Miranda Heath
PhD Psychology

- Psychology
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
- College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Contact details
- Email: s2001028@sms.ed.ac.uk
2nd year PhD student in social/moral psychology
MSc Mind, Language and Embodied Cognition - The University of Edinburgh
BSc (Hons) Psychology - The University of Plymouth
Research summary
My work seeks to disentangle the influence of individualist and neoliberal ideology from altruism, pro-social behaviour and moral circle research. I hope this will help us to better understand collective moral regard and behaviour and, in turn, better equip us to tackle existential collective action problems such as the climate emergency and pandemics.
Current research interests
Ideology and its influence on knowledge production, post-positivist and critical realist methodologies, collective action and social change, moral expansiveness, moral regard for villains, guilt and forgiveness, philosophy of psychology, sociology of scientific knowledgePast research interests
Non-directed (altruistic) kidney donationConference details
Lloyd, H., & Heath, M. A spotlight on safeguarding in trainee selection: The Plymouth programmes experience of safer recruitment. Plymouth, UK, 2018.
Heath, M. ‘I’m not exceptional’: How unspecified kidney donors construct their identity. BPS South West Undergraduate Psychology Conference, Plymouth, UK, Mar 2018.
Tim, A., Williams, L., & Heath, M. Unspecified kidney donor’s constructions of family: A membership categorisation analysis. CACE, Bristol, July 2017.
Contributer to Presented Work
Neve H, Hanks S. Heath M, & Smith W. “Today’s shook me up a lot inside…it’s definitely changed me”: Emotional responses and transformative learning through working with disadvantaged communities. AMEE Virtual Conference, Sep 2020.
Leyland R, Neve H, Heath M, Collett T, & Drake E. Preparedness for 2020 and beyond: final year students’ reflections on troublesome and important thresholds they have crossed. AMEE Virtual Conference, Sep 2020.
Smith W, Heath M, Neve H, & Hanks S. Transformational Learning in Community Settings. British Association for the Study of Community Dentistry Spring Scientific Meeting Addressing inequalities: Celebrating improvement, Cardiff, UK, Apr 2020.
Leyland R, Maynard V, Heath M, & Neve H. A different kind of conversation: supporting students to become shared decision makers through guided reflection on experience. 8th International Clinical Skills Conference, Prato, Italy, May 2019.