Marieke Woensdregt
PhD Linguistics & English Language

- Centre for Language Evolution
- Linguistics and English Language
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
Contact details
- Street
Room 1.15, Dugald Stewart Building
- City
- 3 Charles Street, Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9AD
I'm a 3rd year PhD student in the Centre for Language Evolution at the University of Edinburgh, supervised by Simon Kirby, Kenny Smith, and Chris Cummins. In my PhD I use agent-based models to formalise and explore the hypothesis that language and mindreading (a.k.a. theory of mind) have co-evolved. More specifically, I explore under what circumstances such a co-evolution could have come off the ground, given certain sets of assumptions about how agents communicate and learn, and what cognitive biases and external pressures play a role.

Research summary
Origins of Language; Evolution of Language; Cultural Evolution; Co-evolution; Theory of Mind; Agent-based Modelling; Bayesian Models