Miguel Ángel Moreno-Ibáñez
Teaching Fellow in Human Osteoarchaeology

- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Contact details
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School of History, Classics and Archaeology, William Robertson Wing, Old Medical School, Teviot Place (Room 3.15)
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- EH8 9AG
Students drop-in hours: Monday and Wednesday 4-5 pm (Semester 2)
I studied a BSc in History at the Univeridad de Castilla-La Mancha (Ciudad Real, Spain) from 2013-2017, participating from the beginning as a volunteer in numerous archaeological excavations in Spain, including funerary contexts from Neolithic to Iron Age. Then I completed a MSc in Quaternary Archaeology and Human Evolution at the Universitat Rovira I Virgili (Tarragona, Spain), when I also did an Erasmus at the National Museum of Natural History (MNHN) and the Institute of Human Paleontology (IPH) in Paris (France). During my Master's studies I began to specialise int he taphonomic study of archaeological human remains, studying a burial cave from Late Neolithic in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula.
I did my PhD in Quaternary and Prehistory between 2019 and 2023 at the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution (IPHES) in Tarragona (Spain). My PhD focused on the taphonomic, anthropological and paleopathological study of collective burials in the north-east of the Iberian Peninsula from Neolithic to Bronze Age. During my doctoral studies, in addition to publish scientific papers and participating in conferences, I have been involved in different research projects and I have co-directed archaeological fieldwork interventions in Catalonia (Spain). Also, in 2022 I did a three-month research stay at the University of Edinburgh, in the School of History, Classics and Archaeology.
Currently, I am Teaching Fellow in Human Osteoarchaeology at the School of History, Classics and Archaeology (Edinburgh), teaching in the MSc Human Osteoarchaeology programme and BSc Archaeology subject area.
Undergraduate teaching
Ancient Bodies: Archaeological Human Remains in their Social and Cultural Context [ARCA10099] (course organiser)
Archaeology 1A [ARCA08004] (contributor)
Archaeology 1B [ARCA08005] (contributor)
Archaeology 2A: Scotland before History [ARCA08013] (contributor)
Archaeology 2B: Archaeology in Action [ARCA08012] (contributor)
The Human Skeleton in Archaeology and Forensic Science: Investigating Death and the Dead [ARCA08014] (contributor)
Postgraduate teaching
Analytical Methods in Human Osteoarchaeology [PGHC11464] (course organiser)
Skeletal Pathology [PGHC11231] (course organiser)
Social Bioarchaeology: Living Conditions, Lifestyles and the Impact of Disease in the Past [PGHC11494] (course organiser)
Conflict Archaeology: Materialities of Violence [PGHC11448] (contributor)
Human Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy [PGHC11367] (demonstrator)
Research summary
Taphonomy and paleopathology of human remains from Prehistoric collective burials, especially commingled and disarticulated assemblages. My main research interest is the study of funerary practices and taphonomic disturbance of burials, and paleopathological analysis of human remains, with special interest in traumatic injuries resulting from interpersonal violence. I have studied human remains from funerary caves in the Northeast of the Iberian Peninsula (Catalonia, Spain), with a chronology of Neolithic, Chalcolithic and Bronze Age, periods in which collective burials are common in most of Europe.
PhD dissertation: Forensic taphonomic study of sepulchral caves in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula: Funerary practices and interpersonal violence between the Neolithic and Bronce Age (Cova Foradada and Roc de les Orenetes)
- Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Del Valle, H., Ramírez-Pedraza, I., Soler, R., Díez-Canseco, C., Carbonell, E. and Tornero, C. (2024c). L'enterrament col·lectiu del Roc de les Orenetes: últims avenços I estat de preservació del conjunt ossi. In: Burch, J., Codina, F., Buxó, R., Frigola, J., Fuertes, M., Mataró, M. and Cortal, E. (Eds.), Dissetenes Jornades d'Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona (83-87). http://hdl.handle.net/10687/455984
- Soler, R., Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Trujillo, J.A., Carbonell, E. and Tornero, C. (2024). Intervenció a la Cova del Cingle del Cullell (Queralbs, Ripollès): campanya 2023. In: Burch, J., Codina, F., Buxó, R., Frigola, J., Fuertes, M., Mataró, M. and Cortal, E. (Eds.), Dissetenes Jornades d'Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona (88-90). http://hdl.handle.net/10687/455984
- Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Hernando, R., Yustos, M., Willman, J.C. and Vergès, J.M. (2024b). Re-evaluating the human remains from El Bosquet cave (Mont-ral, Tarragona, Spain): healed trauma and forgotten past. Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 82(1). https://doi.org/10.1127/anthranz/2024/1782
- Hernando, R., Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Carbonell, E., Cebrià, A., Daura, J., Díez-Canseco, C., Edo, M., Fullola, J.M., Morales, J.I., Oms, F.X., Ramírez-Pedraza, I., Sanz, M., Subirá, M.E., Tornero, C., Vergès, J.M. and Lozano, M. (2024). Eating through time: Understanding dietary practices across late prehistory in the northeastern Iberian Peninsula. American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 184(4), e24950. doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24950
- Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Saladié, P., Ramírez-Pedraza, I., Díez-Canseco, C., Fernández-Marchena, J.L., Soriano, E., Carbonell, E., Tornero, C. (2024a). Death in the high mountains: Evidence of interpersonal violence during Late Chalcolithic – Early Bronze Age at Roc de les Orenetes (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain). American Journal of Biological Anthropology, 184(1), e24909. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajpa.24909
Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Hernando, R. and Lozano, M. (2023b). Studio antropologico e paleopatologico dei resti umani di Vallone Inferno. In: Forgia, V., Ollé, A. and Vergès, J.M. (Eds.), Il riparo di Vallone Inferno (Madonie, Sicilia). Attività umana, ambiente e paesaggio negli ultimi settemila anni (115-119). BAR Publishing, Oxford.
Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Fibiger, L. and Saladié, P. (2023a). Unraveling Neolithic sharp-blunt cranial trauma: Experimental approach throguh synthetic analogues. Journal of Archaeological Science, 151: 105739. doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2023.105739
Valtierra, N., Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Rodríguez-Hidalgo, A., Díaz-Cortés, A. and López-Polín, L. (2023). Between grooves and pits: Trephic modifications resulting from air-scribe cleaning of archaeological bone. J. of Archaeol Science, 160: 105882. doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2023.105882
Marginedas, F., Saladié, P., Rodríguez-Hidalgo, A. and Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á. (2022). Cannibalism at El Mirador Cave: Characterization of the Processing of Human Bodies. In: Allué, E., Martín, P. and Vergès, J.M. (Eds.), Prehistoric Herders and Farmers: Interdisciplinary Contributions to Archaeology. Springer, Cham. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-12278-1_10
Ramírez-Pedraza, I., Díaz-Canseco, C., Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Soler, R., Carbonell, E. and Tornero, C. (2022). Intervencions al Roc de les Orenetes (Queralbs, Ripollès): campanyes 2020-2021. In: Burch, J., Buxó, R., Frigola, J., Fuertes, M. and Mataró, M. (Eds.), Setzenes Jornades d’Arqueologia de les Comarques de Girona (74-77). http://hdl.handle.net/10687/439098
Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Saladié, P., Morales, J.I., Cebrià, A. and Fullola, J.M. (2022). Inhumation and cremation: identifying funerary practices and reuse of space through forensic taphonomy at Cova Foradada (Calafell, Spain). Arch. and Anthrop. Sc., 14: 57. doi.org/10.1007/s12520-022-01530-5
Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á., Saladié, P., Morales, J.I., Cebrià, A. and Fullola, J.M. (2021). Was it an axe or an adze? A cranial trauma case study from the Late Neolithic – Chalcolithic site of Cova Foradada (Calafell, Spain). Int. J. of Paleopathology, 32, 23–30. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijpp.2020.11.002
Moreno-Ibáñez, M.Á. (2020). Tafonomía forense de contextos funerarios arqueológicos. Arkeogazte, 10: 223-240. ISSN-e 2174-856X