On IG II3 1 327; 355; 452. In: Pepe, L. and Gagliardi, L. (eds.) Dike: Essays on Greek Law in Honour of Alberto Maffi. Milan: Giuffre Editore Milano, pp. 71-86
Canevaro, M. (2019) Athenian constitutionalism: Nomothesia and the graphe nomon me epitedeion theinai. In: Thür, G. and Yiftach-Firanko, U. (eds.) Symposion 2017: Vortrage Zur Griechischen Und Hellenistischen Rechtsgeschichte (Tel Aviv, 20.-23. August 2017). Austrian Academy of Sciences Press, pp. 65-98
Canevaro, M. (2019) Memory, the orators and the public in fourth-century BC Athens. In: Castagnoli, L. and Ceccarelli, P. (eds.) Greek Memories: Theories and Practices. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 136-157
Canevaro, M. (2018) Law and justice. In: Martin, G. (ed.) The Oxford Handbook of Demosthenes. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 73-85
Canevaro, M. (2018) Laws against laws: The Athenian ideology of legislation. In: Carey, C., Giannadaki, I. and Griffith-Williams, B. (eds.) Use and Abuse of Law in Athenian Courts. Leiden: Brill, pp. 271-292
Canevaro, M. (2018) Majority rule vs. consensus: The practice of democratic deliberation in the Greek Poleis. In: Canevaro, M., Erksine, A., Gray, B. and Ober, J. (eds.) Ancient Greek History and Contemporary Social Science. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 101-156
Canevaro, M. (2018) Demosthenic influences in early rhetorical education: Hellenistic rhetores and Athenian imagination. In: Canevaro, M. and Gray, B. (eds.) The Hellenistic Reception of Classical Athenian Democracy and Political Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 62-92
Canevaro, M. and Gray, B. (2018) Introduction. In: Canevaro, M. and Gray, B. (eds.) The Hellenistic Reception of Classical Athenian Democracy and Political Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-20
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Canevaro, M. (2015) Making and changing laws in ancient Athens. In: Canevaro, M. and Harris, E. (eds.) Oxford Handbook of Ancient Greek Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 1-29