Marios Anastasiadis (A.G. Leventis Scholar 2020-23)
Thesis title: Greek Slavery and Social Mobility, 800-300 B.C.

PhD supervisors:
By appointment
My doctoral thesis (defended in April 2024) aims to reintegrate slaves as actors into our understanding of ancient Greece, particularly in economic terms. Through a bottom-up perspective it argues that one’s status as slave need not be equated to the negation of the capacity for agency and, as American historian Ira Berlin reminds us, like all human history, slaves' history must deal not only with what was done to them but also what they did for themselves. This framework is applied to the investigation of slaves in archaic Greece, classical Sparta, classical Crete, and classical Athens, with an emphasis on the tools they used to affirm their humanity and negotiate, improve, and exit their condition.
I have received generous funding from the A.G. Leventis Foundation and most recently the Economic History Society. With the help of a Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst scholarship I spent 2022/3 at the Institut für Geschichtswissenschaften of Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
In my spare time I collect rare and signed slavery books - or bother authors for their signature.
M.A. Classics (Durham)
Responsibilities & affiliations
A.G. Leventis Foundation Scholar (2020-23)
Economic History Society Bursary (2022-23)
Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst Scholar (2022-23)
Edinburgh Centre for Global History, Affiliate PhD Researcher
Economic History Society, Member
Conference details
19/07/2023 ‘Greek Slavery and Social Mobility, 800-350 BC', Althistorisches Colloquium, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
20/02/2023 ‘Helotage and Social Mobility in Classical Sparta', Ancient Slavery Group, University of Oxford
06/05/2022 ‘Archaic Greek Slavery and Social Mobility’, Global Histories of Slavery Workshop with Prof. Indriani Chettarjee, Edinburgh Centre for Global History
10/04/2022 ‘Slave Agency and Business in Hypereides, Against Athenogenes’, Classical Association Annual Conference; Panel with Prof. Deborah Kamen, Dr. Jason Porter, Ms. Natasha Terlexi
13/11/2021 ‘An unnamed slave boy and his power in 4th century BC Athens’, Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World, Columbia University
15/10/2021 ‘Slavery and Social Mobility: the chaîne opératoire of a perfume business as a case study’, Edinburgh Slavery Research Group, University of Edinburgh
1) (with David Lewis), 'The inside woman: A new solution to the riddle of the endothidia dola (IC IV 72 II 11–16)', Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik vol 232 (2024): 129-41.
2) 'Slave Medical Treatment in Classical Greece Before and After the Slave Market', Historia vol 74.2 (2025): 130-60.
3) (with Jason Porter; submitted), 'A Claim to the Land? The Relationship of Enslaved Stewards to the Land in Ancient Greece', in A. Kourkoulakos and V. Balaskas (eds), Claiming the Land: From Antiquity to the Modern Day. Bloomsbury.