Min Yue
Teaching Fellow in Chinese

Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0) 131 650 4231
- Email: min.yue@ed.ac.uk
- Asian Studies
- School of Literatures, Languages, and cultures
- Street
Room 4.17
40 George Square
Edinburgh - City
- Post code
- EH8 9LD
Min Yue worked for several years as an English and Chinese teacher in China, after completing her BA in Language Teaching Methodology. She moved to the UK in 2009 to undertake an MA in Chinese/English Interpreting at Middlesex University, under the UK’s leading Chinese interpreter Dr Kevin Lin. Following a spell as an Interpreter and translator, Yue Min moved back into Chinese language teaching, working as a Chinese language teacher and programme leader for the University of East London and a language teacher at London School of Economics. She became a full time Teaching Fellow at the University of Edinburgh in 2017, has been working as Course organizers for many different courses, including Chinese degree course: Chinese 2A and non-degree Chinese courses like Foundation Chinese Language 1, 2, 3, 4, as well as Foundation Chinese-English course. She was also the coordinator for Chinese Foundation Language Programme between 2021 to 2023, in charge of 8 different Foundation courses. Her Chinese degree course -- Chinese 2A was nominated twice as 'outstanding course' in 2020-21 and 2021-22.
Her research interests lie in the fields of Language Teaching Methodology and Technology Enhanced Learning in language teaching.
Undergraduate teaching
She has been teaching and has taught the following classes/courses:
Chinese 1 NPCR Textbook (integrated skills class)
Chinese 2A Listening/Chinese for Year Abroad
Chinese 2A Reading and Writing
Chinese 2A Grammar
Chinese 2C Reading and Writing
Chinese 2C Listening/Chinese for Year Abroad
Chinese 4A Extensive Reading
Foundation Chinese Language 1
Foundation Chinese Language 2
Foundation Chinese Language 3
Postgraduate teaching
Chinese Language 1A: Oral Tutorial
Chinese Language 1B: NPCR Tutorial
Chinese Language Advanced 1: Extensive Reading
Chinese Language Intermediate 1A: Reading and Writing
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Research summary
Yue Min’s areas of interest and research include:
* Online and blended learning.
* Flipped Learning in Higher Education language teaching.
* Task Based Learning in language teaching.
* Innovating feedback on student written work through Screen Capture software.
* Improving tutor-student dialogue via Online Student Response Systems such as Socrative.
Project activity
In 2018, she received funding through the School(LLC) and designed 'Chinese Summer Online Course 1' which was a pioneer project in Asian Studies. This summer online course was for supporting Chinese degree students to continue their study during the summer period.
Conference details
She was one of three key speakers for an online assessment workshop on 28/01/2022: The Design and Use of Digital Assessment in Chinese Language Courses. This workshop was jointly organised by Confucius Institute of Scotland, the University of Edinburgh, and the British Chinese Language Teaching Society, was opened to all teachers from UK schools and universities.
1. Screen Capture Technology: 10 useful ways to hep your teaching more effective 26/06/2019
2. Quizlet and Quizlet Live: Make your classroom more fun and interactive 21/05/2021
3. How to use Learn-test for your online assessment 26/10/2021
4. A case study: Using Google Forms to conduct Chinese 2A online replacement test (was opened to all UK school and university teachers) 28/01/2022